Nadira Lammari

Maître de conférences (HDR)
Site web :
Téléphone : 0140272486
Bureau : 33.1.12A


Articles de revue

  1. Hannou, F-Z.; Rihany, M.; Lammari, N.; Hamdi, F.; Mimouni, N.; Atigui, F.; Si-Said Cherfi, S. and Tourron, P. Semantic-Based Approach for Cyber-Physical Cascading Effects Within Healthcare Infrastructures. In IEEE Access, 10: 53398-53417, 2022. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Hannou, F-Z.; Atigui, F.; Lammari, N. and Si-Said Cherfi, S. Modelling Cyber-Physical Security in Healthcare Systems. In CAiSE Forum 2021, pages 100-108, Springer International Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 424, 2021. doi  www 
  1. Hannou, F-Z.; Atigui, F.; Lammari, N. and Sisaid-Cherfi, S. SafecareOnto: A Cyber-Physical Security Ontology for Healthcare Systems. In International Conference, DEXA 2021, pages 22-34, Springer International Publishing, Virtual, Austria, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12924, 2021. doi  www 


Chapitres d'ouvrage

  1. Maia, E.; Prac ca, I.; Mantzana, V.; Gkotsis, I.; Petrucci, P.; Biasin, E.; Kamenjasevic, E. and Lammari, N. Security Challenges for the Critical Infrastructures of the Healthcare Sector. In Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security: A Guide to Integrated Cyber-Physical Protection of Modern Critical Infrastructures, Now Publishers, 2020. doi  www 
  1. Atigui, F.; Hamdi, F. c.; Lammari, N. and Cherfi, S. S-S. Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security. In Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security: A Guide to Integrated Cyber-Physical Protection of Modern Critical Infrastructures, Now Publishers, 2020. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Atigui, F.; Hamdi, F. c.; Hannou, F-Z.; Lammari, N.; Mimouni, N. and Si-Said, S. Managing Cyber-physical Incidents Propagation in Health Services. In Research Challenges in Information Science: RCIS 2020, Springer, Limassol, Cyprus, Research Challenges in Information Science 14th International Conference, RCIS 2020, Limassol, Cyprus, September 23--25, 2020, Proceedings , 2020. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N.; Legrand, V.; Jaramillo Rojas, G. E. and Atig, O. An Ontology for cyber incident root cause analysis from event logs. In 34th IBIMA Conference, Madrid, Spain, 2019. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Ben Fredj, F.; Lammari, N. and Comyn-Wattiau, I. Anonymisation de données par généralisation. Méthode avec guidage. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 23 (1): 63-87, 2018. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Akoka, J.; Laoufi, N. and Lammari, N. Méta modèle de la sécurité des systèmes d'information : enrichissement par le contexte. In INFORSID 2018 : 36e congrès INFormatique des ORganisation et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, pages 63-87, Nantes, France, 2018. www 
  1. Ben Fredj, F.; Lammari, N. and Comyn-Wattiau, I. Relational Database Anonymization - A Model-driven Guiding Approach. In 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, pages 161-170, Scitepress. Science and Technology Publications, Funchal, France, 2018. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Navarro, J.; Legrand, V.; Lagraa, S.; Franc cois, J.; Lahmadi, A.; de Santis, G.; Festor, O.; Lammari, N.; Hamdi, F. c.; Deruyver, A.; Goux, Q.; Allard, M. and Parrend, P. HuMa: A Multi-layer Framework for Threat Analysis in a Heterogeneous Log Environment. In 10th international symposium on foundations and practice of security, pages 144-159, Nancy, France, 2017. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Fredj, F. B.; Lammari, N. and Comyn-Wattiau, I. Abstracting Anonymization Techniques: A Prerequisite for Selecting a Generalization Algorithm. In Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems 19th Annual Conference, KES-2015, pages 206-215, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Procedia Computer Science 60, 2015. doi  www 
  1. Ben Fredj, F.; Lammari, N. and Comyn-Wattiau, I. Building an Ontology to Capitalize and Share Knowledge on Anonymization Techniques. In 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2015), Udine, Italy, 2015. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Akoka, J.; Comyn-Wattiau, I.; Du Mouza, C.; Fadili, H.; Lammari, N.; Metais, E. and Si-Said Cherfi, S. A semantic approach for semi-automatic detection of sensitive data. In Information Resources Management Journal, 27 (4): 23-44, 2014. doi  www 

