Raphaël Fournier-S'niehotta

Membre associé
Office: 37.1.40


Articles de revue

  1. Karmim, Y.; Ramzi, E.; Fournier-S 'Niehotta, R. and Thome, N. ITEM: Improving Training and Evaluation of Message-Passing based GNNs for top-k recommendation. In Transactions on Machine Learning Research Journal, 2024. www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Karmim, Y.; Yang, L.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R.; Chatelain, C.; Adam, S. and Thome, N. Temporal receptive field in dynamic graph learning: A comprehensive analysis. In MLG Workshop at ECML-PKDD, Vilnius (Lituanie), France, 2024. www 
  1. David, V.; Fournier-S 'Niehotta, R. and Travers, N. MAP Inference Reasoning on TMLN with Neo4j. In BDA'24, Orléans, France, 2024. www 
  1. Karmim, Y.; Lafon, M.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R. and Thome, N. Supra-Laplacian Encoding for Transformer on Dynamic Graphs. In The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver (CA), Canada, 2024. www 
  1. Zhu, T.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R. and Rigaux, P. FACETS: A Tool for Improved Exploration of Large Symbolic Music Collections. In DLfM 2024: 11th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology, pages 63-67, ACM, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2024. doi  www 


  1. Canny, N.; Carvalho, J.; Tirado, A. C. M.; Daga, E.; de Berardinis, J.; Fournier-S 'Niehotta, R.; Graciotti, A.; Guillotel-Nothmann, C.; Gurrieri, M.; Holland, S.; Kranenburg, V. P.; Marzi, E.; McDermott, J.; Musumeci, E.; Scharnhorst, A. and Sweeney, R. D1.8: Final ten-pilots validation report and lessons learned (V1.0). Technical Report, Open University ; King's College London ; IReMus ; CNAM ; NUIG ; KNAW ; MiC ; Universit`a di Bologna, 2024.


Articles de conférence

  1. David, V.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R. and Travers, N. NeoMaPy: A Parametric Framework for Reasoning with MAP Inference on Temporal Markov Logic Networks. In ACM digital library, pages 400-409, ACM, Birmingham (UK), United Kingdom, CIKM '23: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 2023, 2023. doi  www 


  1. David, V.; Fournier-S 'Niehotta, R. and Travers, N. NeoMaPy: calcul de MAP inference sur des graphs de connaissance temporels. , Poster. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Zhu, T.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R.; Rigaux, P. and Travers, N. A Framework for Content-Based Search in Large Music Collections. In Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6 (1): 23, 2022. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Ramaciotti Morales, P.; Lamarche-Perrin, R.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R.; Poulain, R.; Tabourier, L. and Tarissan, F. Measuring diversity in heterogeneous information networks. In Theoretical Computer Science, 859: 80-115, 2021. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Dang, C.; Randrianarivo, H.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R. and Audebert, N. Web Image Context Extraction with Graph Neural Networks and Sentence Embeddings on the DOM tree. In GEM: Graph Embedding and Mining - ECML/PKDD Workshops, pages 258-267, IEEE, Bilbao, Spain, 2021. doi  www 
  1. Foscarin, F.; Audebert, N. and Fournier-S'Niehotta, R. PKSpell: Data-Driven Pitch Spelling and Key Signature Estimation. In International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Online, India, 2021. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Ramaciotti Morales, P.; Tabourier, L. and Fournier-S'Niehotta, R. Testing the Impact of Semantics and Structure on Recommendation Accuracy and Diversity. In ASONAM 2020. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, La Hague (virtual), Netherlands, 2020. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Viard, T. and Fournier-S'Niehotta, R. Augmenting content-based rating prediction with link stream features. In Computer Networks, 150: 127-133, 2019. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Viard, T. and Fournier-S'Niehotta, R. Encoding temporal and structural information in machine learning models for recommendation. In LEG @ ECML-PKDD 2019, W"urzburg, Germany, 2019. www 
  1. Foscarin, F.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R. and Jacquemard, F. A diff procedure for music score files. In 6th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM), pages 7, ACM, The Hague, Netherlands, 2019. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Fournier-S'Niehotta, R.; Rigaux, P. and Travers, N. Modeling Music as Synchronized Time Series: Application to Music Score Collections. In Information Systems, 73: 35-49, 2018. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Viard, T.; Fournier-S 'Niehotta, R.; Magnien, C. and Latapy, M. Discovering Patterns of Interest in IP Traffic Using Cliques in Bipartite Link Streams. In International Conference on Complex Networks (COMPLENET ​2018), pages 233-241, Boston, United States, Complex Networks IX Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Complex Networks CompleNet 2018 , 2018. doi  www 
  1. Foscarin, F.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R.; Jacquemard, F. and Rigaux, P. 'Evaluation de la correction rythmique des partitions numérisées. In JIM 2018 - Journées d'Informatique Musicale, pages 87-95, Amiens, France, 2018. www 


