Nassira Achich

Attaché temporaire enseignement/recherche
Bureau : 33.1.21

Je suis docteure en informatique (Ancienne doctorante au CNAM, thèse soutenue le 09 décembre 2021 et membre dans l'équipe ISID (ingénierie des systèmes d’information et de décision).


Articles de revue

  1. Achich, N.; Ghorbel, F.; Hamdi, F. c.; Métais, E. and Gargouri, F. ``TimeOntoImperfection'': An OWL 2 Ontology to Representing Temporal Data Imperfection using Imperfection Theories. In Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems: 1-16, 2024. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Achich, N.; Ghorbel, F.; Ammar Bouhamed, S.; Hamdi, F. c.; Metais, E.; Gargouri, F.; Kharfia, H. and Gargouri, B. An Evidence Theory-Based Approach to Handling Conflicting Temporal Data in OWL 2. In New Generation Computing, 2022. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Achich, N.; Ghorbel, F.; Gargouri, B.; Hamdi, F. c.; Metais, E. and Gargouri, F. Handling Temporal Data Imperfections in OWL 2 - Application to Collective Memory Data Entries. In RCIS'22, Barcelona, Spain, 2022. doi  www 
  1. Achich, N.; Ghorbel, F.; Hamdi, F. c.; Metais, E. and Gargouri, F. Traitement des données temporelles certaines et incertaines en OWL 2 : Approche basée sur la théorie des probabilités. In IC2022. Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, Saint-'Etienne, France, 2022. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Achich, N.; Ghorbel, F.; Hamdi, F. c.; Métais, E. and Gargouri, F. Certain and Uncertain Temporal Data Representation and Reasoning in OWL 2. In International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 17 (3): 51-72, 2021. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Achich, N.; Ghorbel, F.; Hamdi, F. c.; Metais, E. and Gargouri, F. Dealing with Uncertain and Imprecise Time Intervals in OWL2: A Possibility Theory-Based Approach. In International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Limassol, Cyprus, 2021. doi  www 
  1. Achich, N.; Ghorbel, F.; Hamdi, F. c.; Metais, E. and Gargouri, F. Handling Uncertain Time Intervals in Owl 2: Possibility Vs Probability Theories based Approaches. In FUZZ-IEEE 2021, Luxemburg, Luxembourg, 2021. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Ghorbel, F.; Hamdi, F. c.; Achich, N. and Metais, E. Handling data imperfection-False data inputs in applications for Alzheimer's patients. In Data and Knowledge Engineering, 131: 101864, 2020. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Achich, N.; Ghorbel, F.; Hamdi, F. c.; Metais, E. and Gargouri, F. Approach to Reasoning about Uncertain Temporal Data in OWL 2. In 24th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES), pages 1141-1150, Elsevier, Verona, Italy, Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference KES2020 176, 2020. doi  www 
  1. Achich, N. Dealing with Data Imperfection in OWL 2 - Application to Alzheimer's Patients. In The 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) Doctoral Consortuim, pages, Athens, Greece, 2020. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Achich, N.; Ghorbel, F.; Hamdi, F. c.; Metais, E. and Gargouri, F. Representing and Reasoning About Precise and Imprecise Time Points and Intervals in Semantic Web: Dealing with Dates and Time Clocks. In International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2019), Springer, Linz, Austria, Database and Expert Systems Applications 30th International Conference, DEXA 2019, Linz, Austria, August 26--29, 2019, Proceedings, Part II , 2019. doi  www 
  1. Achich, N.; Ghorbel, F.; Hamdi, F. c.; Metais, E. and Gargouri, F. A Typology of Temporal Data Imperfection. In 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD 2019), pages 305-311, SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, Vienna, Austria, 2019. doi  www