Chapitres d'ouvrage

  1. Cerbah, F. and Lammari, N. Ontology Learning from Databases: Some Efficient Methods to Discover Semantic Patterns in Data. In Perspectives in Ontology Learning, pages 30, 2014. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Ben Fredj, F.; Lammari, N. and Comyn-Wattiau, I. Characterizing Generalization Algorithms-First Guidelines for Data Publishers. In KMIS 2014- International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages pp, Rome, Italy, 2014. www 


  1. Lammari, N.; Cuppens, N. and Laleau, R. Revue Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information : Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information. www 

Non publié

  1. Lammari, N.; Rosado, D. and Mouratidis, H. Preface of WISSE?14 (Fourth International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering). , working paper or preprint. www 


Non publié

  1. Lammari, N.; Rosado, D. and Mouratidis, H. Preface of WISSE?13 (Third International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering). , working paper or preprint. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Ellouze, N.; Lammari, N. and Metais, E. CITOM: An Incremental Construction of Multilingual Topic Maps. In Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2012: 19, 2012. www 


  1. Lammari, N.; Rosado, D. and Mouratidis, H. Proc. and Preface of WISSE?12 (Second International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering) qui a eu lieu en conjonction avec CAISE'2012 `a Gdansk. , 2012. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Khelifa, L. N.; Lammari, N.; Akoka, J. and Bouabana-Tebibel, T. Building contextualized topic maps. In 19th IBIMA (International Business Information Management Association) conference on Innovation Vision 2020: Sustainable growth, Entrepreneurship, Real Estate and Economic Development, Barcelone, Spain, 2012. www 
  1. Vasquez, M.; Lammari, N.; Comyn-Wattiau, I. and Akoka, J. De l'analyse des risques `a léxpression des exigences de sécurité des systèmes d'informations. In INFORSID 2012 : 30e congrès INFormatique des ORganisation et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, pages 337-362, Montpellier, France, 2012. www 



  1. Lammari, N. and Rosado, D. Proc. and preface of the workshop on Information System Security Engineering (WISSE). , 2011. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N.; Bucumi, J-S.; Akoka, J. and Comyn-Wattiau, I. A conceptual meta-model for secured information systems. In ICSE 2011 : 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, 7th International Workshops on Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS 2011), pages 22-28, IEEE/ACM, Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, 2011. doi  www 
  1. Ellouze, N.; Metais, E. and Lammari, N. Proposed Approach for Evaluating the Quality of Topic Maps. In 1st International Conference on Model Data Engineering (MEDI?2011), pages 42-49, X, Portugal, 2011. www 


  1. Metais, E.; Lammari, N.; Si-Said Cherfi, S.; Du Mouza, C. and Amara, S. Projet VIVA : Vivre avec Alzheimer en 2030. , Poster. www 


  1. Akoka, J.; Aubonnet, T.; Bucumi, J-S.; Comyn-Wattiau, I.; Idani, A.; Labiadh, M. A.; Lammari, N.; Ledru, Y. and Richier, J-L. A UML profile for security concepts. Technical Report CEDRIC-11-2343, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2011.


Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N.; Bucumi, J-S.; Akoka, J. and Comyn-Wattiau, I. Un modèle CIM pour les systèmes d'information sécurisés. In IBIMA 2010 : 15th International Business Information Management Association Conference on Knowledge Management and Innovation: a Business Competitive Edge Perspective, French Session, Cairo, Egypt, 2010. www 
  1. Khelifa, L.; Lammari, N.; Fadili, H. and Akoka, J. A wiki-oriented on-line dictionary for human and social sciences. In SemWiki2010 : 5th Workshop on Semantic Wikis, Linking Data and People, co-located with ESWC 2010 (European Semantic Web Conference), pages 79-88, Heraklion, Greece, 2010. www 
  1. Khelifa, L. N.; Lammari, N.; Fadili, H. and Akoka, J. Un wiktionnaire multilingue et multiculturel pour les sciences sociales et humaines. In Atelier Web Social @EGC 2010, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2010. www 
  1. Du Mouza, C.; Metais, E.; Lammari, N.; Akoka, J.; Aubonnet, T.; Comyn-Wattiau, I.; Fadili, H. and Si-Said Cherfi, S. Towards an automatic detection of sensitive information in a database. In DBKDA 2010 : 2nd International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications, pages 247-252, IEEE Computer Society, Les Menuires, France, 2010. doi  www 


  1. Akoka, J.; Aubonnet, T.; Bucumi, J-S.; Comyn-Wattiau, I.; Idani, A.; Labiadh, M. A.; Lammari, N.; Ledru, Y. and Richier, J-L. Intégration des propriétés de sécurité dans UML. Technical Report CEDRIC-10-2344, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2010.


