Creative Commons License Copyright Pierre Courtieu et Olivier Pons. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International public License.


Sémantique avec procédures

Ce module formalise la sémantique d'un petit langage impératif.

Require Export GenEnv.CoreGenericEnv.
Require Export GenEnv.GenericEnv.
Require Export GenEnv.GenericEnvList.
Require Import Morphisms FunInd.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Export Gen_env_more.
Open Scope list_scope.

Reserved Notation "x ;; y" (at level 70, right associativity).

Les expressions

Le type des expressions entière et booléennes

Inductive exp : Set :=
| TRUE: exp
| FALSE: exp
| CST: nat exp
| VAR: nat exp
| PLUS: exp exp exp
| MINUS: exp exp exp
| OPP: exp exp exp
| MULT: exp exp exp
| DIV: exp exp exp
| AND: exp exp exp
| OR: exp exp exp
| NOT: exp exp.

Notation "A + B" := (PLUS A B) : Prog_scope.
Notation "A - B" := (MINUS A B) : Prog_scope.
Notation "A * B" := (MULT A B) : Prog_scope.
Notation "A / B" := (DIV A B) : Prog_scope.
Notation "A && B" := (AND A B) : Prog_scope.
Notation "A || B" := (OR A B) : Prog_scope.
Notation "! A" := (NOT A) (at level 45) : Prog_scope.
Notation "'X'" := (VAR 1): Prog_scope.
Notation "'Y'" := (VAR 2): Prog_scope.
Notation "'Z'" := (VAR 3): Prog_scope.
Notation "'T'" := (VAR 4): Prog_scope.

Open Scope Prog_scope.

Le domaine d'interprétation des expressions

Inductive value : Set :=
  Bool: bool value
| Int: nat value.

La sémantique opérationnelle à grands pas des expressions

Afin de présenter la sémantique sous la forme de règles d'inférences, on introduit la barre horizontal comme une notation qui ne fait rien.

Notation "'__________________' P2" := (P2) (at level 90, P2 at level 200, right associativity, only parsing).
Notation "'____________________________________' P2" := (P2) (at level 90, P2 at level 200, right associativity, only parsing).

La relation d'interprétation des expressions. Aussi appelée la sémantique des expressions.

Inductive eval_exp (σ:gen_env value): exp value Prop :=
| Eval_Var: forall i v,
                                     Ext.binds i v σ

                                      σ, VAR i 》↦ v
| Eval_TRUE:

                                       σ, TRUE Bool true
| Eval_FALSE:

                                       σ, FALSE Bool false
| Eval_CST: forall i,

                                       σ, CST i Int i
| Eval_NOT: forall e v v',
                                        σ , e (Bool v')
                                       v = negb v'

                                        σ , ! e Bool v
| Eval_AND: forall e1 v1 e2 v2 v,
                                       σ , e1 (Bool v1)
                                       σ , e2 (Bool v2)
                                      v = andb v1 v2

                                       σ , e1 && e2 Bool v
| Eval_OR: forall e1 v1 e2 v2 v,
                                      σ , e1 (Bool v1)
                                      σ , e2 (Bool v2)
                                     v = orb v1 v2

                                      σ , e1 || e2 Bool v
| Eval_PLUS: forall e1 v1 e2 v2 v,
                                     σ , e1 (Int v1)
                                     σ , e2 (Int v2)
                                    v = (v1 +v2)%nat

                                     σ , e1 + e2 Int v
| Eval_MINUS: forall e1 v1 e2 v2 v,
                                     σ , e1 (Int v1)
                                     σ , e2 (Int v2)
                                    v = (v1 - v2)%nat

                                     σ , e1 - e2 Int v
| Eval_MULT: forall e1 v1 e2 v2 v,
                                     σ , e1 (Int v1)
                                     σ , e2 (Int v2)
                                    v = (v1 × v2)%nat

                                     σ , e1 × e2 Int v

where " '《' A ',' B '》' '↦' C " := (eval_exp A B C) : Prog_scope.

