
[Dam11a] Interactive Art and the Interpretation of Cultural Heritage at CEDRIC

Conférences invitées : ISEA 2011, International Symposium on Electronic Art, September 2011, Istanbul, Turkey,

Auteurs: A. Damala

Mots clés: art, New Media Art, museum, cultural heritage, augmented reality, museum visit

Résumé: This is a short presentation of CEDRIC's art and cultural heritage activities and projects that took place in the ISEA 2011 conference, within the context of the "Supporting a Network of Excellence in Interactive Art" workshop. It provides a short overview of important projects before focusing on the EU ARtSENSE project, as an example of a project mobilising all existing know-how and knowledge of the CEDRIC laboratory in the domain of museum visiting, contemporary art and aesthetic experiences.

Equipe: mim


@inproceedings {
title="{Interactive Art and the Interpretation of Cultural Heritage at CEDRIC}",
author=" A. Damala ",
booktitle="{ISEA 2011, International Symposium on Electronic Art}",
address="Istanbul, Turkey",