Constant, T. T.C.C. and Levieux, G.Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment Impact on Players' Confidence. In The 2019 CHI Conference, pages 1-12, ACM Press, Glasgow, United Kingdom, CHI '19 Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2019.doiwww
Articles de conférence
Constant, T. T.C.C.; Levieux, G.; Buendia, A. and Natkin, S.From Objective to Subjective Difficulty Evaluation in Video Games. In 16th IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), pages 107-127, Springer International Publishing, Bombay, India, Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2017 LNCS-10514, 2017.doiwww
Constant, T. T.C.C.; Buendia, A.; Rolland, C. and Natkin, S.A Role-Switching Mechanic for Reflective Decision-Making Game. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 417-423, Springer International Publishing, Trondheim, Norway, Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2015 LNCS-9353, 2015.doiwww