Creative Commons License Copyright Pierre Courtieu et Olivier Pons. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International public License.


Déduction naturelle

Ce module définit le système de preuve de la déduction naturelle pour la logique propositionnelle. Il établit les propriétés suivantes de ce système:
  • correction vis-à-vis de la sémantique des propriétés
  • complétude vis-à-vis de la sémantique des propriétés. Cette preuve est directement inspirée de celle Michel Levy dans son polycopié de cours "Introduction à la logique" et dans le livre correspondant.

Require Import tables_de_verite.
Require Import logique_propositionnelle_avec_variables.
Import LogPropVarEnv.ENV.
Import LogPropVarEnv.DEFS.
Import LogPropVar.
Import LogPropVarEnv.

Implicit Types φ ψ φ1 φ2 φ3: formule.
Implicit Types Γ Δ: env.

Reserved Notation "X ⊢ Y" (at level 90).

On redéfinit la notiation ⊧ pour correspondre à la conséquence logique entre un ensemble de formule Γ et une formule f. Dans les développement précédents f1 ⊧ f2 correspondait à la conséquence logique entre deux formule.
Notation "Γ ⊧ f" := (consequence_set Γ f).


Lemma not_ex_contradictoire_2:
    ~( n, Var n Γ ((¬Var n) Γ (Var n) Γ))
     n, (Var n) Γ ~((¬Var n) Γ (Var n) Γ).
  intros Γ H n H0.
  intro abs.
  destruct abs;eauto.

Lemma not_ex_contradictoire_3:
    ~( n, (Var n) Γ ((¬Var n) Γ (Var n) Γ))
     n, (¬Var n) Γ ¬ (Var n) Γ.
  intros Γ H n H0.
  intro abs.
  apply H;eauto.

Lemma not_ex_contradictoire_4:
    ~( n, (Var n) Γ ((¬Var n) Γ (Var n) Γ))
     n, (Var n ) Γ ¬(Var n) Γ.
  intros Γ H n H0.
  intro abs.
  apply H;eauto.

Déduction naturelle: Définition

Définition inductive d'une preuve en deduction naturelle

Inductive pf : env formule Prop :=
  ax : Γ φ, φ Γ Γ φ
| true_ax : Γ, Γ
| impe: Γ φ1 φ2, Γ φ1 φ2 Γ φ1 Γ φ2
| impi: Γ φ1 φ2, φ1 :: Γ φ2 Γ φ1 φ2
| andi: Γ φ1 φ2, Γ φ1 Γ φ2 Γ φ1 φ2
| ande1: Γ φ1 φ2, Γ φ1 φ2 Γ φ1
| ande2: Γ φ1 φ2, Γ φ1 φ2 Γ φ2
| noti: Γ φ1, φ1 :: Γ Γ ¬ φ1
| note: Γ φ1 φ2, Γ φ1 Γ ¬ φ1 Γ φ2
| ore: Γ φ1 φ2 φ3,
         Γ φ1 φ2 φ1::Γ φ3 φ2::Γ φ3 Γ φ3
| ori1: Γ φ1 φ2, Γ φ1 Γ φ1 φ2
| ori2: Γ φ1 φ2, Γ φ2 Γ φ1 φ2
| fale: Γ φ1, (¬ φ1) :: Γ Γ φ1
where " X ⊢ Y" := (pf X Y).

Exemples de preuve en déduction naturelle

Certaines de ces preuves sont réutilisées plus bas. On utilise une tactic dédiée pour la règle ax: tax. Cette tactique applique ax puis essaie de prouver sa prémisse p Γ automatiquement.
Module Exemple_DN.
  Lemma ex_DN_1: pf ([X1]) X1.

  Lemma ex_DN_2: [X1 , X2] X1.

  Lemma ex_DN_3: [X2 , X1] X1.

Cette propriété est connue sous le nom « Tiers exclu ». Le tiers exclu est prouvable en déduction naturelle pour toute formule A.

  Lemma a_or_nota : A Γ, Γ A¬A.
    intros A Γ.
    apply fale.
    apply note with (A¬A).
    - apply ori2.
      apply noti.
      apply note with (A¬A).
      + apply ori1.
      + tax.
    - tax.

Propriétés remarquables de la déduction naturelles

Ces propriétés sont nécessaires à la preuve de complétude de la déduction naturelle.

Compatibilité de la preuve avec la notion d'égalité sur les environnements.

Lemma equiv_gamma : Γ Γ' f, ENV.eq Γ Γ' Γ f Γ' f.
  intros Γ Γ' f H H0.
  revert Γ' H.
  induction H0;intros.
  - rewrite H0 in H.
  - constructor 2.
  - apply impe with φ1.
    + apply IHpf1.
    + apply IHpf2.
  - apply impi.
    apply IHpf.
    rewrite H.
  - apply andi.
    + apply IHpf1.
    + apply IHpf2.
  - apply ande1 with φ2.
    + apply IHpf.
  - apply ande2 with φ1.
    + apply IHpf.
  - apply noti.
    + apply IHpf.
      rewrite H.
  - apply note with φ1.
    + apply IHpf1.
    + apply IHpf2.
  - apply ore with φ1 φ2.
    + apply IHpf1.
    + apply IHpf2.
      rewrite H.
    + apply IHpf3.
      rewrite H.
  - apply ori1.
    + apply IHpf.
  - apply ori2.
    + apply IHpf.
  - apply fale.
    + apply IHpf.
      rewrite H.

Le morphisme associé

Add Parametric Morphism: pf
    with signature ENV.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> iff as pf_morphism.
  intros Γ Γ' heqΓΓ' φ.
  - intros h.
    eapply equiv_gamma;eauto.
  - intros h.
    eapply equiv_gamma;eauto.

Règles supplémentaires déductible des règles de base

Lemma or_imp: B C Γ, ((B ) C) :: Γ (BC).
  intros B C Γ.
  apply ore with1:=B) (φ2:=¬B).
  - apply Exemple_DN.a_or_nota.
  - apply ori1.
  - apply ori2.
    apply impe with1:=(B )).
    + tax.
    + apply impi.
      apply note with1:=B).
      × tax.
      × tax.

Lemma weakening: Γ φ ψ, Γ ψ φ :: Γ ψ.
  intros Γ φ ψ H.
  revert φ.
  induction H;intros φ'; try now (econstructor; eauto).
  - constructor 1.
    apply in_add.
  - constructor 4.
    rewrite ENV.add_comm.
  - econstructor 8;eauto.
    rewrite ENV.add_comm.
  - econstructor 10;eauto.
    + rewrite ENV.add_comm.
    + rewrite ENV.add_comm.
  - econstructor 13;eauto.
    rewrite ENV.add_comm.

Lemma impe_impi_add: Γ φ φ' ψ, φ :: Γ ψ φ' :: Γ φ φ' :: Γ ψ.
  intros Γ φ φ' ψ H H0.
  apply impe with1:=φ).
  - apply impi.
    rewrite ENV.add_comm.
    apply weakening.
  - assumption.

Lemma impe_impi: Γ φ ψ, φ :: Γ ψ Γ φ Γ ψ.
  intros Γ φ ψ H H0.
  apply impe with1:=φ).
  - apply impi.
  - assumption.

