Wesley da Silva Coelho

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Bureau : 33.1.26

Topic : Design et Optimisation des Réseaux 5G. Encadrants : Stefano Secci, Amal Benhamiche (Orange), Nancy Perrot (Orange)


Articles de revue

  1. da Silva Coelho, W.; Benhamiche, A.; Perrot, N. and Secci, S. Function splitting, isolation, and placement trade-offs in network slicing. In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 19 (2): 1920-1936, 2022. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. da Silva Coelho, W.; Benhamiche, A.; Perrot, N. and Secci, S. A Math-Heuristic for Network Slice Design. In International Teletraffic Congress, Avignon, France, 2021. www 
  1. da Silva Coelho, W. Modeling and optimization of 5G network design. In 33th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC-33), IEEE, Avignon, France, 2021 33th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC-33) , 2021. www 


  1. da Silva Coelho, W.; Perrot, N.; Benhamiche, A. and Secci, S. On the Network Slice Design Problem: Appendix. , Valid Inequalities Proofs for the NSDP. www 


Articles de revue

  1. da Silva Coelho, W.; Benhamiche, A.; Perrot, N. and Secci, S. Network Function Mapping: from 3G Entities to 5G Service-Based Functions Decomposition. In IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, 4 (3), 2020. doi  www 

Articles de conférence

  1. da Silva Coelho, W.; Benhamiche, A.; Perrot, N. and Secci, S. On the impact of novel function mappings, sharing policies, and split settings in network slice design. In International Conference on Network and Service Management, pages 1-9, IEEE, Izmir (virtual ), Turkey, 2020. doi  www 


Articles de conférence

  1. Benhamiche, A.; da Silva Coelho, W. and Perrot, N. Routing and Resource Assignment Problems in Future 5G Radio Access Networks. In International Network Optimization Conference, pages 89-94, OpenProceedings, Avignon, France, 2019. doi  www