Le prochain séminaire du laboratoire CEDRIC aura lieu le vendredi 7 mars prochain de 14h à 17h. Il sera organisé par l’équipe ROC, et nous accueillerons Sara Tucci, directrice du CEA List, dans l’amphithéâtre Robert Faure (Z) du CNAM.

Title: Understanding the Ethereum’s Proof-of-Stake Protocol.
Abstract: Ethereum’s recent upgrade, known as the Merge, transitioned the blockchain to a Proof-of-Stake model, introducing an original consensus protocol that combines elements of both Nakamoto-style and Byzantine Fault Tolerance designs. This shift led to a complex protocol that, at the time of implementation, was only partially documented. In this talk, I will present our analysis of Ethereum’s Proof-of-Stake protocol, examining its safety, liveness, and incentive compatibility across various network models. Our findings reveal that, in an eventually synchronous network without participant churn, Ethereum’s Proof-of-Stake protocol ensures safety but achieves only probabilistic liveness. Moreover, with the inclusion of the Inactivity Leak mechanism—which removes inactive validators—we identified potential safety vulnerabilities. Finally, we demonstrate that the protocol ensures incentive compatibility in a synchronous setting and achieves eventual incentive compatibility in an eventually synchronous environment.
Son exposé sera suivi par un exposé de Billel Hakem, doctorant dans l’équipe ROC.
Title: Synthetic data generation for predictive maintenance.
Abstract: Predictive maintenance aim at detecting anomalies and predictive the remaining useful life of industrial systems using sensor data and deep learning algorithms. Due to concern of data privacy and data scarcity, there’s a need to explore alternate alternative to acquire enough data for predictive maintenance systems. We propose a physical simulation for data generation and a test on a diagnosis and prognosis task.
Il y aura également une session de « brainstorming », et une session de posters.