Lemma impe_impi_add_double: Γ φ φ' φ'' ψ,
                              φ :: φ' :: Γ ψ
                              φ'' :: Γ φ
                              φ'' :: Γ φ'
                              φ'' :: Γ ψ.
  intros Γ φ φ' φ'' ψ H H0 H1.
  apply impe_impi_add with (φ':=φ'') in H.
  - rewrite ENV.add_comm in H.
    apply impe_impi with (φ:=φ').
    + assumption.
    + assumption.
  - rewrite ENV.add_comm.
    apply weakening.

Plusieurs des ces lemmes sont en exercices dans la preuve de M. Levy.
Exercie 46 Levy

Lemma and_false_false_or : B C Γ, ((BC)⇒) :: Γ (B)∨(C).
  intros B C Γ.
  apply fale.
  apply note with1:=(B) (C)).
  - apply ori1.
    apply impi.
    apply note with1:=(B) (C)).
    + apply ori2.
      apply impi.
      apply impe with1:=BC).
      × apply weakening.
        apply weakening.
        apply weakening.
      × apply andi; tax.
    + tax.
  - tax.

Lemma not_not_eq: Γ A, Γ A Γ ¬(¬A).
  intros Γ A H.
  apply noti.
  apply note with1:=A).
  + apply weakening.
  + tax.

Lemma not_not_eq'': Γ A, (¬(¬A)) :: Γ A.
  intros Γ A.
  apply fale.
  apply note with (¬A);try tax.

Lemma not_not_eq'''': Γ A, ((¬A)⇒) :: Γ A.
  intros Γ A.
  apply fale.
  apply impe with (¬A);tax.

Lemma and_false_false_or' : B C Γ, (¬(BC)) :: Γ (¬B)∨(¬C).
  intros B C Γ.
  apply fale.
  apply note with1:=(¬B) (¬C)).
  - apply ori1.
    apply noti.
    apply note with1:=(¬B) (¬C)).
    + apply ori2.
      apply noti.
      apply note with1:=¬(BC)).
      × apply weakening.
        apply weakening.
        apply weakening.
      × apply not_not_eq.
        apply andi;tax.
    + tax.
  - tax.

Exo 47, partie 1

Lemma not_or_and_not_1 : B C Γ, (B C ):: Γ B.
  intros B C Γ.
  apply impi.
  apply impe with1:=BC).
  - tax.
  - apply ori1.

Exo 47, partie 2

Lemma not_or_and_not_2 : B C Γ, (B C ) :: Γ C.
  intros B C Γ.
  apply impi.
  apply impe with1:=BC).
  - tax.
  - apply ori2.

Exo 47, partie 1, avec le not

Lemma not_or_and_not_1' : B C Γ, (¬(B C)) :: Γ ¬B.
  intros B C Γ.
  apply noti.
  apply note with1:=¬(BC)).
  - tax.
  - apply not_not_eq.
    apply ori1.

Exo 47, partie 2

Lemma not_or_and_not_2' : B C Γ, (¬(B C)) :: Γ ¬C.
  intros B C Γ.
  apply noti.
  apply note with1:=¬(BC)).
  - tax.
  - apply not_not_eq.
    apply ori2.

exo 48 Levy (1)

Lemma not_imp: B C Δ, ((B C) ) :: Δ B.
  intros B C Δ.
  apply fale.
  apply impe with1:=B C).
  - tax.
  - apply impi.
    apply note with1:=B);tax.

exo 48 Levy (2)

Lemma not_imp2: B C Δ, ((B C) ) :: Δ C .
  intros B C Δ.
  apply impi.
  apply impe with1:=B C).
  - tax.
  - apply ore with1:=B) (φ2:= ¬B).
    + apply Exemple_DN.a_or_nota.
    + apply impi.
     + apply impi.
       apply note with1:=B);tax.

exo 48 Levy (1)

Lemma not_imp': B C Δ, (¬(B C)) :: Δ B.
  intros B C Δ.
  apply fale.
  apply note with1:=(B C)).
  - apply impi.
    apply note with1:=B);tax.
  - tax.

exo 48 Levy (2)

Lemma not_imp2': B C Δ, (¬(B C)) :: Δ ¬C.
  intros B C Δ.
  apply noti.
  apply note with1:=(B C)).
  - apply impi.
  - tax.

Correction de la déduction naturelle

Preuve de correction de la déduction naturelle vis-à-vis de la sémantique définie dans le chapitre Logique propositionnelle avec variables.

Lemma soundness : Γ p, Γ p Γ p.
  intros Γ p H I H0.
  induction H;smpl×.   - intros.
    apply H0.

  - simpl.

  - intros.
    specialize (IHpf2 H0).
    specialize (IHpf1 H0).
    functional inversion IHpf1;subst;clear IHpf1;auto.
    rewrite IHpf2 in ×.

  - simpl.
    case_eq (interp_def I φ1).
    + intro.
      rewrite IHpf;auto.
      intro h.
      apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in h.
      destruct h.
      × red in H2.
      × apply H0.
    + trivial.

  - simpl.
    specialize (IHpf2 H0).
    specialize (IHpf1 H0).
    rewrite IHpf2,IHpf1;auto.

  - simpl in IHpf.
    specialize (IHpf H0).
    functional inversion IHpf;subst;auto.

  - simpl in IHpf.
    specialize (IHpf H0).
    functional inversion IHpf;subst;auto.

  - case_eq (interp_def I φ1);intros.
    + assert (h: f : formule, f (φ1 :: Γ) ⊧[I] f).
      { intros f h.
        apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in h.
        destruct h;unfold eq in *;subst.
        - assumption.
        - apply H0.
          assumption. }
      specialize (IHpf h).
      inversion IHpf.
    + reflexivity.

  - specialize (IHpf2 H0).
    specialize (IHpf1 H0).
    functional inversion IHpf2;subst.
    rewrite IHpf1 in ×.

  - case_eq (interp_def I φ1).
    + intros.
      apply IHpf2.
      intro h.
      apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in h.
      destruct h.
      × unfold LogPropVar.eq in ×.
      × apply H0.
    + intros.
      specialize (IHpf1 H0).
      simpl in ×.
      functional inversion IHpf1;subst; clear IHpf1.
      × rewrite H3 in H4.
      × rewrite H3 in H4.
      × apply IHpf3.
        intro h.
        { apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in h.
          destruct h.
          - unfold LogPropVar.eq in × .
          - apply H0.
            assumption. }

  - simpl.
    specialize (IHpf H0).
    rewrite IHpf.
    destruct (interp_def I φ2);reflexivity.

  - simpl.
    specialize (IHpf H0).
    rewrite IHpf.
    destruct (interp_def I φ1);reflexivity.

  - case_eq (interp_def I φ1).
    + trivial.
    + simpl in IHpf.
      apply IHpf.
      intro h.
      apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in h.
      destruct h.
      × unfold LogPropVar.eq in ×.
        rewrite H1.
      × apply H0.

Préliminaires de la Preuve de complétude de la déduction naturelle

Mesure sur une formule seule

Function mesure (p :formule){struct p}:nat :=
  match p with
       ⇒ 1
    | ⇒ 0
    | Var _ =>1
    | ¬ φ2mesure2)+1
    | φ2 p2mesure2)+mesure(p2)+1
    | φ2 p2mesure2)+mesure(p2)+2
    | φ2 p2mesure2)+mesure(p2)+1

Définition de la mesure sur Γ⊢φ en vue de l'induction

Fonctino uxiliaire à la suivante.

Definition add_mesure := (fun e accmesure e + acc).

Mesure sur un environnement. On utilisera cette définition sur φ::Γ pour définir la mesure sur Γ⊢φ. On additionne les mesures de toutes les formules de Γ.

