Agnès Plateau
Maître de conférences
Phone: +33158808562
Office: 31.1.77
Assistant professor in computer science in the team Combinatorial Optimization of the Cedric-Cnam lab, my main line of research is "Mathematical programming and applications"
Non publié
- Design and Dimensioning of Natural Gas Pipelines with Hydrogen Injection. , working paper or preprint. www
- Fair Energy Allocation for Collective Self-Consumption. , working paper or preprint. www
Articles de revue
- Optimization of wireless sensor networks deployment with coverage and connectivity constraints. In Annals of Operations Research, 298 (1-2): 183-206, 2021. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Planification des courses de plat au galop. In ROADEF 2020. 21ème congrès annuel de la société Franc caise de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide `a la Décision, Montpellier, France, 2020. www
Articles de conférence
- Planification des courses de galop. In ROADEF2019. 20ème congrès annuel de la société Franc caise de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide `a la Décision, Le Havre, France, 2019. www
- Informatique. Dunod, Fluoresciences , 2017. www
Articles de conférence
- Optimization of wireless sensor networks deployment with coverage and connectivity constraints. In 2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), pages 0336-0341, IEEE, Barcelona, Spain, IEEE , 2017. doi www
Articles de revue
- A branch-and-price-and-cut approach for sustainable crop rotation planning. In European Journal of Operational Research, 241: 872-879, 2015. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Un algorithme de branch-and-price-and-cut pour la planification durable de rotations agricoles. In ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société franc caise de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide `a la décision, Bordeaux, France, 2014. www
Non publié
- A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut approach for Sustainable Crop Rotation Planning. , working paper or preprint. www
Articles de revue
- Hybrid column generation for large-size Covering Integer Programs : application to transportation planning. In Computers and Operations Research, 40 (8): 1938-1946, 2013. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Un algorithme de Branch-and-Price pour le problème de planification durable de rotations culturales. In ROADEF 2011, 13?me congr?s de la Soci?t? Fran?aise de Recherche Op?rationnelle et d'Aide ? la Decision, pages 70-71, X, France, 2013. www
- Hybrid column generation for large-size Covering Integer Programs. In European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, pages 34-35, Paris, France, 2013. www
- A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Sustainable Crop Rotation Planning. In EURO-INFORMS - Rome 2013, pages 44, X, Italy, 2013. www
Articles de conférence
- Generalizations of Dobson approximation algorithm and cooperation with Column Generation for large-size Covering Integer Programs. In ISCO 2012, 2nd International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, pages 1-4, Athens, Greece, 2012. www
Articles de conférence
- Schéma hybride de génération de colonnes pour un problème de planification de production agricole. In ROADEF 2011, 12?me congr?s de la Soci?t? Fran?aise de Recherche Op?rationnelle et d'Aide ? la Decision, pages 441-442, Saint-Etienne, France, 2011. www
- Hybridization of column generation and approximation heuristics for large-size Covering Integer Programs. In MIC 2011 : The IX Metaheuristics International Conference, pages 531-533, Udine, Italy, 2011. www
Articles de conférence
- A computational study for the p-median Problem. In ISCO10. International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, pages 455-462, Elsevier, Hammamet, Tunisia, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36, 2010. doi www
- Hybridization of column generation and greedy schemes for transportation planning problem. In CIRO10, Cinqui?me Conf?rence Internationale en Recherche Op?rationnelle, Marrakech (Maroc), mai, pages 102-104, X, France, 2010. www
- Space minimization in agricultural production planning by column generation. Technical Report, , 2010.
Articles de conférence
- A hybrid approach combining column generation and approximation heuristic for large-size CIP. In ISMP'09, 20th Meeting of the International Symposium for Mathematical Programming, Chicago, pages 59, X, France, 2009. www
- Problèmes de couverture généralisée en transport : combinaisons d'une heuristique gloutonne et de la génération de colonnes. In ROADEF'09, pages 216-217, Nancy, France, 2009. www
Articles de conférence
- Approximation of generic Locomotive Assignment Problems. In IFORS'08 Sandton, Afrique du Sud, pages 6-7, X, France, 2008. www
- Approximation du problème générique d'affectation de locomotives. In ROADEF'08, Clermont-Ferrand, février, pages 399-400, X, France, 2008. www
- Approximation de problèmes de couverture de tâches en transport ferroviaire. In JPOC'08 Rouen, pages 38-40, X, France, 2008. www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- A path-relinking algorithm for the Generalized Assignment Problem. In Metaheuristics Computer Decision-Making, pages -, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2004. www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Programmation linéaire en nombres entiers. In Programmation linéaire en nombres entiers, 2002. www
Articles de conférence
- A path-relinking metaheuristic for the generalized assignment problem. In 12th Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (CO'02), Paris, France, 2002. www
- A path relinking metaheuristic for the GAP. In CO'02 (12th Int. Symp. on Combinatorial Optimization) Paris, X, France, 2002. www
Articles de conférence
- A two-phase path relinking process for the GAP. In MIC'01 (4th Metaheuristics International Congress) Porto, X, France, 2001. www
- A two-phase path-relinking algorithm for the generalized assignment problem. In Metaheuristics International Congress (MIC), Porto, Portugal, 2001. www
Articles de conférence
- A method combining interior point methods and metaheuristics for 0-1 programming. In CLAIO'00 Mexico, X, France, 2000. www
- How combining interior point methods and metaheuristics for multiconstraint knapsack problem. In 17th Int. Symp. on Mathematical Programming Atlanta 7-11 ao^ut, X, France, 2000. www
Articles de conférence
- Metaheuristics and interior point methods : a new method. In FORS'99 (15th World Conference on Operations Research) Pékin 16-20 ao^ut, X, France, 1999. www
- Combining metaheuristics with interior point methods. In MIC'99 (3rd Metaheuristics International Congress) Angra dos Reis (Brésil), X, France, 1999. www
- Méthodes de points intérieurs pour la programmation en nombres entiers. In ROADEF'99 Autrans, X, France, 1999. www