Elena Kornyshova
Publications hors Cedric
1. Thèses de doctorat
[1] Kornyshova E., MADISE: Method Engineering-based Approach for Enhancing Decision-Making in Information Systems Engineering, PhD thesis, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France, (2011)
[2] Kornyshova E., Analyse systémique pour la gestion des processus métier en entreprises, Ph.D. thesis, Université d’Etat d’Economie et de Finances de Saint-Pétersbourg, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie, (2007)
2. Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture :
A) dans des revues d'audience internationale :
[3] Kornyshova E., Deneckère R., and Claudepierre B. Towards Method Component Contextualization, International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD), (2011)
[4] Kornyshova E., Salinesi C., and Deneckère R. Which Method to Support Multicriteria Decision Making Systematically in IS Engineering?, Systems Research Forum Journal (SRF), 3:1, (2009), pp. 15 – 24
[5] Kornyshova E. and Salinesi C. Selecting MCDM Techniques: State of the Art, International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing (IT&IC), (2008)
[6] Kornyshova E. and Salinesi C. Introducing Multicriteria Decision Making into Software Engineering, INSIGHT (INSIGHT), INCOSE, 11:3, (2008)
B) dans des revues d'audience nationale (France) :
[7] Deneckère R., Kornyshova E., and Ralyté J., Famille de méthodes : la flexibilité au cœur du processus de construction de méthode, Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information (ISI), Lavoisier, Paris, France, 19:1, (2014), pp.67-95
[8] Deneckère R. and Kornyshova E. Processus téléologique et variabilité: Utilisation de la sensibilité au contexte, Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information (ISI), Lavoisier, Paris, France, 16:1, (2011), pp. 61 – 88
C) dans des revues d'audience nationale (Russie) :
[9] Kornyshova E. M., Motyshina M. S., Determination of trends in the staff development through the definition of priority business processes, Human Resource Management, Russia, â„– 8, pp. 85-88 (In Russian), (2007)
[10] Kornyshova E. M. Defining priorities in Business Process Management in companies, In Russian Economic on-line journal, the Internet Journal ATiSO (Acad. Labor and Social. relations), Moscow, Russia, http://www.e-rej.ru/Articles/2007/Kornyshova.pdf (In Russian), (2007)
3. Communications avec comité de lecture et actes :
A) à des manifestations d'audience internationale :
[11] Kornyshova E., Ralyté J., and Deneckère R., Constructing Method Families Based on the Variability Analysis, Accepted to the Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS) Conference, Poster session, Paris, France, (2013)
[12] Khodabandelou G., Hug C., Deneckere R., Salinesi C., Bajec M., Kornyshova E., Jankovic M., A Systematic Review and Selection of COTS Products to Trace Method Enactment, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Utrecht, Netherlands, (2013)
[13] Kornyshova E., Deneckere R., Using an Ontology for Modeling Decision-Making Knowledge, In KES Proceedings - Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES), San-Sebastian, Spain, (2012)
[14] Kornyshova E., Deneckere R., Decision-Making Method Family MADISE: Validation within the Requirements Engineering Domain, In RCIS proceedings - Research Challenges in information Science (RCIS), Valencia, Spain, (2012)
[15] Kornyshova E. and Deneckère R. Decision-Making Method Family MADISE: Validation within the Requirements Engineering Domain, International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), Valencia, Spain, (2012)
[16] Kornyshova E., Deneckère R., and Rolland C. Method Families Concept: Application to Decision-Making Methods, Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD), London, United Kingdom, (2011)
[17] Kornyshova E., Deneckère R., and Rolland C. Method Family Description and Configuration, International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Beijing, China, (2011)
[18] Deneckère R. and Kornyshova E. Process Line Configuration: an Indicator-based Guidance of the Intentional Model MAP, Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD), Hammamet, Tunisie, (2010)
[19] Kornyshova E., Deneckère R., and Claudepierre B. Contextualization of method components, International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), Ed. IEEE, ISBN #978-1-4244-4840-1, Nice, France, (2010)
[20] Kornyshova E. and Deneckère R. Decision-Making Ontology for Information System Engineering, International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER), Vancouver, Canada, November (2010)
[21] Deneckère R., Kornyshova E., and Rolland C. Enhancing the Guidance of the Intentional Model MAP: Graph Theory Application, International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), Fès, Morocco, (2009)
[22] Deneckère R., Iacovelli A., Kornyshova E., and Souveyet C. From Method Fragments to Method Services, Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD), Montpellier, France, (2008)
[23] Kornyshova E., Deneckère R., and Salinesi C. Improving Software Development Processes with Multicriteria Methods, Model Driven Information Systems Engineering: Enterprise, User and System Models (MoDISE-EUS), Montpellier, France, (2008)