Definition gammaMesure (gamma :env):nat :=
  ENV.fold _ add_mesure gamma 0.

Definition de la relation d'ordre sur les environnement induite par la mesure.

Definition gammaLt (n m:env) := gammaMesure n < gammaMesure m.

Cette relation est bien fondée.
⊥ est le minimum pour cette mesure.

Lemma mesure_not_false : C, C mesure C > 0.
  destruct C;simpl;intros;try omega.
  elim H.

Quelques preuve de compatibilité de la mesure

en vue de permettre les opérations de remplacement (rewrite, symmetry etc)}
L'ordre des formules dans Γ n'est pas significatif.
Lemma add_mesure_comm:
   (k k' : formule) (a : ),
    add_mesure k (add_mesure k' a) = add_mesure k' (add_mesure k a).
  intros k k' a.
  unfold add_mesure.

Add Morphism add_mesure
    with signature Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq as add_mesure_morphism.
  intros y y0.

Add Morphism gammaMesure
    with signature ENV.eq ==> Logic.eq as gamma_mesure_morphism.
  intros x y H.
  unfold gammaMesure.
  apply ENV.fold_morph;auto.
  - hnf. intros x0 y0 H0. hnf. intros x1 y1 H1.
    unfold LogPropVar.eq in ×.
  - hnf.
    intros k k' a.
    apply add_mesure_comm.

Lemma transp_add_mesure : ENV.transpose_neqkey nat Logic.eq add_mesure.
  repeat (hnf;intros). unfold add_mesure. omega.

Lemma gammaMesure_congru:
   A Γ, gammaMesure (A :: Γ) = add_mesure A (gammaMesure Γ) .
  intros A Γ.
  unfold gammaMesure.
  destruct (ENV.multiplicity A Γ) eqn:h;simpl.
  - setoid_rewrite (ENV.multiplicity_fold _ _ _ _ _ transp_add_mesure A _ _ (S n)) at 1;auto.
    + simpl.
      apply f_equal.
      setoid_rewrite (ENV.multiplicity_fold _ _ _ _ _ transp_add_mesure A _ _ n) at 2;auto.
      × apply f_equal2;auto.
        { apply ENV.fold_morphism;auto.
        - apply add_mesure_morphism_Proper.
        - apply transp_add_mesure.
        - rewrite ENV.remove_add.
          reflexivity. }
      × apply ENV.Multiplicity_multiplicity.
    + apply ENV.add_spec_Mult.
      apply ENV.Multiplicity_multiplicity.
 - setoid_rewrite (@ENV.multiplicity_fold _ _ _ _ _ transp_add_mesure A _ _ 0) at 1 ;auto.
    + simpl.
      apply f_equal.
      apply ENV.fold_morphism;auto.
      { apply add_mesure_morphism_Proper. }
      { apply transp_add_mesure. }
      rewrite ENV.remove_add.
      apply ENV.remove_no_mem.
      apply ENV.multiplicity_none_notin.
    + apply ENV.add_spec_zero_Mult.
      apply ENV.multiplicity_none_notin.

Lemmes auxiliaires sur consequance_set.

Lemma conseqset_andl: {Γ B C}, Γ BC Γ B.
  unfold consequence_set,est_modele_set,est_modele in ×.
  unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
  intros Γ B C H I H0.
  specialize (H I H0).
  functional inversion H;subst.

Lemma conseqset_andr: {Γ B C}, Γ BC Γ C.
  unfold consequence_set,est_modele_set,est_modele in ×.
  unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
  intros Γ B C H I H0.
  specialize (H I H0).
  functional inversion H;subst.

Lemma conseqset_impe2: {Γ B C}, Γ BC B :: Γ C.
  unfold consequence_set,est_modele_set,est_modele in ×.
  unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
  intros Γ B C H I H0.
  assert (h: f : formule, f Γ ⊧[I] f).
  { intros f H1.
    apply H0.
    apply ENV.in_add.
    assumption. }
  specialize (H I h).
  functional inversion H;subst; clear H.
  - reflexivity.
  - specialize (H0 B).
    rewrite H0 in H1.
    + inversion H1.
    + apply ENV.in_add_eq.

Lemma conseqset_or_notl: {Γ B C}, Γ BC (B) :: Γ C.
  unfold consequence_set,est_modele_set,est_modele in ×.
  unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
  intros Γ B C H I H0.
  assert (h: f : formule, f Γ ⊧[I] f).
  { intros f H1.
    apply H0.
    apply ENV.in_add.
    assumption. }
  specialize (H I h).
  functional inversion H;subst; clear H.
  - reflexivity.
  - specialize (H0 (B)).
    assert (h':(B ) ((B ) :: Γ)).
    { apply ENV.in_add_eq.
      reflexivity. }
    specialize (H0 h').
    simpl in H0.
    functional inversion H0;subst.
    rewrite <- H1 in H.
    inversion H.
  - reflexivity.

Lemma conseqset_lande:
   {Γ Γ' B C D},
    Γ' == (BC) :: Γ Γ' D (B :: (C :: Γ)) D.
  unfold consequence_set,est_modele_set,est_modele in ×.
  intros Γ Γ' B C D eqEnv H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  rewrite eqEnv in H2.
  assert (⊧[I] B).
  - { apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
    reflexivity. }
  - assert (⊧[I] C).
    + { apply H1.
        rewrite ENV.add_comm.
        apply ENV.in_add_eq.
        reflexivity. }
    + apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
      destruct H2.
      rewrite H2.
      unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
      unfold table_Et.
      rewrite H0.
      rewrite H3.
      apply H1.
      apply ENV.in_add.
      apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_neg: Γ φ, Γ ¬φ (φ :: Γ) .
  intros Γ φ H.
  red in H.
  intros I H0.
  absurd (⊧[I]φ).
  - intro.
    unfold est_modele,LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    simpl in H.
    specialize (H I).
    unfold table_Non in H.
    rewrite H1 in H.
    discriminate H.
    eapply est_model_set_subset;eauto.
  - apply H0.
    apply ENV.in_add_eq.

