
Thach Ngoc Dinh

Equipe Laetitia
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Tel : +33 1 40 27 20 67

I was born in Vung Tau, Vietnam. I obtained my MScRes in Automated Systems Engineering and my "Diplôme d'Ingénieur" (Master's Degree) in Electrical Engineering, both from INSA de Lyon, France in 2011. I received my Ph.D. degree from Université de Paris-Sud 11 joint with INRIAMines ParisTech and L2S (CentraleSupélec), France in 2014. From 2015 to 2016, I was a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan. From 2016 to 2017, I held a Temporary Position of Assistant Professor at ISTV of Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis and at the LAMIH-Lab UMR CNRS 8201, France. From September 2017,  I am an Associate Professor at CNAM Paris and at the Cedric-Lab EA4629, France.





Publications hors Cedric

Journal papers

  1. T.N. Dinh, H. Ito, "Decentralization of Interval Observers for Robust Controlling and Monitoring a Class of Nonlinear Systems," SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 117–123, 2017.
  2. T.N. Dinh, V. Andrieu, M. Nadri, U. Serres, ''Continuous-discrete time observer design for Lipschitz systems with sampled measurements,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.60, Issue 3, pp. 787-792, 2015
  3. F. Mazenc, T.N. Dinh, ''Construction of Interval Observers for Continuous-time Systems with Discrete Measurements,'' Automatica, Vol. 50, pp. 2555-2560, 2014. 
  4. F. Mazenc, T.N. Dinh, S.-I. Niculescu, ''Interval Observers For Discrete-time Systems'' International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 24, pp. 2867-2890, 2014. 
  5. F. Mazenc, T.N. Dinh, S.-I. Niculescu, ''Robust Interval Observers and Stabilization Design for Discrete-time Systems with Input and Output,'' Automatica, Vol. 49, pp. 3490-3497, 2013.
  6. F. Mazenc, M. MalisoffT.N. Dinh, "Robustness of Nonlinear Systems with Respect to Delay and Sampling of the Controls," Automatica, Vol. 49, pp. 1925-1931, 2013

 Book Chapters

  1. T.N. Dinh, H. Ito, ''On feedback transformation and integral input-to-state stability in designing robust interval observers for control systems,'' Positive Systems, Volume 471 of the series Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, F. Cacace, L. Farina, R. Setola, A. Germani (editors), pp. 53-65, Springer, 2017.

Conference papers

  1. T.N. Dinh, H. Ito, "Decentralized interval observer-based control for a class of nonlinear systems," in Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 1426-1431, 2016.
  2. T.N. Dinh, H. Ito, "On feedback transformation and integral input-to-state stability in designing robust interval observers," in Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Positive Systems, No.4-3, 2 pages, slides, Rome, Italy, 2016.
  3. T.N. Dinh, H. Ito, "Interval Observers for Continuous-time Bilinear Systems with Discrete-time Outputs," in Proceedings of the 15th European Control Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 1418-1423, 2016.
  4. H. Ito, T.N. Dinh, "Interval Observers for Nonlinear Systems with Appropriate Output Feedback," in Proceedings of the 2nd SICE International Symposium on Control SystemsNagoya, Japan, pp. 9-14, 2016. 
  5. T.N. Dinh, F. Mazenc, S.-I. Niculescu, "Interval Observer Composed of Observers for Nonlinear Systems," in Proceedings of the 13th European Control Conference, Strasbourg, France, pp. 660-665, 2014.
  6. T.N. Dinh, S. Bonnabel, R. Sepulchre, "Positive observer design based on the Hilbert metric," in Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, pp. 6574-6579, 2013.
  7. F. Mazenc, T.N. Dinh, "Continuous-Discrete Interval Observers for Systems with Discrete Measurements," in Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, pp. 787-792, 2013.
  8. F. Mazenc, T.N. Dinh, S.-I. Niculescu, "Constructions of interval observers for discrete-time systems of Luenberger type," in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Washington, USA, pp. 2484-2489, 2013.
  9. F. Mazenc, M. Malisoff, T.N. Dinh, "Uniform Global Asymptotic Stability for Nonlinear Systems under Input Delays and Sampling of the Controls," in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Washington, USA, pp. 4857-4861, 2013.
  10. F. Mazenc, T.N. Dinh, S.-I. Niculescu, "Interval Observers For Discrete-time Systems," in Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, USA,  pp.6755-6760, 2012.
  11. T.N. Dinh, V. Andrieu, M. Nadri, U. Serres, "Un observateur continu-discret pour les systèmes avec des non-linéarités de Lipschitz et des mesures discrètes," in Proceedings of the Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, Grenoble, France, 2012.