Guillaume Levieux
Membre associé
Équipe : Interactivité pour lire et jouer
Site web : http://guillaumelevieux.xyz/
Bureau : 33.1.28B
Non publié
- VTX: Real-time high-performance molecular structure and dynamics visualization software. , working paper or preprint. doi www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- 2D Numerical Simulation of Downburst Simulator in the Wall of Wind. In Energy and Exergy for Sustainable and Clean Environment, Volume 2, pages 431-447, Springer Nature, Green Energy and Technology , 2023. doi www
Articles de revue
- Genetic-WFC: Extending Wave Function Collapse With Genetic Search. In IEEE Transactions on Games: 1-10, 2022. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Automated Evaluation of the Game Experience based on Game Dynamics and Motives for Play. In CHI PLAY '22: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, pages 113-119, ACM, Bremen, Germany, 2022. doi www
- VTX: High-performance molecular structure and dynamics visualization software. In 8th chemoinformatics Strasbourg summer school, Strasbourg, France, 2022. www
- Difficulty Pacing Impact on Player Motivation. In Entertainment Computing--ICEC 2022: 21st IFIP TC 14 International Conference, pages 140-153, Springer International Publishing, Bremen, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13477, 2022. doi www
- Now you see me: finding the right observation space to learn diverse behaviours by reinforcement in games. In Conférence sur l'Apprentissage automatique (CAp), Vannes, France, 2022. www
Articles de conférence
- Genetic WFC: Procedural Level Generation Maximizing Perceived Diversity. In IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing 2021, Coimbra, Portugal, 2021. www
Articles de conférence
- Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment Impact on Players' Confidence. In The 2019 CHI Conference, pages 1-12, ACM Press, Glasgow, United Kingdom, CHI '19 Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2019. doi www
- $delta$-logit : Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment Using Few Data Points. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 158-171, Springer International Publishing, Arequipa, Peru, Entertainment Computing and Serious Games LNCS-11863, 2019. doi www
Articles de conférence
- From Objective to Subjective Difficulty Evaluation in Video Games. In 16th IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), pages 107-127, Springer International Publishing, Bombay, India, Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2017 LNCS-10514, 2017. doi www
- Difficulty influence on motivation over time in video games using survival analysis. In FDG '17: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, ACM Press, Hyannis, United States, 2017. doi www
Articles de conférence
- A Game Design Method for Therapeutic Games. In 2016 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), pages 1-8, IEEE, Barcelona, Spain, 2016. doi www
- Design influence on player retention: A method based on time varying survival analysis. In 2016 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), pages 1-8, IEEE, Santorini, Greece, 2016. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Towards Real-Time Interactive Visualization Modes of Molecular Surfaces: Examples with Udock. In IEEE VR 2015 workshop on Virtual and Augmented Reality dedicated to Molecular Science (VARMS), IEEE, Arles, France, 2015. doi www
- Making sense of emergent narratives: An architecture supporting player-triggered narrative processes. In 2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), pages 91-98, IEEE, Tainan, France, 2015. doi www
Articles de revue
- Hydrothermal system of Central Tenerife Volcanic Complex, Canary Islands (Spain), inferred from self-potential measurements. In Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 272: 59-77, 2014. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Udock, the interactive docking entertainment system. In Faraday Discussions, pages 425-441, Nottingham, France, 2014. www
- Designing Tangible Video Games: Lessons Learned from the Sifteo Cubes. In Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014), pages 3163-3166, ACM, Toronto, Canada, 2014. doi www
- An Out-of-Character Approach to Emergent Game Narratives. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, pages 0-0, Ft Lauderdale, France, 2014. www
Articles de conférence
- How to Analyse Therapeutic Games: The Player / Game / Therapy Model. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 193-206, Springer, Bremen, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS-7522, 2012. doi www
- Out of Context Augmented Navfields: Designing Crowd Choreographies. In 11th International Confernece on Entertainment Computing (ICEC), pages 326-332, Springer, Bremen, Germany, Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2012 LNCS-7522, 2012. doi www
Articles de revue
- Measuring the level of difficulty in single player video games. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science: 205-213, 2011. www
Articles de conférence
- Difficulty in Video Games : An Experimental Validation of a Formal Definition. In Advances in Computer Enterntainment, X, France, 2011. www
Articles de conférence
- La définition et la mesure du niveau de difficulté dans un jeu solo: une approche quantitative. In Futur Game On 2010, Paris, France, 2010. www
Articles de conférence
- Scaling the Level of Difficulty in Single Player Video Games. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Entertainment Computing, pages 24-35, Paris, France, 2009. www
Articles de conférence
- D.E.E.P. - Dialogue fondé sur les Emotions, l'Expérience et la Personnalité. In GDC'07, Game Developers Conf., Lyon, X, France, 2007. www