
[SAA09] "Plug: Secrets of the Museum": A pervasive game taking place in a museum

Atelier, Poster ou Démonstration dans une Conférence Internationale : September 2009,
Résumé: “Plug: Secrets of the Museum” (PSM) is a game played with NFC-enabled mobile phones inside a museum containing dedicated passive RFID tags. During a PSM session, 8 teams exchange virtual cards representing objects located in the museum. These exchanges are done either with RFID tags or with other teams. PSM game design results in an educational and entertaining game which is much more attractive than the plain old treasure hunt proposed by several museums. Thus PSM is a good companion to discover and even take up a museum.

Equipe: mim


@inproceedings {
title="{"Plug: Secrets of the Museum": A pervasive game taking place in a museum}",
author=" M. Simatic and I. Astic and C. Aunis and A. Gentes and A. Guyot-Mbodji and C. Jutant and E. Zaza ",