Articles de revue

  1. Lammari, N. and Besbes Essanaa, S. Rétro-Conception de Sites Web : Extraction du Contenu Informatif. In Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 14: 75-106, 2009. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Ellouze, N.; Lammari, N.; Metais, E. and Ben Ahmed, M. CITOM: Incremental Construction of Topic Maps. In NLDB'09, X, France, LNCS , 2009. www 
  1. Ellouze, N.; Lammari, N.; Metais, E. and Ben Ahmed, M. CITOM : approche incrementale de construction de topic map multilingue. In atelier RISE d'INFORSID, pages 65-85, X, France, 2009. www 
  1. Ellouze, N.; Lammari, N.; Metais, E. and Ben Ahmed, M. Usage Oriented Topic Maps Building Approach. In MTSR'09 Third Int. Conf. on Metadata and Semantics Research, X, France, LNCS , 2009. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N.; Du Mouza, C. and Metais, E. POEM: an Ontology Manager based on Existence Constraints. In DEXA'08, Turin (Italie), pages 81-88, X, France, LNSS 5181, 2008. www 


  1. Lammari, N.; Du Mouza, C. and Metais, E. OMEN : un outil de gestion dontogies basé sur les contraintes dexistence. Technical Report CEDRIC-08-1515, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2008.
  1. Lammari, N. and Besbes-Essanaa, S. Méthode de rétro-ingénierie pour lanalyse des sites Web. Technical Report CEDRIC-08-1516, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2008.


Articles de revue

  1. Lammari, N.; Comyn-Wattiau, I. and Akoka, J. Extracting generalization hierarchies from relational databases : a reverse engineering approach. In Data and Knowledge Engineering, 63 (2): 568-589, 2007. doi  www 


  1. Kedad, Z.; Lammari, N.; Métais, E.; Meziane, F. and Rezgui, Y. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2007, Paris, France, June 27-29, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4592 Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-73350-8. Springer, 2007. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Fadili, H.; Lammari, N.; Khelifa, L. N. and Akoka, J. Un Wiktionnaire pour les Sciences Sociales et Humaines. In Le dictionnaire électronique. Quelles perspectives pour les sciences humaines et sociales ?, X, France, 2007. www 


  1. Lammari, N.; Si-Said Cherfi, S.; Comyn-Wattiau, I. and Akoka, J. Extracting Generalization/specialization Hierarchies from Relational Databases: a Reverse Engineering Approach. Technical Report CEDRIC-01-256, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2007.


