Prosper Chemouil

Membre associé
Office: 33.1.28A

Prosper Chemouil is an Adjunct Senior Researcher in the "Networks & IoT Systems" (ROC) at Cedric, Cnam in Paris, France. He is retired of Orange Labs, the R&D Unit of the Orange Group, where he was a Research Director and Chief Scientist on Future Networks. In his last position, he was the Expert Program Leader on Future Networks for the whole Orange Group. He is remaining active in the networking community, mostly steering research at global level. His research interests are with the design and management of new networks and technologies and their impact on network architecture, traffic engineering and control, and performance, with significant involvement in standardization at ITU-T for 25 years. For several years, he has been then focusing on cognitive management and network softwarization. In 2016, he has become the Co-Chair of the IEEE SDN Initiative and is now a member of the IEEE ComSoc Industry Communities Board and Industry Outreach Board, representing the SDN/NFV/Cloud area. Within the IEEE SDN Initiative, he launched NetSoft, the IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization, in 2015. He has been involved as the general or TPC co-chair in many events dealing with network performance and management. He has also served as a Board Member, an Associate Editor, and the Guest Editor of various journals, including IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications, IEEE Networks, and Annals of Telecommunications. Prosper received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in control theory from École Centrale de Nantes, in 1976 and 1978, respectively. He was a recipient of several awards, such as the Blondel Medal in 1996, the Ampère Medal in 2003, the Salah Aidarous Memorial Award in 2014, and Arne Jensen Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015. Lately he was the recipient of the 2023 Harold Sobol Award from IEEE Communications Society. He was a nominee as French Senior Engineer of the Year in 1995 and became a Fellow of France Telecom R&D in 1998. He is a Life Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of SEE, the French Society of Electrical and Electronical Engineers.


Articles de conférence

  1. Yellas, N-E.; Choi, J.; Chemouil, P.; Secci, S. and Medhi, D. Network Slice Robustness with Function Sets. In NOMS 2024-2024 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, pages 1-9, IEEE, Séoul, South Korea, 2024. doi  www 

Actes de colloque

  1. Mu~noz, R.; Mahmoodi, T.; Chemouil, P.; Tornatore, M.; Fajjari, I.; Troia, S. and Nguyen, T-M. Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on the Network of the Future. IEEE, 2024. www 
  1. Chemouil, P.; Médard, M.; Brunstrom, A.; Fitzek, F. H P and Stanica, R. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet 2024). IEEE, 2024. www 
  1. Chemouil, P.; Martini, B.; Machuca, C. M.; Papadimitriou, P.; Borsatti, D. and Rovedakis, S. Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks. IEEE, 2024. www 


Actes de colloque

  1. Chemouil, P.; Sayit, M.; Fu, X.; Naboulsi, D.; c Cetinkaya, C. and Stanica, R. Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on the Network of the Future. IEEE, 2023. www 
  1. Boutaba, R.; Chemouil, P.; Limam, N.; Ghaderi, M.; Badonnel, R. and Fulber-Garcia, V. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management. IEEE, 2023. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Clemm, A.; Maier, G. and Chemouil, P. 8th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization 2022 (IEEE NetSoft 2022), Milan, Italy. In IEEE Communications Magazine, 60 (12): 13, 2022. doi  www 
  1. Kukli'nski, S.; Szczypiorski, K. and Chemouil, P. UAV Support for Mission Critical Services. In Energies, 15 (15): 5681, 2022. doi  www 

Actes de colloque

  1. Clemm, A.; Maier, G.; Machuca, C. M.; Ramakrishnan, K.K.; Risso, F.; Chemouil, P. and Limam, N. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2022). IEEE, Milan, Italy, 2022. www 
  1. Varga, P.; Granville, L. Z.; Galis, A.; Limam, N.; Chemouil, P.; Franc cois, J. and Pahl, M-O. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2022). IEEE, Budapest, Hungary, 2022. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Kuklinski, S.; Tomaszewski, L.; Kolakowski, R. and Chemouil, P. 6G-LEGO: A framework for 6G network slices. In Journal of Communications and Networks, 23 (6): 442-453, 2021. doi  www 
  1. Anerousis, N.; Chemouil, P.; Lazar, A.; Mihai, N. and Weinstein, S. The Origin and Evolution of Open Programmable Networks and SDN. In Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Communications Society, 23 (3): 1956-1971, 2021. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Kuklinski, S.; Chen, T.; Kolakowski, R.; Tomaszewski, L. and Chemouil, P. On the Need of MANO Evolution in the Context of Network Slicing. In EuCNC & 6G Summit 2021, Porto, Portugal, 2021. www 

