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[BHK16] Modelling and analyzing home care plans using high-level Petri netsConférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : 2016 13th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES), June 2016, pp.284 - 290, Xian, China, (DOI: 10.1109/WODES.2016.7497861)Mots clés: home care plan processes, high-level Petri nets,
Given the constant pressure to improve healthcare efficiency, home care appears as a unique solution for providing personalized healthcare service and home assistance for a growing number of elderly and chronic patients. Home care plans define the health cares or supportive cares delivered by the different home care professionals for a given patient. The management of these plans is challenging since they are inherently flexible, context dependent and cooperative processes involving repetitive activities with complex temporal expressions. In this paper, we propose a formal method based time recursive ECATNets for modelling and analyzing home care plans. The choice of this formalism relies on its ability in modelling flexible and distributed home care processes, with complex temporal constraints. Moreover, since time recursive ECATNets semantics are expressed in terms of conditional rewriting logic, we can use the Real Time MAUDE TCTL model checker to verify temporal properties of home care plan processes.
download pdf : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7497861/