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[ENW13a] Synchronization in Wireless Sensors Networks Using balanced clustersConférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : WMNC'2013, April 2013, pp.1-4, Dubai, UAE,Mots clés: synchronization, balanced clusters, sensors networks
The advent of smart devices and continuous
expansions of smart environments make Wireless sensor
networks (WSNs) an important part of our daily lives. The usage
of a myriad of devices in self-organizing networks in a various
fields such as home monitoring, medical and military etc.
requires an efficient delivery of sensed information. For this
necessity, a local clock of sensors nodes needs to be synchronized
and up-keep timely synchronization between sensors, to ensue
seamlessly communication with each other via radio links aimed
at sharing and treatment of reliable information. In this paper,
we present balanced Timing-sync protocol for sensor networks
that aims at providing network-wide time synchronization in a
sensor network. Our schemes work in two steps. In the first step,
a hierarchical structure is established in the edges of this
structure to establish a global time scale through the network.
Ultimately all node in the network synchronize their clock to a
reference node. We implement our algorithm on NS2. We argue
that our algorithm roughly gives better performance as
compared to the work in the same line of research like TPSN.