Actes de colloque

  1. Chemouil, P.; Ulema, M.; Clayman, S.; Sayit, M.; c Cetinkaya, C. and Secci, S. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management. IEEE, Izmir, 2021. www 
  1. Machuca, C. M.; Martins, L.; Sargento, S.; Wauters, T.; Jorge, M. L.; Salhab, N. and Chemouil, P. Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on the Network of the Future. IEEE, Coimbra, 2021. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Chemouil, P.; Hui, P.; Kellerer, W.; Limam, N.; Stadler, R. and Wen, Y. Guest Editorial Special Issue on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Networking. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 38 (10): 2229-2233, 2020. doi  www 

Actes de colloque

  1. Chemouil, P.; Krief, F.; Hossfeld, T.; Ahmed, T.; Stanica, R. and Secci, S. Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on the Network of the Future. IEEE, Bordeaux, 2020. www 
  1. Chemouil, P.; de Turck, F.; Wauters, T.; Zhani, M. F.; Cerroni, W. and Pasquini, R. 2020 6th IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization. IEEE, Ghen t/ Virtual, 2020. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Kellerer, W.; Chemouil, P.; Kamiyama, N.; Martini, B.; Pasquini, R.; Schembra, G.; Schmid, S.; Faten Zhani, M. and Zinner, T. Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Latest Developments for the Management of Softwarized Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 16: 1297-1302, 2019. doi  www 
  1. Ciavaglia, L.; Chemouil, P. and Maggs, B. Techniques for smart and secure 5G softwarized networks. In Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, 74 (9-10): 543-544, 2019. doi  www 
  1. Chemouil, P.; Hui, P.; Kellerer, W.; Li, Y.; Stadler, R.; Wen, Y. and Zhang, Y. Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Networking and Communications. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 37 (6): 1185-1191, 2019. doi  www 

Actes de colloque

  1. de Turck, F.; Jacquenet, C.; Chemouil, P.; Festor, O.; Cerroni, W. and Secci, S. 5th IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization, NetSoft 2019, Paris, France. , Paris, France, 2019. www 
  1. Chemouil, P.; Teresa, G.; Schupke, D. A.; Tipper, D.; Jorge, M. L. and Melo, P. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Design of Reliable Communication Networks. IEEE, Coimbra, 2019. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Kellerer, W.; Boutaba, R.; Chemouil, P.; Pasquini, R.; Schembra, G.; Schmid, S.; Scott-Hayward, S. and Shiomoto, K. Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Novel Techniques for Managing Softwarized Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 15 (4): 1192-1196, 2018. doi  www 

Actes de colloque

  1. Chemouil, P.; Limam, N.; Assi, C.; Zambenedetti Granville, L.; Ben Yahia, I. G.; Riggio, R. and Raniery Paula dos Santos, C. Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization. IEEE, Montreal, 2018. www 
  1. Chemouil, P.; Maggs, B. and Ciavaglia, L. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks. IEEE, Paris, France, 2018. www 
  1. Idzikowski, F. and Chemouil, P. Proceedings of NoF 2018. IEEE, Poznan, Poland, 2018. www 


Articles de revue

  1. de Turck, F.; Chemouil, P.; Kellerer, W.; Boutaba, R.; Shiomoto, K.; Riggio, R. and Pasquini, R. Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on Advances in Management of Softwarized Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 14 (4): 786-791, 2017. doi  www 
  1. Hossfeld, T. and Chemouil, P. 2016 International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 28) Report. In Computer Communication Review, 47 (2): 30-35, 2017. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Bendriss, J.; Grida Ben Yahia, I.; Chemouil, P. and Zeghlache, D. AI for SLA management in programmable networks. In DRCN 2017 : 13th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks, pages 130-137, VDE, Munich, Germany, 2017. www 

