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[PRP16] Reducing the clique and chromatic number via edge contractions and vertex deletionsConférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : ISCO 2016 - 4th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, April 2016, pp.38-49, Series LNCS9849, Salerne, Italie,Mots clés: graph, contraction, deletion, chromatic number, clique
We consider the following problem: can a certain graph pa- rameter of some given graph G be reduced by at least d, for some inte- ger d, via at most k graph operations from some specified set S, for some given integer k? As graph parameters we take the chromatic number and the clique number. We let the set S consist of either an edge contraction or a vertex deletion. As all these problems are NP-complete for general graphs even if d is fixed, we restrict the input graph G to some special graph class. We continue a line of research that considers these problems for subclasses of perfect graphs, but our main results are full classifica- tions, from a computational complexity point of view, for graph classes characterized by forbidding a single induced connected subgraph H.