Lemma conseqset_or_l:
   {Γ Γ' B C D}, Γ' == (BC) :: Γ Γ' D B :: Γ D.
  intros Γ Γ' B C D eqEnv H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  rewrite eqEnv in H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    { apply H1.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
      reflexivity. }
      unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    unfold table_Ou.
    rewrite H2.
    case (interp_def I C);reflexivity.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_or_r:
   {Γ Γ' B C D}, Γ' == (BC) :: Γ Γ' D C :: Γ D.
  intros Γ Γ' B C D eqEnv H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  rewrite eqEnv in H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    unfold table_Ou.
    generalize (H1 C).
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);intros;try reflexivity.
    apply H2.
    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_imp_l:
   {Γ Γ' B C D}, Γ' == (BC) :: Γ Γ' D C :: Γ D.
  intros Γ Γ' B C D eqEnv H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  rewrite eqEnv in H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    unfold table_Implique.
    generalize (H1 C).
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);intros;try reflexivity.
    apply H2.
    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_imp_r:
   {Γ Γ' B C D}, Γ' == (BC) :: Γ Γ' D (¬B) :: Γ D.
  intros Γ Γ' B C D eqEnv H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  rewrite eqEnv in H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    unfold table_Implique.
    generalize (H1 (¬B)).
    unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    unfold table_Non.
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);try reflexivity.
    intro H2.
    apply H2.
    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_notand_l':
   {Γ Γ' B C D}, Γ' == (¬(BC)) :: Γ Γ' D (¬B) :: Γ D.
  intros Γ Γ' B C D eqEnv H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  rewrite eqEnv in H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    unfold table_Non.
    unfold table_Et.
    generalize (H1 (¬B)).
    unfold table_Non.
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);try reflexivity.
    intro H2.
    apply H2.
    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_notand_r':
   {Γ Γ' B C D}, Γ' == (¬(BC)) :: Γ Γ' D (¬C) :: Γ D.
  intros Γ Γ' B C D eqEnv H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  rewrite eqEnv in H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    generalize (H1 (¬C)).
    unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    unfold table_Non.
    unfold table_Et.
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);try reflexivity.
    intro H2.
    apply H2.
    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_notor':
   {Γ Γ' B C D}, Γ' == (¬(BC)) :: Γ Γ' D (¬B) :: (¬C) :: Γ D.
  intros Γ Γ' B C D eqEnv H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  rewrite eqEnv in H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    generalize (H1 (¬B)).
    generalize (H1 (¬C)).
    unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    unfold table_Non.
    unfold table_Ou.
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);try reflexivity;intros H2 H3.
    + apply H3.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
    + apply H3.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
    + apply H2.
      rewrite ENV.add_comm.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_notimp':
   {Γ' B C A}, (¬(B C)) :: Γ' A B :: (¬C) :: Γ' A.
  intros Γ' B C A H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    generalize (H1 (B)).
    generalize (H1 (¬C)).
    unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    unfold table_Non.
    unfold table_Implique.
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);try reflexivity;intros H2 H3.
    + apply H2.
      rewrite ENV.add_comm.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
    + apply H3.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
    + apply H3.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_notimp'':
   {Γ' B C A}, (¬¬B) :: Γ' A B :: (¬C) :: Γ' A.
  intros Γ' B C A H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    generalize (H1 (B)).
    generalize (H1 (¬C)).
    unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    unfold table_Non.
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);try reflexivity;intros H2 H3.
    + apply H2.
      rewrite ENV.add_comm.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
    + apply H3.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_notimp''':
   {Γ' B C A}, ((¬B) ) :: Γ' A B :: (¬C) :: Γ' A.
  intros Γ' B C A H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    generalize (H1 (B)).
    generalize (H1 (¬C)).
    unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    unfold table_Non.
    unfold table_Implique.
    unfold table_Faux.
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);try reflexivity;intros H2 H3.
    + apply H2.
      rewrite ENV.add_comm.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
    + apply H3.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_notand_l:
   {Γ Γ' B C D}, Γ' == ((BC)⇒) :: Γ Γ' D (B ) :: Γ D.
  intros Γ Γ' B C D eqEnv H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  rewrite eqEnv in H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    generalize (H1 (B )).
    unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    unfold table_Faux.
    unfold table_Implique.
    unfold table_Et.
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);try reflexivity;intros H2.
    apply H2.
    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_notand_r:
   {Γ Γ' B C D}, Γ' == ((BC)⇒) :: Γ Γ' D (C ) :: Γ D.
  intros Γ Γ' B C D eqEnv H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  rewrite eqEnv in H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    generalize (H1 (C )).
    unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    unfold table_Faux.
    unfold table_Implique.
    unfold table_Et.
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);try reflexivity;intros H2.
    apply H2.
    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_notor:
   {Γ Γ' B C D},
    Γ' == ((BC)⇒) :: Γ
     Γ' D
     (B ) :: (C ) :: Γ D.
  intros Γ Γ' B C D eqEnv H I H1.
  apply H.
  intros f H2.
  rewrite eqEnv in H2.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H2.
  destruct H2.
  - rewrite H0.
    generalize (H1 (B )).
    generalize (H1 (C )).
    unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    unfold table_Faux.
    unfold table_Implique.
    unfold table_Ou.
    case (interp_def I B);case (interp_def I C);try reflexivity;intros H2 H3.
    + apply H3.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
    + apply H3.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
    + apply H2.
      rewrite ENV.add_comm.
      apply ENV.in_add_eq.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Lemma conseqset_notimp:
   {Γ' B C A}, ((B C) ) :: Γ' A B :: (C ) :: Γ' A.
  intros Γ' B C A H0.
  intros I H1.
  assert (⊧[I] B).
  { apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
    reflexivity. }
  assert (⊧[I] (C)).
  { apply H1.
    rewrite ENV.add_comm.
    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
    reflexivity. }
  assert (interp_def I C=false).
  { smpl×.
    functional inversion H2;subst.
    reflexivity. }
  apply H0.
  intros f H'.
  apply ENV.In_destruct_iff in H'.
  destruct H'.
  - unfold LogPropVar.eq in ×.
    unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
    rewrite H.
    rewrite H3.
  - apply H1.
    apply ENV.in_add.
    apply ENV.in_add.

Notion de formule atomique, litéral, etc

La preuve de complétude de la déduction naturelle fait appel à de nombreux cas de base sur les litéraus et formules atomiques. Les notions nécessaires sont définies dans cette section.
Toutes les formes atomiques de formules, sur-ensemble des litéraux au sens de Levy. les deux définitions ci-après forment une partition de celui-ci.
Le sous-ensemble des atomes qui ne sont pas des litéraux au sens de Levy. Il s'agit des trois versions atomiques de false.
Les littéraux au sens de Levy, un sous ensemble des atomes.

Inductive is_literal: formule Prop :=
| Literal_var: n, is_literal (Var n)
| Literal_not: n, is_literal (¬ (Var n))
| Literal_not2: n, is_literal ((Var n) )
| Literal_true: is_literal
| Literal_not_false: is_literal (¬)
| Literal_not_false2: is_literal ( ).

Lemma literal_in_atom : φ, is_literal φ is_atom φ.
  intros φ H.
  destruct H;intros;subst;try constructor.

Les atomes sont soit des is_literal soit des is_atom_non_literal.

Lemma atom_in_literal_ln :
    is_atom φ is_literal φ is_atom_non_literal φ.
  intros φ H.
  destruct H;intros;try (now (left ; constructor));try (now (right ; constructor)).

Hint Resolve ENV.Addm_In ENV.Addm_In_other.

la disjonction correspondant aux formules non atomiques.

Definition disjunction_non_literal_formula φ :=
  ( ψ, ψ',
              φ = (ψ ψ')
               φ = (ψ ψ')
               (φ = (ψ ψ') ψ' )
               φ = ((ψ ψ') )
               φ = ((ψ ψ') )
               φ = ((ψ ψ') )
               φ = (¬(ψ ψ'))
               φ = (¬(ψ ψ'))
               φ = (¬(ψ ψ')))
   ( ψ, φ = (¬ ψ)) φ = ((¬ ψ) )).

Preuve que disjunction_non_literal_formula contient bien les formule non-atomique.

