Isaias Faria Silva

Personal website:
Phone: +330767056606
Office: 33.1.26

I'm a Ph.D. student at Orange Labs and Cedric-CNAM. I've been working with the battery management to participate in the electrical energy markets. In my thesis I work in strategies to use batteries installed for backup to reduce the electricity bill by participating in the retail market as well as to participate in the curtailment market. Topics: Combinatorial Optimization; Electrical Energy Market; Curtailment Market; Retail Market; Energy Battery Storage System Management


Articles de revue

  1. Silva, I. F.; Bentz, C.; Bouhtou, M.; Chardy, M. and Kedad-Sidhoum, S. Managing a multi battery energy storage system of a telecommunications company in order to reduce the total energy cost. In International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, 2022. doi  www 


Non publié

  1. Silva, I. F.; Bentz, C.; Bouhtou, M.; Chardy, M. and Kedad-Sidhoum, S. Managing a multi battery energy storage system of a telecommunications company in order to reduce the total energy cost. , working paper or preprint. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Silva, I. F.; Bouhtou, M.; Chardy, M.; Bentz, C. and Kedad-Sidhoum, S. Battery Energy Management of a Telecommunications Company to Participate in the Curtailment Market and Reduce the Total Energy Cost. In 2020 IEEE 8th International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE), pages 121-127, IEEE, Oshawa, France, 2020. doi  www 
  1. Silva, I. F.; Bentz, C.; Bouhtou, M.; Chardy, M. and Kedad-Sidhoum, S. Optimizing Battery Usage for a Telecommunications Company with Energy Curtailment Incentives. In ROADEF2020, Montpellier, France, 2020. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Silva, I. F.; Bentz, C.; Bouhtou, M.; Chardy, M. and Kedad-Sidhoum, S. Optimizing Battery Usage for a Telecommunications Company Participating in a Curtailing Market. In PGMODays 2019, Paris, France, 2019. www 
  1. Silva, I. F.; Bentz, C.; Bouhtou, M.; Chardy, M. and Kedad-Sidhoum, S. Energy storage management with energy curtailing incentives in a telecommunications context. In 10th International Workshop on Lot sizing - IWLS 2019, Paris, France, 2019. www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Soares, T.; Silva, I. F.; Melo, L. and Neto, O. A new methodology for design and simulation of NML circuits. In 2016 IEEE 7th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS), pages 259-262, IEEE, Florianopolis, France, 2016. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Soares, T. R B S; Silva, I. F. and Neto, O. P V. NML DESIGNER: uma Ferramenta para Projeto e Simulac c~ao de Circuitos Nanomagnéticos. In 2nd NaCoWo -- NanoComputing Workshop, Belo Horizonte, France, 2015. www