
[CBM15] [Invited Paper] Formal Methods for Mobile Robots: Current Results and Open Problems

Revue Internationale avec comité de lecture : Journal International Journal of Informatics Society, vol. 7(3), pp. 101-114, 2015

Mots clés: mobile robots, swarm, theorem proving, distributed algorithms

Résumé: This paper surveys state-of-the-art results about applying formal methods approaches (namely, model-checking, program synthesis, and proof assistants) to the context of mobile robot networks. Those methods already proved useful for bug-hunting in published literature, designing correct-by-design optimal protocols, and certifying impossibility results. We also present related open questions to further develop this path of research.

Collaboration: LIP6


@article {
title="{[Invited Paper] Formal Methods for Mobile Robots: Current Results and Open Problems}",
author="P. Courtieu and B. Bérard and L. Millet and M. Potop-Butucaru and L. Rieg and N. Sznajder and S. Tixeuil and X. Urbain",
journal="International Journal of Informatics Society",