Lemma disjunction_non_literal_formula_ok:
    is_atom φ
    disjunction_non_literal_formula φ.
  destruct φ; try now (left ; constructor).
  - destruct φ; try now (left ; constructor).
    + right.
    + right. left. eexists. eexists.
      do 7 right.
    + right. left. eexists. eexists.
      do 6 right.
    + right. left. eexists. eexists.
      do 8 right.
  - right. left. eexists. eexists.
  - right. left. eexists. eexists.
  - destruct φ2.
    + right. left. eexists. eexists.
    do 2 right; left.
    split;eauto. intro abs;inversion abs.
    + destruct φ1;try now (left;constructor).
      × right. right. eexists. right. eauto.
      × right. left. eexists. eexists.
        do 4 right. left;eauto.
      × right. left. eexists. eexists.
        do 3 right. left;eauto.
      × right. left. eexists. eexists.
        do 5 right. left;eauto.
    + right. left. eexists. eexists.
      do 2 right. left.
      split;eauto. intro abs;inversion abs.
    + right. left. eexists. eexists.
      do 2 right. left.
      split;eauto. intro abs;inversion abs.
    + right. left. eexists. eexists.
      do 2 right. left.
      split;eauto. intro abs;inversion abs.
    + right. left. eexists. eexists.
      do 2 right. left.
      split;eauto. intro abs;inversion abs.
    + right. left. eexists. eexists.
      do 2 right. left.
      split;eauto. intro abs;inversion abs.

Décision de la propriété is_literal

Lemma is_literal_dec : φ, is_literal φ ¬ is_literal φ.
  intros φ.
  destruct φ;try (now left; constructor);try (now right;intro abs; inversion abs).
  destruct φ;try (now left; constructor);try (now right;intro abs; inversion abs).
  destruct φ2;try (now left; constructor);try (now right;intro abs; inversion abs).
  destruct φ1;try (now left; constructor);try (now right;intro abs; inversion abs).

Différentes disjonctions sur les termes

La preuve de complétude de la déduction naturelle fait appel à une décomposition par cas sur les termes et sur l'environnement, cette section définit plusieurs disjonctions et propriétés associées.

Definition disjunction_formula φ :=
  ( ψ, ψ', φ = (ψ ψ') φ = (ψ ψ') φ = (ψ ψ'))
   ((¬ is_literal φ) ( ψ, φ = ¬ ψ))
   is_atom_non_literal φ
   is_literal φ.
Lemma disjunction_formula_ok : φ, disjunction_formula φ.
  intros φ.
  unfold disjunction_formula.
  destruct φ;eauto 8.
  - repeat right. constructor.
  - do 2 right. left. constructor.
  - repeat right. constructor.
  - right.
    destruct (is_literal_dec (¬φ)).
    + inversion H; subst.
      × repeat right. constructor.
      × repeat right. constructor.
    + left.

Definition env_disjunction2 Γ :=
  ( φ, φ Γ disjunction_non_literal_formula φ)
   ( φ, φ Γ is_atom_non_literal φ)
   ( ψ, ψ Γ is_literal ψ)
   ENV.Empty Γ.

Lemma env_disjunction_stable_add2 :
   Γ Γ' n φ, ENV.Add_multiple φ n Γ Γ'
                    env_disjunction2 Γ
                    env_disjunction2 Γ'.
  intros Γ Γ' n φ haddΓΓ' hdisjΓ.
  unfold env_disjunction2 in ×.
  decompose [ex or and] hdisjΓ; clear hdisjΓ.
  - assert (x Γ').
    { eapply ENV.Addm_In_other;eauto. }
  - right. left.
  - destruct (disjunction_non_literal_formula_ok φ).
    + destruct (atom_in_literal_ln φ);auto.
      × right. right. left. intros ψ h.
        { destruct (formule_eq_dec φ ψ).
          × subst. assumption.
          × assert Γ).
            { eapply ENV.Add_multiple_neq_o;eauto. }
            apply H;auto. }
      × right. left. eauto.
    + left. φ;split;auto.
      eapply ENV.Addm_In;eauto.
  - destruct (disjunction_non_literal_formula_ok φ).
    + destruct (atom_in_literal_ln φ);auto.
      × do 2 right. left. intros ψ h.
        { destruct (formule_eq_dec φ ψ).
          × subst. assumption.
          × assert Γ).
            { eapply ENV.Add_multiple_neq_o;eauto. }
            rewrite (ENV.in_empty_false Γ H ψ) in H2.
            contradiction. }
      × right. left. eauto.
    + left. φ;split;auto.
      eapply ENV.Addm_In;eauto.

Lemma disjunction_gamma2 :
   Γ:env, env_disjunction2 Γ.

  intros Γ.
  pattern Γ.
  apply ENV.multiset_Ind; clear Γ.
  - intros.
    repeat right.
  - intros φ n Γ Γ' IH hnotin hadd.
    eapply env_disjunction_stable_add2;eauto.

Ceci est plus ou moins la disjonction de Levy utilisé dans la preuve de complétude. Dans le couple Γ⊢φ, nous avons les cas suivants:
  • Soit φ est une formule composée (∨, ∧, ⇒, négation d'un non litéral)
  • Soit il existe dans Γ une formule composée (légèrement différente: disjunction_non_literal_formula)
  • Soit il existe un litéral faux dans Γ (is_atom_non_literal, trois versions , une seule chez Levy)
  • Γ ne contient que des litéraux et la formule est atomique (litéral ou faux).
Lemma disjunction_gamma_formule :
   (Γ:env) (φ:formule),
    ( ψ ψ', (φ = (ψ ψ')) (φ = (ψ ψ'))\/ (φ = (ψ ψ')))
     ((¬ is_literal φ) ( ψ, φ = ¬ ψ))
     ( ψ, ψ Γ disjunction_non_literal_formula ψ)
     ( ψ, ψ Γ is_atom_non_literal ψ)
     (( ψ, ψ Γ is_literal ψ) (is_atom_non_literal φ))
     (( ψ, ψ Γ is_literal ψ) is_literal φ).
  intros Γ φ.
  destruct (disjunction_formula_ok φ).
  - left. assumption.
  - right.
    pose (h:=disjunction_gamma2 Γ).
    clearbody h.
    unfold env_disjunction2 in h.
    destruct h as [h|h].
    { do 1 right.
      left. assumption. }
    destruct h.
    { do 2 right. left. eauto. }
    destruct H.
    { left. assumption. }
    destruct H0.
    + destruct H.
      × do 3 right. left;eauto.
      × do 4 right. eauto.
    + destruct H.
      × do 3 right. left.
        intros ψ H1.
        absurd Γ);auto.
        apply ENV.Empty_no_mem.
      × do 4 right.
        intros ψ H1.
        absurd Γ);auto.
        apply ENV.Empty_no_mem.

Notion d'interprétation caractéristique d'un environnement

Définition de l'interpétation caractéristique d'un environnement Γ

Definition interp_caracteristique (Γ:ENV.t) : nat bool := fun nENV.mem (Var n) Γ.
Definition interp_anticaracteristique (Γ:ENV.t) : nat bool :=
  fun nnegb(orb(ENV.mem (¬Var n) Γ) (ENV.mem (Var n ) Γ)).

Lemma interp_caracteristique_1_new :
    ( ψ, ψ Γ is_literal ψ)
     ~( n, (Var n)∈ Γ ((¬Var n) Γ (Var n) Γ))
     est_modele_set (interp_caracteristique Γ) Γ.
  intros Γ hall_lit hnot_contradict.
  intros f hfinΓ.
  unfold interp_caracteristique.
  assert (hfislit:is_literal f).
  { apply hall_lit.
    assumption. }
  destruct hfislit;unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in *;simpl;try rewrite hfinΓ;auto.
  - apply mem_in_iff.
  - assert (hnnotinΓ: ¬ (Var n) Γ).
    { intro abs.
      apply hnot_contradict.
      - assumption.
      - left.
        assumption. }
    rewrite ENV.mem_in_iff in hnnotinΓ.
    assert (ENV.mem (Var n) Γ = false).
    { destruct (ENV.mem (Var n) Γ);auto.
      elim hnnotinΓ;auto. }
    rewrite H.
  - unfold table_Implique, table_Faux.
    assert (hnnotinΓ: ¬ (Var n) Γ).
    { intro abs.
      apply hnot_contradict.
      - assumption.
      - right.
        assumption. }
    rewrite ENV.mem_in_iff in hnnotinΓ.
    assert (ENV.mem (Var n) Γ = false).
    { destruct (ENV.mem (Var n) Γ);auto.
      elim hnnotinΓ;auto. }
    rewrite H.