Function eval_exp_list (σ:gen_env value) (le:list exp) (lv:list value) {struct le} : Prop :=
  match le with
    | nil =>
      match lv with
        | cons v lv' => False
        | nil => True
    | cons e le' =>
      match lv with
        | cons v lv' => eval_exp σ e v eval_exp_list σ le' lv'
        | nil => False

Lemma eval_exp1 : 《(ENV.Core.empty _) , CST 1 + CST 2 Int 3.
  apply (Eval_PLUS _ _ 1 _ 2).
  apply Eval_CST.
  apply Eval_CST.

Print eval_exp1.

Preuve du déterminisme de la sémantique des expressions.

Lemma determinisme_exp :
  forall σ e v, σ,e v forall v', σ,e v' v = v'.
  intros σ e x semv.
  induction semv; intros x' semx';inversion semx';clear semx';subst.
  - eapply Ext.binds_eq_inv;eauto.
  - trivial.
  - trivial.
  - trivial.
  - apply IHsemv in H1.
    inversion H1.
  - apply IHsemv1 in H2.
    apply IHsemv2 in H3.
    inversion H2.
    inversion H3.
  - apply IHsemv1 in H2.
    apply IHsemv2 in H3.
    inversion H2.
    inversion H3.
  - apply IHsemv1 in H2.
    apply IHsemv2 in H3.
    inversion H2.
    inversion H3.
  - apply IHsemv1 in H2.
    apply IHsemv2 in H3.
    inversion H2.
    inversion H3.
  - apply IHsemv1 in H2.
    apply IHsemv2 in H3.
    inversion H2.
    inversion H3.

Corollary deterministe_eval_exp_list: forall σ le lv lv',
eval_exp_list σ le lv
eval_exp_list σ le lv'
lv = lv'.
  intros σ le.
  induction le;simpl;intros.
  - destruct lv; destruct lv'; try contradiction;auto.
  - destruct lv; destruct lv'; try contradiction;auto.
    destruct H as [h h'].
    destruct H0 as [h0 h0'].
    rewrite (IHle lv lv').
    + rewrite (determinisme_exp _ _ _ h _ h0).
    + assumption.
    + assumption.

Les programmes

Le type des programmes

Quelques notations pour y voir plus clair.

Notation "A ;; B" := (SEQ A B): Prog_scope.
Notation "N ← B" := (AFF N B) (at level 65): Prog_scope.
Notation "'X' ← B" := (AFF 1 B) (at level 65): Prog_scope.
Notation "'Y' ← B" := (AFF 2 B) (at level 65): Prog_scope.
Notation "'Z' ← B" := (AFF 3 B) (at level 65): Prog_scope.
Notation "'T' ← B" := (AFF 4 B) (at level 65): Prog_scope.
Notation "'IF' A 'THEN' B 'ELSE' C" := (IFTE A B C) (at level 200): Prog_scope.
Notation "'WHILE' A 'DO' B 'DONE'" := (WHILE A B) (at level 71): Prog_scope.
Notation "'f(' L ')'" := (CALL 1 L) : Prog_scope.
Notation "'g(' L ')'" := (CALL 2 L) : Prog_scope.
Notation "'h(' L ')'" := (CALL 3 L) : Prog_scope.

Module Ex_prog.
Exemples de programme;

  Definition prog1:prog :=
      NOPE ;;
      X CST(2) + X;;
      Y Y + Z;;
      f( (X :: (CST(2) + Y)::nil) )

End Ex_prog.

La sémantique (opérationnelle, à grands pas) des programmes

On note E F lorsque E et F sont deux environnements (deux états) équivalents (les variables ont les mêmes valeurs).

Notation "E '≡' F" := (Ext.eq E F) (at level 68) : gen_env_scope.

La relation d'interprétation des programmes, aussi appelée la sémantique des programmes. Le domaine d'interprétation est gen_env value c'est-à-dire qu'un programme est interprété comme une fonction (partielle, certains programmes ne termine pas ou n'ont pas de signification) des états (ou environnements) vers les états.
À la différence des définitions précédentes (sémantiques sans procédure), on n'utilise plus l'équivalence sur les environnement, mais l'égalité stricte. Cela permet de simplifier les preuves sur le pop.

