Paris, France, June 29-30, 2017
The proceedings are available here:
LNCS 10566
Invited speakers
"Enabling emergent mobile systems in the IoT: Functional and QoS interoperability aspects at the middleware layer"presented by Dr Nikolaos Georgantas, the head of MIMOVE team (Inria, Paris) |
Nikolaos Georgantas received his PhD in 2001 in electrical and computer engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. He is currently senior research scientist at Inria Paris, France, where he is leading the MiMove research team on mobile distributed systems and supporting middleware, with special interest in the aspects of emergence and evolution, large-scale collaborative mobile sensing, and mobile social crowd-sensing, particularly related to smart cities. His research interests relate to software engineering for distributed systems, ubiquitous computing, service-oriented computing, and self-adaptive systems. He currently works on interoperability and QoS analysis of service choreographies across heterogeneous middleware interaction paradigms. He has more than seventy publications on these topics. He regularly serves as member in several international conference program committees. He has been involved in a number of European research projects, among which, currently, H2020 CHOReVOLUTION and FIESTA-IoT, and undertaken work package leader and PI roles. |
"Identity Management for Internet connected objects"presented by Dr Hanene Maupas (SAFRAN) |
Hanene Maupas, VP Sales & Marketing for SAFRAN Identity& Security in charge of developing IoT, brings along more than 15 years of Semiconductor experience in Sales and Marketing. In her last position at StarChip (now part of SAFRAN) she was in charge of developing Sales and Marketing strategies to position Starchip as a global leader of Hardware secure solutions provider. Before joining Starchip, she was ATMEL Business Development Director, leading an European team to develop the Micro-controllers business. She started her career at Philips as Product Manager, then at STMicroelectronics as Smart Card Global Account Manager. She has proven track record of design-win, business creation and market share growth in the Electronic industry. She holds a PhD degree in Microlectronics from Ecole Centrale de Lyon and a Master in Business and Management from IDRAC/ESC of Lyon (France). |
In collaboration with:

With the support of:
IFIP WG 11.2 Pervasive Systems Security