Actes de colloque

  1. Chemouil, P.; Simoes, P.; Secci, S.; Luciano, G.; Monteiro, E.; Edmundo, M. and Carlos, S. Proceedings of the 2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM) Conference. , Lisbon, Portugal, 2017. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. de Turck, F.; Chemouil, P.; Boutaba, R.; Yu, M.; Rothenberg, C. E. and Shiomoto, K. Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on Management of Softwarized Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 13 (3): 362-365, 2016. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Chatras, B.; Barthel, D.; Bertin, E.; Bertin, P.; Chemouil, P.; Guillemin, F. and Jacquenet, C. Softwarisation et Webification, la révolution logicielle des réseaux. In De nouvelles architectures de communication, Paris, France, 2016. www 

Actes de colloque

  1. Chemouil, P.; Pattavina, A.; Gourdin, E. and Secci, S. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks, DRCN 2016. , 2016. doi  www 


  1. Manzalini, A.; Buyukkoc, C.; Chemouil, P.; Kuklinski, S.; Callegati, F.; Galis, A.; Odini, M-P.; I, C-L.; Huang, J.; Bursell, M.; Crespi, N.; Healy, E. and Sharrock, S. Towards 5G software-defined ecosystems. Technical Report, Dépt. Réseaux et Service Multimédia Mobiles (Institut Mines-Télécom-Télécom SudParis) ; Services répartis, Architectures, MOdélisation, Validation, Administration des Réseaux (Institut Mines-Télécom-Télécom SudParis-CNRS) ; University College of London [London] (.) ; Hewlett Packard Enterprise (Hewlett Packard) ; China Mobile Research Institute (China Mobile) ; Intel UK (Intel) ; Department of electrical, electronic and information engineering ''GUGLIELMO MARCONI'' (Universit`a di Bologna [Bologna]) ; Future Centre (Telecom Italia) ; pdvWireless (.) ; Telemates UK (Telemates) ; Orange Labs ; AT&T Labs Research (AT&T), 2016.


Articles de revue

  1. de Turck, F.; Boutaba, R.; Chemouil, P.; Bi, J. and Westphal, C. Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on Efficient Management of SDN/NFV-Based Systems-Part I. In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 12 (1): 1-3, 2015. doi  www 
  1. de Turck, F.; Boutaba, R.; Chemouil, P.; Bi, J. and Westphal, C. Guest Editors' Introduction: Special issue on efficient management of SDN/NFV-based systems - Part II. In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 12 (2): 114-116, 2015. doi  www 

Actes de colloque

  1. Chemouil, P.; Pavlou, G.; Boutaba, R. and Galis, A. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization. IEEE, London, France, 2015. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Chemouil, P. Information-centric networking beyond baseline scenarios: research advances and implementation [Guest Editorial]. In IEEE Network, 28 (3): 2-3, 2014. doi  www 
  1. Kuklinski, S. and Chemouil, P. Network Management Challenges in Software-Defined Networks. In IEICE Transactions on Communications, E97.B (1): 2-9, 2014. doi  www 


  1. Antonio, M.; Saracco, R.; Chemouil, P.; Buyukkoc, C.; Kuklinski, S.; Gladisch, A.; Fukui, M.; Dekel, E.; Soldani, D.; Ulema, M.; Cerroni, W.; Callegati, F.; Schembra, G.; Riccobene, V.; Machuca, C. M.; Galis, A. and Mueller, J. Software-Defined Networks for Future Networks and Services: Main Technical Challenges and Business Implications. , 2014. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Meriau, I.; Bouillon, M.; Chemouil, P. and Lac, C. Les réseaux de télécommunications du futur: enjeux et évolution `a un horizon de 5 `a 10 ans. In La Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique, 2013. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Pentikousis, K.; Chemouil, P.; Nichols, K.; Pavlou, G. and Massey, D. Information-centric networking [Guest editorial]. In IEEE Communications Magazine, 50 (7): 22-25, 2012. doi  www 
  1. Pentikousis, K.; Chemouil, P.; Nichols, K. and Pavlou, G. Information-centric networking: part II [Guest Editorial]. In IEEE Communications Magazine, 50 (12): 15-17, 2012. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Venmani, D. P.; Gourhant, Y.; Reynaud, L.; Chemouil, P. and Zeghlache, D. Substitution networks based on software defined networking. In ADHOCNETS '12 : 4th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks, pages 242-259, Springer, Paris, France, 2012. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Ahlgren, B.; Aranda, P. A.; Chemouil, P.; Correia, L. M.; Karl, H.; S"ollner, M. and Welin, A. Content, Connectivity, and Cloud: Ingredients for the Network of the Future. In IEEE Communications Magazine: 62-70, 2011. doi  www 
  1. Chemouil, P.; Menth, M.; Medhi, D. and Guillemin, F. Design and performance of future networks. In Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, 66 (1-2): 1-3, 2011. doi  www 


