M. Lyes Khoukhi viendra faire un séminaire au CNAM le lundi 3 mars prochain à 11h.
Voici quelques informations concernant ce séminaire.
Titre : New vision of trust in connected networks: secure behavioral models.
Résumé : Dealing with trust challenges in connected networks remains as one of the serious security hot topics because of the new nature of attacks. Recently, there has been a huge increase in the number of threats and cyber attacks on critical connected networks/infrastructures (like V2X, IoT and 5G, Cloud, and Smart grids); these attacks continue to grow at a rapid rate and cause huge damage at both end-users and data/network operators sides. Several efforts have been conducted by both industry and academia to propose countermeasures solutions, but some of them still suffering from either non scalability or limitive risks hypotheses.
In this seminar, we present a new vision of trust in connected networks by presenting a set of behavioral-based models to mitigate attacks in connected networks showing the need to cope with the new emerging threats, ranging from data leakage to collaborative attacks. Our models are not limited by the need of new attack patterns/signatures (to prevent them to fall within zero-day threat). We also present the future vision of securing connected networks while respecting the standards requirements.
A propos : Lyes Khoukhi is Full Professor of cybersecurity at ENSICAEN (with CNRS GREYC UMR laboratory), Caen, France. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from the University of Sherbrooke, Canada, in 2006. Between 2007 and 2008, he was a researcher with the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal in collaboration with Bell-Canada. In 2008, he also worked for Dialexia Corporation-Montreal, in the development of safe communications solutions. In 2009, he joined UTT -University of Technology of Troyes- as assistant professor, where he became Full professor at 2018. Since 2020, he joined, as Full professor, ENSICAEN, Normandie University where he is involved in several responsabilities and collective works. His research interests include conception of defense lines, prediction and attacks detection, malicious behaviors modeling and privacy preserving. His target areas are IoT, V2X, MEC, and 5G/6G. He has participated as a General chair or program chair for many conferences (like IEEE LCN, IEEE ICC Symposiums). He is the Guest Editor of special issues, like Springer journal of Annals of Telecommunications of the SI (Internet of Vehicles & Smart City)-2020, about security and protocols issues in V2X. He is also the SIG leader of « Machine Learning for IoT and ad hoc networks » of the IoT ASHN ComSoc Committee of IEEE Communications Society.