The Cédric Laboratory

The Center for Studies and Research in Computer Science and Communication (CEDRIC) brings together research activities in digital sciences carried out at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (Cnam). The permanent researchers of CEDRIC are also all teachers of computer science, applied mathematics or electronics. The laboratory conducts basic and applied research. Cédric maintains…

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  1. Bonnet, F. c.; Bramas, Q.; Courtieu, P.; D'efago, X.; Rieg, L.; Tixeuil, S. and Urbain, X. Comment se rassembler (avec certitude) quand on est confus et d'esorient'e. In ALGOTEL 2025 -- 27`emes Rencontres Francophones sur les AspectsAlgorithmiques des T'el'ecommunications, Saint Valery-sur-Somme, France, 2025. www 
  2. Bonnet, F. c.; Bramas, Q.; Courtieu, P.; D'efago, X.; Rieg, L.; Tixeuil, S. and Urbain, X. Deterministic Color-optimal Self-stabilizing Semi-synchronous Gathering: a Certified Algorithm. In LNCS, Springer Nature, Delphi, Greece, LNCS , 2025. www 
  3. Aponte, M-V.; Bouverot-Dupuis, M.; Bramas, Q.; Courtieu, P.; Rieg, L. and Urbain, X. Rendez-vous au Point-Dont-On-Ne-Doit-Pas-Calculer-Les-Coordonn'ees. In ALGOTEL 2025 -- 27`emes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des T'el'ecommunications, Saint Valery-sur-Somme, France, 2025. www 
  4. Cressant, K.; Braconnot Velloso, P. and Secci, S. GNN graph structures in network anomaly detection. In Network Operations and Management Symposium, Honolulu (Hawaii), United States, 2025. www 
  5. Nguyen, M. H. and Nguyen, T. L. A multi-objective optimization approach for generalized linear multiplicative programming. , working paper or preprint. www 