Cédric Bentz
Professeur des Universités
Équipe : Optimisation combinatoire
Site web : http://cedric.cnam.fr/~bentzc/Bentz.php
Bureau : 31.1.82
Professeur des Universités en informatique au CNAM et dans l'équipe OC du CEDRIC, je travaille principalement sur des problématiques d'optimisation dans les graphes. Pour plus de détails, vous pouvez consulter mon site web professionnel (voir l'URL sur cette page).
Articles de revue
- Robust capacitated Steiner trees and networks with~uniform demands. In Networks, 82 (1): 3-31, 2023. doi www
Articles de revue
- Managing a multi battery energy storage system of a telecommunications company in order to reduce the total energy cost. In International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, 2022. doi www
Non publié
- Managing a multi battery energy storage system of a telecommunications company in order to reduce the total energy cost. , working paper or preprint. www
Articles de revue
- On the edge capacitated Steiner tree problem. In Discrete Optimization, 38: 100607, 2020. doi www
- Complexity of the multicut problem, in its vanilla, partial and generalized versions, in graphs of bounded treewidth. In Theoretical Computer Science, 809: 239-249, 2020. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Battery Energy Management of a Telecommunications Company to Participate in the Curtailment Market and Reduce the Total Energy Cost. In 2020 IEEE 8th International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE), pages 121-127, IEEE, Oshawa, France, 2020. doi www
- Optimisation robuste du câblage d'un parc éolien sous contraintes de load flow. In ROADEF 2019, Montpellier, France, 2020. www
- Wind farm cable layout optimization with constraints of load flow and robustness. In ICREEE 2020: International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering, Tokyo (on line), Japan, 2020. www
- Optimizing Battery Usage for a Telecommunications Company with Energy Curtailment Incentives. In ROADEF2020, Montpellier, France, 2020. www
Articles de revue
- An FPT Algorithm for Planar Multicuts with Sources and Sinks on the Outer Face. In Algorithmica, 81 (1): 224-237, 2019. doi www
- Weighted and locally bounded list-colorings in split graphs, cographs, and partial k-trees. In Theoretical Computer Science, 782: 11-29, 2019. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Optimizing Battery Usage for a Telecommunications Company Participating in a Curtailing Market. In PGMODays 2019, Paris, France, 2019. www
- Energy storage management with energy curtailing incentives in a telecommunications context. In 10th International Workshop on Lot sizing - IWLS 2019, Paris, France, 2019. www
Articles de revue
- Formulations for designing robust networks. An application to wind power collection. In Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 64: 365-374, 2018. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Minimum length disjoint paths and Capacitated (rooted) Steiner Tree. In Euro-Alio International Conference on Applied Combinatorial Optimization Aims and Objectives, Bologna, Italy, 2018. www
Non publié
- Robust capacitated trees and networks with uniform demands *. , working paper or preprint. www
Thèses et habilitations
Non publié
- On the edge capacitated Steiner tree problem. , working paper or preprint. www
Articles de revue
- Directed Steiner trees with diffusion costs. In Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 32 (4): 1089-1106, 2016. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Conception de câblages robustes dans les parcs éoliens : recherche d'une Arborescence de Steiner ''robuste''. In 17ème congrès ROADEF, Compiègne, France, 2016. www
Articles de revue
- Blockers for the stability number and the chromatic number. In Graphs and Combinatorics, 31 (1): 73-90, 2015. doi www
- An FPT algorithm in polynomial space for the Directed Steiner Tree problem with Limited number of Diffusing nodes. In Information Processing Letters, 115 (2): 275-279, 2015. doi www
Articles de conférence
- Flot maximum robuste avec incertitudes sur les chemins. In 16eme congrès annuel de la ROADEF, pages 1, Marseille, France, 2015. www
- On the capacitated Steiner tree problem. Technical Report CEDRIC-15-3289, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2015.
Articles de conférence
- A Steiner tree problem with capacity constraints. In GO IX, Ninth international colloquium on Graphs and Optimization, pages 12, Sirmione, Italy, 2014. www
- Survivable Network Coding. In ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société franc caise de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide `a la décision, Bordeaux, France, 2014. www
- Cabling optimization of a windfarm and capacitated K-Steiner tree. In PGMO-COPI'14 Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization - Conference on Optimization Practices in Industry, pages 4 pages, Palaiseau (91), France, 2014. www
- Directed Steiner Tree with Branching Constraint. In 20th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference - COCOON, pages 263-275, Springer, Atlanta, United States, 2014. doi www
- Network coding for survivable multicast video streaming networks. In Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), 2014 6th International Workshop on, pages 138-144, X, France, 2014. www
Articles de revue
- Packing and covering with linear programming: A survey. In European Journal of Operational Research, 227: 409-422, 2013. www
Articles de conférence
- Steiner Problems with Limited Number of Branching Nodes. In SIROCCO 2013, pages nc, Ischia, Italy, 2013. www
- Inapproximability proof of DSTLB and USTLB in planar graphs. Technical Report, Supélec, 2013.
