
[CBB16a] A bigraph-based framework for specification and analysis of context-aware systems Multiple Input Multiple Output Link

Revue Internationale avec comité de lecture : Journal Int. J. of Critical Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS), vol. 6(4), pp. 322 - 342, 2016

Mots clés: bigraphical reactive systems; BRS; BigCAS-Tool; modelling; verification; context-aware systems; traffic sign recognition; ubiquitous computing; context awareness; reconfiguration; structural composition; model checking; reachability analysis; traffic signs.

Résumé: Context-aware systems refer to a particular class of ubiquitous computing in which, systems are able to sense environmental information and adapt their behaviour accordantly. However, the key challenge in the ubiquitous computing lies in providing a consistent model in order to deal with the increasing complexity and variety of context-aware systems. In this paper, we present a rigorous approach based on bigraphical reactive systems for modelling the main features of context-aware systems. The proposed approach provides a clear separation between the part of the system which is affected by the context and the remaining part. Moreover, it is equipped with a domain-specific tool, so-called BigCAS-Tool, which supports the modelling and execution of context-aware systems models. BigCAS-Tool features and capabilities are illustrated through a case study of a traffic sign recognition system.

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