WAG 2016 -
In conjunction with ICEC 2016
September, 27th
2016, Vienna, Austria
Game accessibility has been
researched since the beginning of the game industry for inclusion of
people with special needs. However, mainstream games have generally been
inaccessible for many people with disabilities. Since October 2015 the
Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA) in the
USA requires game consoles and distribution platforms to be
accessible, while game software is excluded until January 2017. Although
the CVAA is a legislation in the USA for companies
with more than 30 employees, it has already had international impact as USA is
one of the largest game markets. This strong change in the digital
entertainment landscape has to be taken into account by researchers
in order to aid the game industry to meet this new requirement.
We encourage submission of papers on all topics related to original research in
game accessibility, including but not limited to:
- Dedicated hardware
- Interface design
- Interaction design
- Game design
- Universal access
- Design methods
- Simulations of disability
- Multiplayer
- Education
- Theory and concepts
- Statistics
- Multiple impairments
- Philosophy
- Return on investment
- Tools
- Game engine integration
Please prepare paper submission
in the Springer LNCS format (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0) and submit
it at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ifipwag16
Submission deadline: July, 25th
Notification to authors: August, 25th
Camera ready: September, 1st
All submitted papers will
undergo a thorough peer-review process by the workshop program committee.
Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop. At least one author
of accepted submissions has to register and to participate to the
workshop. All workshop participants will get – and are required to read –
abstracts of the other participants’ papers two weeks before the
conference. This will enable a more informed dialogue in the afternoon
session of the workshop.