Articles de revue
- d-Transversals of Stable Sets and Vertex Covers in Weighted Bipartite Graphs. In Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 17: 95-102, 2012. doi www
Articles de conférence
- A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Planar Multicuts with Few Source-Sink Pairs. In IPEC 2012, pages 109-119, Ljubljana, Slovenia, LNCS 7535, 2012. www
Articles de revue
- On the hardness of finding near-optimal multicuts in directed acyclic graphs. In Theoretical Computer Science, 412: 5325-5332, 2011. www
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- Weighted Transversals and Blockers for Some Optimization Problems in Graphs. In Progress in Combinatorial Optimization, pages 203-222, 2011. www
Articles de conférence
- Minimum d-Transversals of Maximum-Weight Stable Sets in Trees. In European conference on combinatorics, graph theory and applications. EuroComb'11, pages 129-134, Budapest, Hungary, 2011. doi www
Articles de revue
- Blockers and Transversals in some subclasses of bipartite graphs: when caterpillars are dancing on a grid. In Discrete Mathematics, 310: 132-146, 2010. doi www
Articles de revue
- Disjoint paths in sparse graphs. In Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157: 3558-3568, 2009. www
- Locally bounded k -colorings of trees. In RAIRO - Operations Research, 43 (1): 27-33, 2009. doi www
- A simple algorithm for multicuts in planar graphs with outer terminals. In Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157: 1959-1964, 2009. www
- Blockers and Transversals. In Discrete Mathematics, 13: 4306-4314, 2009. doi www
- Cardinality constrained and multicriteria (multi)cut problems. In Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 7 (1): 102-111, 2009. www
- Degree-constrained edge partitioning in graphs arising from discrete tomography. In Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 13 (2): 99-118, 2009. doi www
- Multicut and integral multiflow in rings. In European Journal of Operational Research, 196 (3): 1251-1254, 2009. doi www
Articles de conférence
- New results on planar and directed multicuts. In EUROCOMB 2009, pages 207-211, Bordeaux, France, ENDM 34, 2009. www
- On Planar and Directed Multicuts with few Source-Sink Pairs. In CTW 2009, pages 313-316, Paris, France, 2009. www
- d-bloqueurs et d-transversaux. In Recherche op?rationnelle et aide ? la d?cision. ROADEF'09 Nancy, pages 316-317, X, France, 2009. www
Articles de revue
- On the complexity of the multicut problem in bounded tree-width graphs and digraphs. In Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156: 1908-1917, 2008. www
- On a graph coloring problem arising from discrete tomography. In Networks, 51 (4): 256-267, 2008. doi www
- Exact and approximate resolution of integral multiflow and multicut problems: algorithms and complexity. In 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 6: 89-92, 2008. www
Articles de revue
- The maximum integer multiterminal flow problem in directed graphs. In Operations Research Letters, 35: 195-200, 2007. www
- Maximum integer multiflow and minimum multicut problems in uniform grid graphs. In Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 5 (1): 36-54, 2007. doi www
- The shortest multipaths problem in a capacitated dense channel. In European Journal of Operational Research, 178: 926-931, 2007. www
Articles de conférence
- Solving the planar multicut problem. In Graphs and Optimization VI, Cademario, Switzerland, pages 9, X, France, 2007. www
- Multicoupes dans les graphes orientés de largeur d'arbre bornée et les cactus : complexité et inapproximabilité. In ROADEF'07 Francoro V, F?vrier, Grenoble, pages 85-86, X, France, 2007. www
Articles de conférence
- The Maximum Integer Multiterminal Flow Problem. In OTA'06 Int. Workshop of ICCSA 2006, Glasgow, pages 738-747, X, France, LNCS 3982, 2006. www
- Discrete tomography and graph coloring. In EURO XXI, Reykjavik, Iceland, X, France, 2006. www
- Approximation du problème de flot multiterminal entier maximum dans les graphes orientés. In ROADEF'06 7ème congrès, février, pages 48, Lille, France, 2006. www
- Multicuts in bounded tree-width (di)graphs. In Fifth Int. Colloquium on Graphs and Optimisation, Leukerbad, Switzerland, pages 9, X, France, 2006. www
- Reconstruction de la coloration dun graphe `a partir de projections de cha^ines. In ROADEF'06 7ème congrès ROADEF - Février, pages 51, Lille, France, 2006. www
- Etude du problème de la multicoupe minimale `a cardinalité contrainte. In ROADEF'06 7ème congrès, février, pages 54, Lille, France, 2006. www
- Multicoupe dans les graphes planaires et de largeur d'arbre bornée. In ROADEF'06 7ème congrès, février, pages 54, Lille, France, 2006. www
- Feasible node colorings of trees with cardinality constraints. Technical Report CEDRIC-06-987, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2006.
Articles de conférence
- Edge disjoint paths and max integral multiflow/min multicut theorems in planar graphs. In ICGT'05 7th Int. Colloquium on Graph Theory, Hyeres, pages 55-60, X, France, ENDM 22, 2005. www
- The shortest multipaths problem in a capacitated dense channel. In ALIO/EURO'05 5th Conf. on Combinatorial Optimization, ENST, Paris, France, pages 31, X, France, 2005. www
- Résoudre en temps linéaire le problème de la multicoupe minimum dans des grilles rectangulaires. In ROADEF'05 6ème congrès, février, pages 105-106, Tours, France, 2005. www
- Maximum edge disjoint paths and minimum unweighted multicuts in grid graphs. In CIRO'05, Marrakech, pages 85, X, France, 2005. www
- Edge disjoint paths and multicut problems in graphs generalizing the trees. Technical Report CEDRIC-05-948, CEDRIC Lab/CNAM, 2005.
Articles de conférence
- Maximum edge disjoint paths and minimum unweighted multicut problems in grid graphs. In Contibuted talk, Proceedings Graph Theory (GT'04), Paris, pages 23, X, France, 2004. www
- A bibliography on multicut and integer multiflow problems. , Rapport scientifique CEDRIC (ref. CEDRIC 654). www