  1. Foscarin, F.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R.; Rigaux, P. and Jacquemard, F. Evaluating musical score difference: a two-level comparison. , Poster. www 

Actes de colloque

  1. Reyes-Garc'ia, E.; Kembellec, G.; Szoniecky, S.; Mkadmi, A.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R.; Siala-Kallel, F.; Ammi, M. and Labelle, S. DTUC '18: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Digital Tools & Uses Congress. ACM Press, 2018. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Kembellec, G.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R. and Cubaud, P. L'histoire du Cédric : penser un dispositif archivistique en histoire des sciences. In Cahiers d'histoire du Cnam, vol.07 - 08 (1): 133-153, 2017. www 


  1. Delacroix, J.; Barthélemy, F. c.; Fournier, R.; Gil-Michalon, I.; Lambert, A.; Plateau, A.; Rovedakis, S.; Simonot, M.; Thion, V. and Waymel, E. Informatique. Dunod, Fluoresciences , 2017. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Fournier, R.; Rigaux, P. and Travers, N. Vers un Traitement Algébrique de la Notation Musicale. In (JIM'16) Journées d'Informatique Musicale, pages 61-70, Albi, France, 2016. www 
  1. Fournier, R.; Rigaux, P. and Travers, N. Is There a Data Model in Music Notation?. In (TENOR'16) International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation, pages 1-6, Cambridge, UK, Unknown Region, 2016. www 
  1. Fournier, R.; Rigaux, P. and Travers, N. A Digital Score Library Based on MEI. In (MEC'16) Music Encoding Conference, pages 1-4, Montréal, Canada, 2016. www 
  1. Gaumont, N.; Viard, T.; Fournier-S'Niehotta, R.; Wang, Q. and Latapy, M. Analysis of the Temporal and Structural Features of Threads in a Mailing-List. In 7th Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet 2016), pages 107-118, Springer, Dijon, France, Studies in Computational Intelligence 644, 2016. doi  www 
  1. Fournier, R.; Rigaux, P. and Travers, N. Querying XML score databases: XQuery is not enough. In (ISMIR'16) International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, pages 723-729, New-York, USA, Unknown Region, 2016. doi  www 
  1. Fournier, R.; Rigaux, P. and Travers, N. Querying Music Notation. In (TIME'16) International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, pages 1-9, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 2016. doi  www 


Articles de revue

  1. Fournier, R. and Latapy, M. Temporal Patterns of Pedophile Activity in a P2P Network: First Insights about User Profiles from Big Data. In International Journal of Internet Science, 10 (1): 8-19, 2015. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Bernardes, D.; Diaby, M.; Fournier, R.; Fogelman-Soulié, F. c. and Viennet, E. A Social Formalism and Survey for Recommender Systems. In SIGKDD explorations : newsletter of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, 16 (2): 20-37, 2014. doi  www 
  1. Fournier, R.; Cholez, T.; Latapy, M.; Chrisment, I.; Magnien, C.; Festor, O. and Daniloff, I. Comparing Pedophile Activity in Different P2P Systems. In Social Sciences, 3 (3): 314-325, 2014. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. Fournier, R. and Danisch, M. Mining bipartite graphs to improve semantic pedophile activity detection. In 8th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2014), Marrakech, Morocco, 2014. doi  www 
  1. Fournier, R. and Viennet, E. AMMICO : recommandation sociale pour la visite de musée. In Apprentissage Artificiel et Fouille de Données, AAFD 2014, Université Paris 13, Institut Galilée, Villetaneuse, France, 29-30 avril 2014, Unknown, Unknown Region, 2014. www 


Articles de revue

  1. Latapy, M.; Magnien, C. and Fournier, R. Quantifying paedophile activity in a large P2P system. In Information Processing and Management, 49 (1): 248-263, 2013. doi  www 


Thèses et habilitations

  1. Fournier-S'Niehotta, R. Détection et analyse d'une thématique rare dans de grands ensembles de requêtes : l'activité pédophile dans le P2P. Ph.D. Thesis, UPMC - Paris 6 Sorbonne Universités, 2012.


Articles de conférence

  1. Latapy, M. M.; Magnien, C. and Fournier, R. Quantifying Paedophile Queries in a Large P2P System. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications INFOCOM (Mini-Conference), pages 401-405, IEEE, Shanghai, China, 2011. doi  www