
[BGL01] Industrial Messaging Service For A Power Utility : TASE-2 over the Real-Time Microkernel pSOS+

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Résumé: Our project aimed to evaluate the ability of the TASE.2 (Telecontrol Application Service Element version 2) standard to support EDF s communication requirements for small and medium production units. EDF is the French power supplier. Our work focused on TASE.2 conformance blocks 1, 2 and 5. TASE.2 is a companion standard of ISO MMS. We studied TASE.2 services through the port of an off-the-shelf product over pSOS+ a real-time kernel. This paper describes our tests and our results. The port has been successful and our implementation behaves like the reference implementation over Windows NT. Finally, this work allowed us to investigate the TASE.2 standard, and contributes to define functional tests.

Commentaires: IEEE. October. Antibes, France.


@misc {
title="{Industrial Messaging Service For A Power Utility : TASE-2 over the Real-Time Microkernel pSOS+}",
author="E. Becquet and E. Gressier-Soudan and E. Legrand and G. Hellack",
note="{IEEE. October. Antibes, France.}",