Lemma interp_caracteristique_6_new :
   Γ n, ¬ (Var n) Γ interpretation (interp_caracteristique Γ) (Var n) false.
  intros Γ n H.
  unfold interp_caracteristique.
  apply ENV.not_mem_in_iff in H.

Lemma interp_caracteristique_5_new :
   Γ n, ¬ (Var n) Γ ¬est_modele (interp_caracteristique Γ) (Var n).
  intros Γ n H.
  intros H0.
  red in H0.
  unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in ×.
  rewrite (interp_caracteristique_6_new) in H0.
  - discriminate.
  - assumption.

Lemma interp_anticaracteristique_1_new :
    ( ψ, ψ Γ is_literal ψ)
     ~( n, (Var n) Γ
                    ((¬Var n) Γ (Var n) Γ))
     est_modele_set (interp_anticaracteristique Γ) Γ.
  intros Γ hall_lit hnot_contradict.
  intros f hfinΓ.
  unfold interp_anticaracteristique.
  assert (hfislit:is_literal f).
  { apply hall_lit.
    assumption. }
  destruct hfislit;unfold LogPropVar.interpretation in *; simpl;try auto.
  - assert (~((¬Var n) Γ (Var n ) Γ)).
    { apply not_ex_contradictoire_2.
      + assumption.
      + assumption. }
    setoid_rewrite ENV.mem_in_iff in H.
    assert (ENV.mem (¬Var n) Γ = false ENV.mem (Var n ) Γ = false).
    { destruct (ENV.mem (¬Var n) Γ).
      - destruct H.
      - split;auto.
        destruct (ENV.mem (Var n ) Γ).
        + destruct H.
        + reflexivity. }
    destruct H0 as [h1 h2].
    rewrite h1,h2.
  - apply → (ENV.mem_in_iff Γ (¬Var n)) in hfinΓ.
    rewrite hfinΓ.
    rewrite Bool.orb_true_l.
  - apply → (ENV.mem_in_iff Γ (Var n )) in hfinΓ.
    rewrite hfinΓ.
    rewrite Bool.orb_true_r.

Lemma interp_anticaracteristique_6_new :
   Γ n, ¬ (¬Var n) Γ ¬ (Var n ) Γ
               ⊧[interp_anticaracteristique Γ] (Var n).
  intros Γ n h h'.
  unfold est_modele,interpretation,interp_anticaracteristique.
  apply ENV.not_mem_in_iff in h.
  apply ENV.not_mem_in_iff in h'.
  rewrite h , h'.

Lemma interp_anticaracteristique_not_negb:
   Γ k,
  interp_def (interp_anticaracteristique Γ) (¬Var k) =
  negb (interp_def (interp_anticaracteristique Γ) (Var k)).
  intros Γ k.

Propriétés des environnements ne contenant que des litéraux

Lemma ex_listeral_contradictoire_dec_new: Γ,
  ( n, (Var n) Γ ((¬Var n) Γ (Var n) Γ))
   ~( n, (Var n) Γ ((¬Var n)∈ Γ (Var n) Γ)).
  intros Γ.
  pattern Γ.
  apply ENV.multiset_ind;intros;clear Γ.
  - destruct H0;[left|right];try (progress decompose [ex and or] H0;try clear H0).
    + x;intuition;auto;rewrite <- H;auto.
    + x;intuition;auto;rewrite <- H;auto.
    + intro abs.
      destruct H0.
      (progress decompose [ex and or] abs;try clear abs;try rewrite <- H in *; eauto).
  - right.
    intro abs.
    (progress decompose [ex and] abs;try clear abs).
    eapply ENV.empty_in_iff;eauto.
  - destruct H.
    + left.
    decompose [and ex] H; clear H.
    repeat split;auto.
      × eapply ENV.Add_In_other;eauto.
        apply ENV.Add_of_add.
      × { destruct H2.
          - left.
            eapply ENV.Add_In_other;eauto.
            apply ENV.Add_of_add.
          - right.
            eapply ENV.Add_In_other;eauto.
            apply ENV.Add_of_add. }
    + assert (h: ( m, (x = Var m) (x = ¬Var m) (x = (Var m )))
               ~( m, (x= Var m) (x= ¬Var m) (x = (Var m )))).
      { clear H Γ0.
        destruct x;eauto;try (right;intro abs; decompose [ex or and] abs;discriminate).
        - destruct x;eauto;try (right;intro abs; decompose [ex or and] abs;discriminate).
        - destruct x2;eauto;try (right;intro abs; decompose [ex or and] abs;discriminate).
          destruct x1;eauto;try (right;intro abs; decompose [ex or and] abs;discriminate).
      destruct h.
      × destruct H0.
        { destruct H0.
          - destruct (ENV.In_dec Γ0 (¬(Var x0))).
            + left.
              × subst.
                apply ENV.in_add_eq.
              × left.
                eapply ENV.Add_In_other;eauto.
                eapply ENV.Add_of_add.
            + destruct (ENV.In_dec Γ0 ((Var x0) )).
              × left.
                { split.
                  - apply ENV.in_add_eq. reflexivity.
                  - right.
                    eapply ENV.Add_In_other;eauto.
                    eapply ENV.Add_of_add. }
              × right.
                intro abs.
                { decompose [ex or and] abs;clear abs.
                  - apply ENV.Add_In_other with (k':=(Var x0)) (m':=Γ0) in H0 ;eauto;auto.
                    + fold ENV.In in ×.
                      assert ((Var x) Γ0).
                      { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                        intros abs.
                        rewrite abs in n;contradiction. }
                      destruct H.
                  + fold ENV.In in ×.
                    assert ((¬Var x) Γ0).
                    × eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                      intros abs.
                      inversion abs.
                    × rename x0 into y.
                      { destruct (eq_nat_dec y x).
                        - subst.
                        - assert ((Var x) Γ0).
                          { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                            intro abs.
                            inversion abs.
                            contradiction. }
                          destruct H.
                           x;auto. }
                  - apply ENV.Add_In_other with (k':=(Var x0)) (m':=Γ0) in H0 ;eauto;auto.
                    + fold ENV.In in ×.
                      assert ((Var x) Γ0).
                      { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                        intros abs.
                        rewrite abs in n0;contradiction. }
                      destruct H.
                  + fold ENV.In in ×.
                    assert ((Var x ) Γ0).
                    × eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                      intros abs.
                      inversion abs.
                    × rename x0 into y.
                      { destruct (eq_nat_dec y x).
                        - subst.
                        - assert ((Var x) Γ0).
                          { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                            intro abs.
                            inversion abs.
                            contradiction. }
                          destruct H.
                           x;auto. }
          - destruct (ENV.In_dec Γ0 (Var x0)).
            + left.
              fold ENV.In in ×.
              × eapply ENV.Add_In_other;eauto.
                eapply ENV.Add_of_add.
              × { destruct H0;subst.
                  - left.
                    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
                  - right.
                    apply ENV.in_add_eq.
                    reflexivity. }
            + right.
              fold ENV.In in ×.
              intro abs.
              decompose [ex and or] abs;clear abs.
              × { destruct H0;subst.
                  - destruct (eq_nat_dec x0 x1).
                    + subst.
                      assert ((Var x1) Γ0).
                      { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                        intro abs.
                        inversion abs. }
                    + assert ((Var x1) Γ0).
                      { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                        intro abs.
                        inversion abs. }
                      assert ((¬Var x1) Γ0).
                      { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                        intro abs.
                        inversion abs.
                        contradiction. }
                      destruct H.
                  - assert ((Var x1) Γ0).
                    { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                      intro abs.
                      inversion abs. }
                    assert ((¬Var x1) Γ0).
                    { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                      intro abs.
                      inversion abs. }
                    destruct H.
              × { destruct H0;subst.
                  - assert ((Var x1) Γ0).
                    { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                      intro abs.
                      inversion abs. }
                    assert ((Var x1 ) Γ0).
                    { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                      intro abs.
                      inversion abs. }
                    destruct H.
                  - destruct (eq_nat_dec x0 x1).
                    + subst.
                      assert ((Var x1) Γ0).
                      { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                        intro abs.
                        inversion abs. }
                    + assert ((Var x1) Γ0).
                      { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                        intro abs.
                        inversion abs. }
                      assert ((Var x1 ) Γ0).
                      { eapply ENV.in_add_neq;eauto.
                        intro abs.
                        inversion abs.
                        contradiction. }
                      destruct H.