Print Scopes.

Inductive eval_prog (π:gen_env (list nat×prog)) : prog gen_env value gen_env value Prop :=
| Eval_NOPE: forall σ σ',
                                     σ = σ'

                                     σ, NOPE, π σ'
| Eval_Seq: forall σ p1 σ' p2 σ'',
                                     σ, p1, π σ'
                                     σ', p2, π σ''

                                     σ, p1;;p2, π σ''
| Eval_Aff: forall σ e i v σ',
                                     σ, e v
                                     σ' = σ [ i <- v]

                                      σ, i e, π σ'
| Eval_If_then: forall σ e p1 p2 σ',
                                      σ, e Bool true
                                      σ, p1, π 》⟿ σ'

                                      σ, (IF e THEN p1 ELSE p2), π σ'
| Eval_If_else: forall σ e p1 p2 σ',
                                      σ, e Bool false
                                      σ, p2, π 》⟿ σ'

                                      σ, (IF e THEN p1 ELSE p2), π σ'
| Eval_While_true: forall σ e p σ' σ'',
                                      σ, e Bool true
                                      σ, p, π σ'
                                      σ', WHILE e DO p DONE, π 》⟿ σ''

                                      σ, WHILE e DO p DONE, π σ''

| Eval_While_false: forall σ e p σ',
                                     σ = σ'
                                      σ, e Bool false

                                      σ, WHILE e DO p DONE, π σ'

| Eval_Proc: forall σ prc lid le lv σproc σ' σ'' pbody,
                                      Ext.binds prc (lid,pbody) π
                                      eval_exp_list σ le lv
                                      pushl lid lv σ = Some σproc
                                       σproc , pbody, π σ'
                                      pop_forgetl (List.length lv) σ' = Some σ''

                                       σ, CALL prc le, π σ''

where " '《' A ',' B ',' C '》' '⟿' D " := (eval_prog C B A D) : Prog_scope.

Lemma determinisme_prog :
  forall π σ p σ', σ,p,π σ' forall σ'', σ,p,π σ'' σ' = σ''.
  intros π σ p σ' Hσ'.
  induction Hσ'; try (rename σ'' into σaux) ; intros σ'' Hσ''.

  - inversion Hσ'';auto.
    transitivity σ;auto.

  - inversion Hσ'';subst;eauto.
    inversion Hσ'';subst.
    assert (σ' = σ'0).
    + eapply IHHσ'1;eauto.
    + eapply IHHσ'2;eauto.
      rewrite H;auto.

  - inversion Hσ'';subst.
    assert (heq: v = v0 ).
    eapply determinisme_exp;eauto.
    rewrite heq in ×.

  - inversion Hσ'';subst.
    apply IHHσ';auto.
    absurd (Bool false = Bool true).
    inversion H0.
    eapply determinisme_exp;eauto.

  - inversion Hσ'';subst.
    absurd (Bool false = Bool true).
    inversion H0.
    eapply determinisme_exp;eauto.
    apply IHHσ';auto.

  - inversion Hσ'';subst.
    + assert (σ' = σ'0).
      { apply IHHσ'1;auto. }
      eapply IHHσ'2;eauto.
      rewrite H0;auto.
    + eapply IHHσ'2;eauto.
      absurd (Bool false = Bool true).
      inversion H0.
      eapply determinisme_exp;eauto.

  - inversion Hσ'';subst.
    absurd (Bool false = Bool true).
    inversion H.
    eapply determinisme_exp;eauto.

  - inversion Hσ'';subst.
    generalize (@Ext.binds_eq_inv _ prc _ _ π H H5).
    intros heqbody.
    inversion heqbody as [[heqbody1 heqbody2]]; clear heqbody;subst.
    assert (lv = lv0).
    { eapply deterministe_eval_exp_list;eauto. }
    assert (σ' = σ'0).
    { apply IHHσ';auto.
      rewrite H1 in H7.
      inversion H7. subst.
    subst. rewrite H2 in H11. inversion H11. reflexivity.

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