Kaoutar Sadouki

Personal website:
Office: 35.1.49


Articles de conférence

  1. Sadouki, K. and Kornyshova, E. Towards the Intent-based Configuration of I4.0 Components. In TREO TALKS SESSIONS, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Salt lake city, UTAH, France, 2024. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Kornyshova, E.; Deneckere, R.; Sadouki, K.; Gressier-Soudan, E. and Brinkkemper, S. Smart Life: Review of the Contemporary Smart Applications. In 16th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2022), Springer, Barcelona, Spain, 2022. doi  www 
  1. Sadouki, K. Intent-Based Configuration of Information and Communication Components for Industry 4.0 Applications. In Forum jeunes chercheuses jeunes chercheurs d'INFORSID, Dijon, France, 2022. www 
  1. Sadouki, K. A Proposal for Intent-based Configuration of ICT Components : Doctoral consortium paper. In EDOC 2022. 26th IEEE International EDOC Conference, pages 370-375, Springer International Publishing, Bolzano, Italy, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 466, 2022. doi  www 