I am an associate professor (Maître de Conférence) in Computer Science at Cnam in the SyS team of the Cedric lab.
From September 2019 on I am on leave (disponibilité) from Cnam at INA GRM. This page will still be accessible but unmaintained.
Before that I was (in reverse chronological order):- post-doc at Inria Saclay in the Parisfal team of Dale Miller (2015-2016);
- post-doc at McGill University, Canada, working with Brigitte Pientka (2014-2015);
- post-doc at Aarhus University, Denmark, supervised by Olivier Danvy (2013-2014);
- Ph.D. student and A.T.E.R at PPS, Université Paris Diderot and Università di Bologna. (2009-2012).
- the design of proof certificates, i.e., proof evidences that can be easily communicated and transmitted. They need to be compact and easily generated and checked.
- the interaction between functional programming and logical/specification frameworks, in particular those featuring HOAS encodings,
- the logical interpretation of functional language features, in particular program transformations (CPS, defunctionalization, deforestation),
- the implementation of theorem provers, both automated and interactive, in particular Coq and Beluga.
- Traitement du signal (intervention sur l'audio embarqué) (USRS09, STMN 1, Enjmin)
- Synthèse de l'image et du son (STMN 2, ENJMIN)
- Conception sonore (audio numérique) (US3334, Master 1 JMIN, Cnam ENJMIN)
- Microcontrôleurs: architecture et communication (USRS26, Master 1 SEMS, Cnam)
- Sûreté de la programmation orientée objets (NFP101)
- Programmation réseau en Java (INA136, SESF I3)
- Spécification et Vérification de Programmes (UPMC, Master Info STL)
- Sûreté de la programmation (USRS22, Master 1 SEMS, Cnam)
- Traitement du signal (intervention sur l'audio embarqué) (USRS09, STMN 1, Enjmin)
- Sûreté de la programmation orientée objets (NFP101)
- Microcontrôleurs: architecture et communication (USRS26, Master 1 SEMS, Cnam)
- Synthèse de l'image et du son (STMN 2, ENJMIN)
- Sûreté de la programmation (USRS22, Master 1 SEMS, Cnam)
- Programmation réseau en Java (INA136, SESF I3)
- Spécification et Vérification de Programmes (UPMC, Master Info STL)
2016-2017 (Cnam)
- Sûreté de la programmation orientée objets (NFP101)
- Intégration des systèmes client-serveur (NSY107)
- Programmation Java : bibliothèques et patterns (NFA035)
2015-2016 (ESIEE)
I was a TA (chargé de TD) at ESIEE for René Natowicz, teaching introductory Algorithmics
2014 (McGill)
Here are the material for two lectures for COMP302 at McGill University in 2014:
- Lecture 3: More algebraic data types
- Lecture 4: Introduction to induction proofs and proof of programs.
2010-2013 (Paris Diderot)
During my A.T.E.R contract at Paris Diderot, I taught the following classes:
- 2010-2011: IF1 - Informatique fondamentale L1, TP (page du cours)
- 2010-2011:SY5 - Systèmes L3, TD (page du cours)
- 2011-2012: IF1 - Informatique fondamentale L1, Cours/TD (page du cours)
- 2011-2012: PF1 - Principes de fonctionnement des machines binaires L1, TD (page du cours)
- 2011-2012: AC6 - Analyse syntaxique et compilation L3, TD/TP (page du cours)
- 2012-2013: OL3 - Outils logiques L2, TP (page du cours)
- 2012-2013: PF5 - Programmation fonctionnelle L3, TP (page du cours)
- 2012-2013: MV6 - Machines Virtuelles L3, Cours/TD (page du cours)
You will find below some of my work:Publications
- Article accepted at JFLA 2017: Typeful Continuations (October 2016, pdf, code)
- Submitted draft: A Contextual Account of Staged Computations (March 2016, pdf)
- Article accepted for the TYPES 2014 post-proceedings: Typeful Normalization by Evaluation with Olivier Danvy and Chantal Keller (February 2014, PDF, accompanying code)
- Article accepted at APLAS 2013: Proofs, upside down: a functional correspondence between natural deduction and the sequent calculus, (PDF, slides (PDF), September 2013)
- Draft: Certifying, incremental type checking with Yann Régis-Gianas (June 2012, PDF, accompanying code)
- Short paper accepted at TLDI 2012: Safe incremental type checking (January 2012, PDF)