      × right.
        intro abs.
        { decompose [ex and or] abs; clear abs.
          - assert ((Var x0) Γ0).
            { eapply ENV.in_add_neq; eauto. }
            assert ((¬Var x0) Γ0).
            { eapply ENV.in_add_neq; eauto 6. }
            destruct H.
          - assert ((Var x0) Γ0).
            { eapply ENV.in_add_neq; eauto. }
            assert ((Var x0 ) Γ0).
            { eapply ENV.in_add_neq; eauto 6. }
            destruct H.
             x0;auto. }

Lemma literaux_conseq_false_new:
    ( ψ, ψ Γ is_literal ψ)
     ( n, (Var n) Γ ((¬ Var n) Γ (Var n ) Γ)).
  intros Γ H H0.
  destruct (ex_listeral_contradictoire_dec_new Γ);unfold LogPropVar.interpretation.
  - assumption.
  - exfalso.
    assert (est_modele_set (interp_caracteristique Γ) Γ).
    { apply interp_caracteristique_1_new;auto. }
    assert (⊧[interp_caracteristique Γ] ).
    apply H0.
    red in H3.
    simpl in H3.
    inversion H3.

Lemma literaux_conseq:
   Γ k,
    ( ψ, ψ Γ is_literal ψ)
     Γ (Var k)
     ( n, (Var n) Γ ((¬ Var n) Γ (Var n ) Γ))
        (Var k) Γ.
  intros Γ n H H0.
  destruct (ENV.In_dec Γ (Var n));fold ENV.In in ×.
  - right;assumption.
  - left.
    destruct (ex_listeral_contradictoire_dec_new Γ).
    + assumption.
    + assert (est_modele_set (interp_caracteristique Γ) Γ).
      { apply interp_caracteristique_1_new;auto. }
      absurd (est_modele (interp_caracteristique Γ) (Var n)).
      × apply interp_caracteristique_5_new.
      × apply H0. assumption.

Lemma literaux_conseq_neg:
   Γ k,
    ( ψ, ψ Γ is_literal ψ)
     Γ (¬Var k)
     ( n, (Var n) Γ ((¬ Var n) Γ (Var n ) Γ))
        (¬Var k) Γ (Var k ) Γ.
  intros Γ k H H0.
  destruct (ENV.In_dec Γ (¬Var k));fold ENV.In in ×.
  - right;left;assumption.
  - destruct (ENV.In_dec Γ (Var k ));fold ENV.In in ×.
    + right. right. assumption.
    + destruct (ex_listeral_contradictoire_dec_new Γ).
      × left;auto.
      × assert (est_modele_set (interp_anticaracteristique Γ) Γ).
        { apply interp_anticaracteristique_1_new;auto. }
        { absurd (est_modele (interp_anticaracteristique Γ) (¬Var k)).
          - unfold est_modele,LogPropVar.interpretation.
            intro abs.
            rewrite interp_anticaracteristique_not_negb in abs.
            rewrite interp_anticaracteristique_6_new in abs;auto;try discriminate.
          - apply H0. assumption. }

Preuve de la complétude de la déduction naturelle

Require Import Omega.

Ltac solve_gammalt :=
  try unfold gammaLt;
  repeat rewrite (@gammaMesure_congru);
  try unfold add_mesure;
  try omega.

Ltac infer_inv_remove :=
  match goal with
    | H:?φ ?Γ |- _
      let D := fresh "Δ" in
      remember (ENV.remove φ Γ) as D
      ; let heq := fresh "heq" in
        assert (heq:ENV.eq Γ:: D))
        ; [ try (subst; symmetry; apply ENV.remove_same_add_in;auto)
          | rewrite heq ]

Preuve de complétude de la déduction naturelle.

Lemma completness : Γ A, Γ A Γ A.
  intros Γ A H.
  remember (A :: Γ) as X.
  revert HeqX.
  revert Γ A H.
  pattern X.
  apply well_founded_induction with (R:=gammaLt).
  { exact gammaLt_wf. }
  intros x H Γ A H0 HeqX.
  pose (disj:= disjunction_gamma_formule Γ A).
  clearbody disj.
  decompose [ex or and] disj; clear disj;subst
  ;try (rename x0 into B; rename x1 into C)
  ; try infer_inv_remove.
    generalize (conseqset_andl H0).
    generalize (conseqset_andr H0).
    intros H1 H2.
    apply andi.
    - apply H with (y:=(B :: Γ)); solve_gammalt.
    - apply H with (y:=(C :: Γ));solve_gammalt. }

    generalize (conseqset_impe2 H0).
    intros H1.
    apply impi;subst.
    apply H with (y:=C :: B :: Γ);solve_gammalt. }

    generalize (conseqset_or_notl H0).
    intros H1.
    assert (h:gammaLt (C :: (B ) :: Γ) ((B C) :: Γ)).
    { subst. solve_gammalt. }
    generalize (H (C :: (B ) :: Γ) h ((B ) :: Γ) C).
    intros H2.
    apply impe with ((B)⇒C).
    - apply impi.
      apply or_imp.
    - apply impi.
      apply H2.
      + assumption.
      + reflexivity. }

  { assert (x0 :: Γ ).
    { apply H with (y := :: x0 :: Γ);solve_gammalt.
      apply conseqset_neg.
      assumption. }
    apply noti.
    assumption. }

  red in H3.
  { rename x0 into ff.
    decompose [ex or and] H3; clear H3;subst ff;try (rename x into B; rename x0 into C).