Articles de conférence

  1. Besbes Essanaa, S. and Lammari, N. Rétro-Conception de la Structure Navigationnelle dun Site Web. In GEI'05 Cinquièmes Journées Scientifiques des jeunes chercheurs en Génie Electrique et Informatique, X, France, 2005. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Lammari, N. and Metais, E. Building and Maintaining Ontologies: a Set of Algorithms. In Data and Knowledge Engineering, 48: 155-176, 2004. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Besbes Essanaa, S. and Lammari, N. RetroWeb: a Web Site Reverse Engineering Approach. In Int. Conf. on Web Engineering (ICWE), X, France, 2004. www 
  1. Besbes Essanaa, S. and Lammari, N. Une approche de Rétro-Conception de Contenu informatif de Sites Web. In Eighth Maghrebian Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MCSEAI), X, France, 2004. www 
  1. Besbes Essanaa, S. and Lammari, N. Improving the Naming Process for Web Site Reverse Engineering. In Int. Conf. on Application of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB), X, France, 2004. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N.; Akoka, J. and Comyn-Wattiau, I. Supporting database evolution : using ontologies matching. In OOIS 2003 : 9th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems, pages 284-288, Springer, Geneva, Switzerland, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2817, 2003. doi  www 
  1. Lammari, N.; Prat, N. and Si-Said Cherfi, S. Actes du Worshop Decision Systems Engineering (DSE'03). In Conférence CAiSE'03, Klagenfurt-Velden, Autriche, X, France, 2003. www 
  1. Comyn-Wattiau, I.; Akoka, J. and Lammari, N. A framework for database evolution management. In USE 2003 : 2nd International Workshop on Unanticipated Software Evolution, in conjunction with ETAPS 2003, pages 1-9, Warsaw, Poland, 2003. www 
  1. Lammari, N.; Akoka, J. and Comyn-Wattiau, I. An ontology-based approach for database evolution. In EMISA-FORUM- ER'2003 (short paper), Chicago, IL, United States, 2003. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N. and Metais, E. Automatic Help for Building and Maintaining Ontology. In 7th International Workshop on Application of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB'2002), X, France, 2002. www 
  1. Si-Said Cherfi, S. and Lammari, N. Towards an Assisted Reorganization of Is_A Hierarchies. In 8th Int. Conf. on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS02), X, France, 2002. www 
  1. Lammari, N.; Comyn-Wattiau, I. and Akoka, J. An extensible framework for web sites integration. In EISIC 2002, IFIP TC8/ WG8.1 Working Conference on Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context, pages 303-332, Kanazawa, Japan, 2002. www 



  1. Lammari, N. and Laleau, R. Complementary Mechanisms Based on Applicability Constraints for Supporting IS-A Inheritance Hierarchies Design. Technical Report CEDRIC-01-276, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2001.


Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N.; Akoka, J. and Comyn-Wattiau, I. Hiérarchies de généralisation dans les bases de données : une approche hybride de rétro-conception. In INFORSID 2000 : XVIIIème Congrès InFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, Lyon, France, 2000. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Lammari, N.; Laleau, R. and Jouve, M. Processus d'optimisation conceptuelle d'un schéma orienté objet. In Revue Objet, 5 (1), 1999. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N. An Algorithm to Extract Is_A Inheritance Hierarchies from a Relational Database. In ER99, X, France, 1999. www 
  1. Akoka, J.; Comyn-Wattiau, I. and Lammari, N. Relational database reverse engineering : elicitation of generalization hierarchies. In ER' 99 Workshops on Evolution and Change in Data Management, Reverse Engineering in Information Systems, and the World Wide Web and Conceptual Modeling, pages 173-185, Springer, Paris, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1727, 1999. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N.; Laleau, R. and Jouve, M. Normalization and Denormalization : Two Mechanisms for Reorganizing IS_A Inheritance Hierarchies. In Int. Conf. on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS'98), Paris, France, pages 38-53, X, France, 1998. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N.; Laleau, R.; Jouve, M. and Castellani, X. Deriving Normalized Is_A Hierarchies by Using Applicability Constraints. In CAISE'96 (Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering), Créte, Gréce, X, France, 1996. www 
  1. Lammari, N.; Laleau, R.; Jouve, M. and Castellani, X. Normalizing Classes by Splitting them into Inheritances Hierarchies. In Fourth Maghrebian Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (4th MCSEAI), organ, X, France, 1996. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N. Applicability constraints between characteristics of a class: a mechanism for deriving Is_A hierarchies. In Workshop 4 (Doctoral Consortium) de CAISE'95, Jyvaskyla, Finland, X, France, 1995. www 


  1. Lammari, N. Reorganizing classes by derivation of inheritances. Technical Report CEDRIC-95-576, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 1995.


Articles de conférence

  1. Lammari, N.; Jouve, M.; Laleau, R. and Castellani, X. An Algorithm for IS_A Hierarchy Derivation. In OOIS'94 (Int. Conf. on Object-Oriented Information systems), Londres, Angleterre, pages 469 `a 479, X, France, 1994. www 
  1. Lammari, N.; Laleau, R.; Jouve, M. and Castellani, X. An Automated Process Based on Existence Dependencies for Determining Class Substructures. In Int. Conf. on Information Systems and Management of Data (CISMOD'94), Madras, Inde, pages 54-65, X, France, 1994. www 


  1. Lammari, N.; Laleau, R.; Jouve, M. and Castellani, X. Dépendances déxistence: définitions formelles et utilisation pour déterminer des liens d'héritages entre classes. Technical Report CEDRIC-94-575, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 1994.