
[CAS01a] Impurities Design Patterns. Impurities in the Charts of Concepts of the ER Model and UML

Rapport Scientifique : Date de dépot: 2001/01/01, (Tech. Rep.: CEDRIC-01-201)
Résumé: Impurities exist in analysis and design models as well as in information system models. Some of them result from circularity between concepts; we call them “circular impurities”. Others result from similarity between concepts; we call them “similar impurities”. We propose to search for possible circular and similar impurities in model diagrams by finding classical subgraphs. For example, directed cycles highlight circular impurities and bipartite subgraphs of diagrams highlight similar impurities of model diagrams. We call these classical subgraphs "impurities design patterns". The proposed solution is applicable on model diagrams which are directed graphs built with one kind of node and one kind of relationship. We propose metrics to measure possible circular and similar impurities and an evaluation function to compare impurities in models. We apply this proposition on charts of concepts of models which are directed graphs whose nodes represent concepts of a model and arcs illustrate dependencies between definitions of their concepts. We search for possible circular and similar impurities in the charts of concepts of an information system, of the ER model, and of the UML.


@techreport {
title="{Impurities Design Patterns. Impurities in the Charts of Concepts of the ER Model and UML}",
author="X. Castellani",
institution="{CEDRIC laboratory, CNAM-Paris, France}",