  { assert (B :: C :: Δ A).
    { eapply conseqset_lande. instantiate (1:=Γ).
      - subst.
        rewrite ENV.remove_same_add_in;auto.
      - assumption. }
    assert (P:(B :: C :: Δ) A).
    { apply H with (y:=A :: B :: C :: Δ);subst Δ;solve_gammalt.
        setoid_rewrite heq at 2.
        solve_gammalt. }
    apply impe_impi_add_double with B C;auto.
    + apply ande1 with C.
    + apply ande2 with B.
      tax. }

  { assert (B :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_or_l with (C := C) (Γ' := Γ).
      - subst.
        rewrite ENV.remove_same_add_in;auto.
      - assumption. }
    assert (C :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_or_r with (B := B) (Γ' := Γ).
      - subst.
        rewrite ENV.remove_same_add_in;auto.
      - assumption. }
    assert (B :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: B :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      - rewrite heq at 2.         solve_gammalt. }
    assert (C :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: C :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }
    apply ore with1:=B) (φ2:=C).
    - tax.
    - rewrite ENV.add_comm.
      apply weakening.
    - rewrite ENV.add_comm.
      apply weakening.
      assumption. }

  { assert ((¬B) :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_imp_r with (C := C) (Γ' := Γ);subst;solve_gammalt. }
    assert (C :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_imp_l with (B := B) (Γ' := Γ);subst;solve_gammalt. }
    assert ((¬B) :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:=A :: (¬B) :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt.
      generalize (mesure_not_false _ H5).
      intros hh.
      omega. }
    assert (C :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: C :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }
    apply ore with1:=¬B) (φ2:=C).
    - apply ore with1:=B) (φ2:=¬B).
      + apply (Exemple_DN.a_or_nota B).
      + apply ori2.
        apply impe with1:=B).
        × tax.
        × tax.
      + apply ori1.
    - rewrite ENV.add_comm.
      apply weakening.
    - rewrite ENV.add_comm.
      apply weakening.
      assumption. }

  { assert ((B ) :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_notand_l with (C := C) (Γ' := Γ).
      - assumption.
      - assumption. }
    assert ((C ) :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_notand_r with (B := B) (Γ' := Γ).
      - assumption.
      - assumption. }
    assert ((B) :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: (B) :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }
    assert ((C) :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: (C) :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }
    apply ore with1:=B) (φ2:=C).
    - apply and_false_false_or.     - setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
      apply weakening.
    - setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
      apply weakening.
      assumption. }

  { assert ((B ) :: (C ) :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_notor with (C := C) (Γ' := Γ).
      - assumption.
      - assumption. }
    assert ((B) :: (C) :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: (B) :: (C) :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }
    apply impe with1:=(B )).
    - apply impi.
      apply impe with1:=(C )).
      + apply impi.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 2.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
        apply weakening.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
      + rewrite ENV.add_comm.
        apply not_or_and_not_2.
    - eapply not_or_and_not_1. }

  { assert (B :: (C ) :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_notimp.
      rewrite heq in H0.
      assumption. }
    assert (B :: (C) :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: B :: (C) :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }

      apply impe with1:=B).
    - apply impi.
      apply impe with1:=(C )).
      + apply impi.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 2.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
        apply weakening.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
      + rewrite ENV.add_comm.
        apply not_imp2.     - apply not_imp. }

  { assert ((¬B) :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_notand_l' with (C := C) (Γ' := Γ).
      - assumption.
      - assumption. }
    assert ((¬C) :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_notand_r' with (B := B) (Γ' := Γ).
      - assumption.
      - assumption. }
    assert ((¬B) :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: (¬B) :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }
    assert ((¬C) :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: (¬C) :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }
    apply ore with1:=¬B) (φ2:=¬C).
    - apply and_false_false_or'.     - setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
      apply weakening.
    - setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
      apply weakening.
      assumption. }

  { assert ((¬B) :: (¬C) :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_notor' with (C := C) (Γ' := Γ).
      - assumption.
      - assumption. }
    assert ((¬B) :: (¬C) :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: (¬B) :: (¬C) :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }
    apply impe with1:=(¬B)).
    - apply impi.
      apply impe with1:=(¬C)).
      + apply impi.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 2.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
        apply weakening.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
      + rewrite ENV.add_comm.
        apply not_or_and_not_2'.
    - eapply not_or_and_not_1'. }

  { assert (B :: (¬C) :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_notimp'.
      rewrite heq in H0.
      assumption. }
    assert (B :: (¬C) :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: B :: (¬C) :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }

      apply impe with1:=B).
    - apply impi.
      apply impe with1:=(¬C)).
      + apply impi.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 2.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
        apply weakening.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
      + rewrite ENV.add_comm.
        apply not_imp2'.     - apply not_imp'. }

  { rename x into B.
    assert (B :: (¬) :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_notimp''.
      rewrite heq in H0.
      assumption. }
    assert (B :: (¬) :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: B :: (¬) :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }

      apply impe with1:=B).
    - apply impi.
      apply impe with1:=(¬)).
      + apply impi.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 2.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
        apply weakening.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
      + rewrite ENV.add_comm.
        apply noti.
    - apply not_not_eq''. }

  { rename x into B.
    assert (B :: (¬) :: Δ A).
    { eapply @conseqset_notimp'''.
      rewrite heq in H0.
      assumption. }
    assert (B :: (¬) :: Δ A).
    { apply H with (y:= A :: B :: (¬) :: Δ);subst;solve_gammalt.
      rewrite heq at 2.       solve_gammalt. }

      apply impe with1:=B).
    - apply impi.
      apply impe with1:=(¬)).
      + apply impi.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 2.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
        apply weakening.
        setoid_rewrite ENV.add_comm at 1.
      + rewrite ENV.add_comm.
        apply noti.
    - apply not_not_eq''''. }

  subst Δ.
  rewrite <- heq in ×.
  destruct H3.

  { apply note with .
    - apply true_ax.
    - rewrite heq.
      tax. }
  { apply fale.
    apply weakening.
    rewrite heq.
    tax. }
  { apply note with .
    - apply true_ax.
    - apply noti.
      apply impe with .
      + apply weakening.
        rewrite heq.
      + apply true_ax. }

  destruct H3.
    apply literaux_conseq_false_new in H0;auto.
    decompose [ex and or] H0;clear H0.
    - rename x into b.
      apply note with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + tax.
    - rename x into b.
      apply noti.
      apply impe with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + tax. }
    apply literaux_conseq_false_new in H0;auto.
    decompose [ex and or] H0;clear H0.
    - rename x into b.
      apply note with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + tax.
    - rename x into b.
      apply impe with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + tax. }

    apply literaux_conseq_false_new in H0;auto.
    decompose [ex and or] H0.
    - rename x into b.
      apply impi.
      apply note with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + tax.
    - rename x into b.
      apply impi.
      apply impe with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + tax. }

  destruct H3.
    apply literaux_conseq in H0;auto.
    decompose [ex and or] H0.
    - rename x into b.
      apply note with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + tax.
    - rename x into b.
      apply note with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + apply noti.
        apply impe with (Var b).
        × tax.
        × tax.
    - tax. }

    apply literaux_conseq_neg in H0;auto.
    decompose [ex and or] H0; clear H0.
    - rename x into b.
      apply note with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + tax.
    - rename x into b.
      apply note with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + apply noti.
        apply impe with (Var b).
        × tax.
        × tax.
    - tax.
    - apply noti.
      apply impe with (Var n).
      × tax.
      × tax. }

    apply literaux_conseq_neg in H0;auto.
    decompose [ex and or] H0; clear H0.
    - rename x into b.
      apply note with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + tax.
    - rename x into b.
      apply note with (Var b).
      + tax.
      + apply noti.
        apply impe with (Var b).
        × tax.
        × tax.
    - apply impi.
      apply note with (Var n).
      × tax.
      × tax.
    - tax. }

  { apply true_ax. }

  { apply noti.
    tax. }

  { apply impi.
    tax. }

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