[AP08] A service oriented compiler for operating systems
Rapport Scientifique :
Date de dépot: 2008/01/01,
(Tech. Rep.: CEDRIC-08-1551)
Most tools dedicated to system administration of local area network
follow the same scheme. For each host they install an initial
operating system and then update it using a package manager. The
package managers run independently on the hosts, this makes difficult
(even impossible) to create and maintain a stable environment in which
multiple hosts coexist and cooperate. Furthermore, over time, the
update process that upgrades, adds or suppress software results in
instability of host systems. Finally, a package corresponds most
often to a single software with a basic configuration which does not
match to the network requirements.
This article presents the YaKa framework which propose an orthogonal
approach to this scheme in which the update feature almost disappears
and is replaced by a very fast installation of a new clean system. All
systems required in the network are generated all together by a
compiler which has a complete view of the network. This general view
allows to describe systems as a set of abstract services. A service
groups one or several softwares and configures them for enabling a
given functionality on one or several hosts.