[24] Kornyshova E., Deneckère R., and Salinesi C. Using Multicriteria Decision-Making to Take into Account the Situation in System Engineering, International Conference on Advanced information Systems Engineering (CAISE), In Forum Proceedings, Montpellier, France, (2008)
[25] Kornyshova E. and Salinesi C. MCDM Techniques Selection Approaches: State of the Art, IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM), Honolulu, HI, USA, (2007)
[26] Kornyshova E. and Salinesi C. Business Process Priorisation with Multicriteria Methods: Case of Business Process Reengineering, International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Funchal, Portugal, (2007)
[27] Kornyshova E., Deneckère R., and Salinesi C. Method Chunks Selection by Multicriteria Techniques: an Extension of the Assembly-based Approach, IFIP, volume 244 (Situational Method Engineering: Fundamentals and Experiences) (ME), Geneva, Switzerland, (2007)
[28] Salinesi C., Kornyshova E. Choosing a Prioritization Method – Case of IS Security Improvement, International Conference on Advanced information Systems Engineering (CAISE), In Forum Proceedings, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, (2006)
B) à des manifestations d'audience nationale (France) :
[29] Deneckère R., Kornyshova E., and I. Rychkova, Des lignes de processus aux familles de processus, Informatique des Organisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision (INFORSID), Lille, France, (2011)
[30] Deneckère R. and Kornyshova E. La variabilité due à la sensibilité au contexte dans les processus téléologiques, Informatique des Organisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision (INFORSID), Marseille, France, (2010)
[31] Kornyshova E., Deneckère R., and Salinesi C. Improving Software Development Processes with Multicriteria Methods, Méthodes Avancées de Développement des Systèmes d'Information (MADSI), Montpellier, France, (2008)
C) à des manifestations d'audience nationale (Russie) :
[32] Kornyshova E. M., An approach for selecting multicriteria decision making methods, In Proceedings of Economic Cybernetics: Systems Analysis in Economics and Management, Issue 13, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Ed. of SPbGUEF, pp. 101-103 (In Russian), (2006)
[33] Kornyshova E. M., Designing a model of Business Process Management based on the MAP approach, In Proceedings of the Economic Cybernetics: Systems Analysis in Economics and Management, Issue 13, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Ed. of SPbGUEF, pp. 222-226 (In Russian), (2006)
[34] Kornyshova E. M., Application of multicriteria methods in the definition of priority business processes, In Proceedings of the V International Scientific Conference Actual problems of the economy and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov Readings), V.2., Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Ed. of MBI, pp. 181-184 (In Russian), (2006)
[35] Kornyshova E. M., Elaboration of a procedure for defining priority business processes, In Proceedings of the IX International Scientific-Practical conference System analysis in the design and management, Part 1., Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Ed. of SPb. Polytechnic Univ., Part 1, pp. 225-229 (In Russian), (2006)
[36] Kornyshova E. M., Communication as a means of improving the efficiency of business process reengineering, In Proceedings of the IV International Scientific Conference Actual problems of the economy and new technologies of teaching (Smirnov Readings), V.2., Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Ed. of MBI, pp. 107-108 (In Russian), (2005)
[37] Kornyshova E. M., Overview of existing methods of business process modeling, In Proceedings of the IX International Scientific-Practical conference System analysis in the design and management, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Ed. of SPb. Polytechnic Univ., 2005, pp. 348-349 (In Russian), (2005)
[38] Kornyshova E. M., Experience of reengineering of Business Process "Production Planning", In Proceedings of Economic Cybernetics: Systems Analysis in Economics and Management, Issue 11, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Ed. of SPbGUEF, pp. 164-165 (In Russian), (2005)
4. Autres publications
A) Posters :
[39] Kornyshova E. Développement d'une démarche visant à introduire l'aide à la décision multicritère dans l'ingénierie des systèmes, Association Française d'Ingénierie Système (AFIS), Poster, Nancy, France, (2007)
B) Papier court :
[40] Kornyshova E. and Deneckère R. Famille de méthodes : une approche de construction de méthodes situationnelles, Informatique des Organisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision (INFORSID), Papier court, Lille, France, (2011)
C) Papier de travail :
[41] Bucher T., Bajec M., Furlan Š., Kornyshova E., Saidani O., Vavpotiè D., and Žvanut B. On the Application of the ISD Method Engineering Approach in Non-ISD Domains, Institute of Information Management (University of St. Gallen), Working paper, (2008)