- Short paper accepted at MIPS 2010: Towards typed repositories of proofs, with Yann Régis-Gianas (PDF, slides)
Theses and technical reports
- Ph.D. thesis: Certificates for incremental type checking, defended at the university of Bologna on April 8, 2013. Find the manuscript here (PDF), along with the defense slides (PDF) (April 2013)
- Ph.D thesis proposal: Towards formalized mathematics repositories based on type theory (PDF, 2010)
- Notes on Martin-Löf's Type Theory: De la Construction au Calcul (2009, PDF, in french)
- Report: Formal proof mining, a structure-oriented approach (2009, PDF)
- Master's thesis: Automatic recognition of mathematical structures in the proof assistant Coq (PDF, September 2008, in french)
- Talk given at VALS, LRI, Deducteam, LSV Cachan and Gallium, Inria: A Contextual Account of Staged Computations (March 2016, slides)
- Talk at the Parsifal team seminar, LIX, École Polytechnique, Two ways to the focused sequent calculi (November 2015, slides)
- Talk at the Type Theory and Realizability Working Group, PPS, Paris Diderot, and for the Parsifal team, LIX, École Polytechnique, with Brigitte Pientka: From Staged Computations to Contextual Types (October 2014, slides)
- Talk at the Complogic seminar, McGill University: Engineering CPS transformations (August 2014, slides)
- Talk at the State Key Laboratory in Computer Science, ISCAS, Beijing: Proofs, upside down (December 2013, PDF)
Talk at
the Type
Theory and Realizability Working Group, PPS, Paris Diderot,
with Olivier Danvy
and Chantal
Constructing normalization by evaluation with GADTs: a
(October 2013, abstract)
I propose a live-coding session, intended as an informal exposition of normalization by evaluation, using the OCaml type system's new feature: GADTs. I will show how it can be used to gradually turn the usual implementation of NbE "back" into an efficient normalization theorem for the simply-typed lambda-calculus, "proved in OCaml". I will then show how this method is modular: - knowing only the structure of types, we can normalize languages with i.e. control operators, thanks to CPS evaluation, - orthogonally, we can abstract from the representation of values (WIP) Its content is ongoing work together with Olivier Danvy and Chantal Keller.
- Talk at DANSAS 2013, Odense, Denmark: From Natural Deduction to the Sequent Calculus by Passing an Accumulator (slides, August 2013)
- Talk at the Workshop on Formal Meta-Theory, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique: Gasp: an OCaml library for manipulating LF objects (March 2013, slides)
- Talk at the Journées PPS, Trouville: From Natural Deduction to Sequent Calculus by reversing the λ-terms (September 2012, slides)
- Talk at the Type Theory and Realizability Working Group, PPS, Paris Diderot, with Yann Régis-Gianas: Certificates for incremental type checking (July 2012, slides)
- Talk at Gallium, with Yann Régis-Gianas (June 2011, slides)
- Talk at CEA LIST (LMeASI), with Yann Régis-Gianas (March 2011, slides)
- Talk at the Type Theory and Realizability Working Group, PPS, Paris Diderot, with Yann Régis-Gianas (January 2011, slides)
- Talk given in Bologna in 2008: Efficient and automatic recognition of mathematical structures in Coq (PDF)
I try to keep a public journal of my scientific activity, which takes the form of a blog, called Syntax!. You can find it here.
I initiated and contributed to various open-source projects. Most of the repositories can be found on my GitHub page. These include:
- I was a contributor of Coq early in my Ph.D.
- Gasp was the name of the prototype of incremental type checker I developed part of my Ph.D.
- During my stay at McGill, I contributed to Beluga.
- I recently got interesed in embedded DSP programming in C++ for music. Find my page for artistic/coding projects here
Mail: matthias.puech@lecnam.net
Physical address:
Bureau 33.1.18a
2 rue Conté
75003 Paris, France
PGP public key:
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