  1. Chemouil, P.; Mehaoua, A.; Festor, O. and Lupu, E. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2011). IEEE, 2011. www 



  1. Chemouil, P.; Kofman, D.; Guillemin, F. and Menth, M. Proceedings of the 21st International Teletraffic Congress. , 2009. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Chemouil, P. Management and service-aware networking architectures (MANA) for future Internet: System functions, capabilities and requirementsPosition paper. In 2009 Fourth International Conference on Communications and Networking in China. CHINACOM 2009, IEEE, Xian, China, 2009. doi  www 



  1. Chemouil, P. and Ouorou, A. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Design and Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN '07). IEEE, 2007. www 
  1. Chemouil, P.; Mouftah, H.; Aguiar, R. L. and Kumar, A. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC '07). IEEE, 2007. www 

Actes de colloque

  1. Mammeri, Z.; Chemouil, P.; Lorenz, P. and Gravey, A. 4th European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN'07). IEEE, Toulouse, France, 2007. www 



  1. Chemouil, P.; Kabacinski, W.; Oki, E. and Thompson, R. A. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR '06). IEEE, 2006. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Ash, G. R. and Chemouil, P. 20 Years of Dynamic Routing in Telephone Networks: Looking Backward to the Future. In Global Communications Letters, 42 (10): 21, 2004. www 
  1. Chemouil, P. and Gelenbe, E. Foreword: Traffic engineering and routing. In Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, 59 (11-12): 1252-1255, 2004. doi  www 

Actes de colloque

  1. Chemouil, P.; Gravey, A.; Lorenz, P. and Freire, M. M. 3rd European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN '04). , Porto, Portugal, 2004. www 


Actes de colloque

  1. Chemouil, P.; Lorenz, P. and Gravey, A. 2nd European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN '02). IEEE, Colmar, France, 2002. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Dao, M. and Chemouil, P. Traffic Engineering and Network Traffic Management in the TMN Environment. In 10th ITC Specialist Seminar on Control in Communications, Lund, Sweden, 1996. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Chemouil, P.; Khalfet, J. and Lebourges, M. A fuzzy control approach for adaptive traffic routing. In IEEE Communications Magazine, 33 (7): 70-76, 1995. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Khalfet, J. and Chemouil, P. Application of Fuzzy Control to Adaptive Traffic Routing in Telephone Networks. In Information and Decision Technology, 19 (4): 339, 1994. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Chemouil, P.; Stern, D.; Didelet, E. and Dubuisson, B. AIP approaches to diagnosis in network traffic management. In Quardet '93, Barcelone, Spain, 1993. www 
  1. Khalfet, J.; Chemouil, P. and Bouchon-Meunier, B. Application of Fuzzy Control to Adaptive Traffic Routing in Telephone Networks. In Quardet '93, Barcelona, Spain, 1993. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Stern, D. and Chemouil, P. Introduction of Artificial Intelligence for Real-Time Traffic Management of Circuit-Switched Networks. In ICIN '92, Bordeaux, France, 1992. www 
  1. Stern, D. and Chemouil, P. A Diagnosis Expert System for Network Traffic Management. In Networks '92, Kobe, Japan, 1992. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Chemouil, P. and Filipiak, J. Supporting network management with real-time traffic models. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 9 (2): 151-156, 1991. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Chemouil, P. and Filipiak, J. Multi-Layer Traffic Control Architecture for the Worldwide Intelligent Network. In 13th International Teletraffic Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1991. www 
  1. Filipiak, J. and Chemouil, P. Routing and bandwidth management options in high speed integrated services networks. In IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM '91: Countdown to the New Millennium. Conference Record, pages 1685-1689, IEEE, Phoenix, United States, 1991. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Filipiak, J. and Chemouil, P. Time-series analysis of traffic updates in loss systems. In Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 6 (1): 1-11, 1990. doi  www 
  1. Chemouil, P. and Filipiak, J. Integrated network management and control. In Computer Networks and Isdn Systems, 20 (1-5): 143-153, 1990. doi  www 
  1. Chemouil, P.; Filipiak, J. and Gauthier, P. Performance issues in the design of dynamically controlled circuit-switched networks. In IEEE Communications Magazine, 28 (10): 90-95, 1990. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Filipiak, J. and Chemouil, P. Network Model of Traffic Updates and its Application to Routing Optimization. In 11th IFAC World Congress, Tallin, Estonia, 1990. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Ash, G.R.; Chemouil, P.; Kashper, A.N.; Katz, S.S.; Yamazaki, K. and Watanabe, Y. Robust design and planning of a worldwide intelligent network. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 7 (8): 1219-1230, 1989. doi  www 
  1. Herrmann-Tellouck, F.; Stern, D. and Chemouil, P. Supermac: un outil d'évaluation de performances pour la gestion en temps réel des réseaux. In Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, 1989. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Chemouil, P.; Lebourges, M. and Gauthier, P. Performance evaluation of adaptive traffic routing in a metropolitan network: a case study. In Globecom '89, Dallas, United States, 1989. www 
  1. Herrmann-Tellouck, F.; Stern, D. and Chemouil, P. SUPERMAC: A Software Tool for the Performance Evaluation of Network Management. In ICCC '89, Beijing, China, 1989. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Filipiak, J.; Chemouil, P. and Chlebus, E. Modelling and Control of Time-Varying Telephone Traffic. In 12th International Teletraffic Congress, Turin, Italy, 1988. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Chemouil, P.; Gauthier, P.; Bernussou, J.; Garcia, J-M.; Le Gall, F. c.; Bel, G. and Castel, C. Acheminement adaptatif dans les réseaux téléphoniques : méthodes et évaluation de performances. In Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, 1987. www 
  1. Gauthier, P.; Chemouil, P. and Klein, M. Une maquette pour expérimenter I'acheminement adaptatif en France. In Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, 1987. www 
  1. Filipiak, J. and Chemouil, P. Modeling and Prediction of Traffic Fluctuations in Telephone Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Communications, 35 (9): 931-941, 1987. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Gauthier, P. and Chemouil, P. A System for Testing Adaptive Traffic Routing in France. In Globecom '87, Tokyo, Japan, 1987. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Chemouil, P.; Filipiak, J. and Gauthier, P. Analysis and control of traffic routing in circuit-switched networks. In Computer Networks and Isdn Systems, 11 (3): 203-217, 1986. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Chemouil, P. and Filipiak, J. Kalman Filtering of Traffic Fluctuations for Real-Time Network Management. In Large Scale Systems Theory and Applications, pages 827-832, Elsevier, Varsovie, Poland, 1986. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Bel, G.; Chemouil, P.; Garcia, J-M.; Le Gall, F. c. and Bernussou, J. Adaptive Traffic Routing in Telephone Networks. In Large Scale Systems, 1985. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Garcia, J-M.; Le Gall, F. c.; Castel, C.; Chemouil, P.; Gauthier, P. and Lechermeier, G. Comparative Evaluation of Centralized/Decentralized Traffic Routing Policies in Telephone Networks. In 11th International Teletraffic Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 1985. www 
  1. Brown, P.; Chemouil, P. and Delosme, B. Performance Analysis of Congestion and Flow Control Procedures for Signalling Networks. In 11th International Teletraffic Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 1985. www 
  1. Chemouil, P. and Garnier, B. An Adaptive Short-Term Traffic Forecasting Procedure Using Kalman Filtering. In 11th International Teletraffic Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 1985. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Brown, P.; Chemouil, P. and Delosme, B. A Congestion Control Policy for Signalling Networks. In ICCC, Sydney, Australia, 1984. www 
  1. Chemouil, P. and Gauthier, P. Hierarchical control in telephone networks. In European Symp. on Large Scale Systems, Patras, Greece, 1984. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Chemouil, P. and Wahdan, A.M. Order Reduction of Singularly Perturbed Systems via Component Connection Models. In IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 16 (12): 431-438, 1983. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Chemouil, P. and Wahdan, A-M. On the Application of Composent Connection Model Reduction Technique. In Large Engineering Systems, Calgary, Canada, 1982. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Chemouil, P.; Katebi, M.R.; Sastry, D. and Singh, M.G. Maximum a Posteriori Parameter Estimation in Large Scale Systems. In IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 14 (2): 1567-1576, 1981. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Chemouil, P. and Wahdan, A-M. Output Feedback Control of Systems with Slow and Fast Modes. In Large Scale Systems, 1980. www