How comes? Because there is a never-ending enmity between the spirit of culture and the spirit of business. We won't deny that relationships matter and we won't deny the importance of money and networking. What we deny is the absolute domination of these things over the (scientific) world. We'll strike on the mentality that places them as the center and only meaning of life. The business and networking interests dominate today the (science and culture) spirit, while it should be the other way around, as was meant long ago. This way of thinking, by reversing the natural relation between business and spirit, gradually depletes all our strength, all power, all faith in any higher meaning and all hope. People who walk on this way may at best seem to expand quite rapidly for some short time, but all remains artificial; like plants that grow in artificial greenhouses, their long-term fruit does not have enough substance to endure. It's only towards the end of their career that many (managers) make it quite clear that they do not care (at all) about the work ever accomplished in a life time (in their company). This is mainly because they do not care about what they produce but about the reward they get in return. In such cases, the money-fueled motivation may easily run out of gas with no chance of standing the test of time. We find our moral strength only in the strong faith that, by placing ourselves in the original harmony of life that subordinates business to spirit, we can fight the odds and win against our evilly disposed nature and, in turn, against the evilly disposed modern world. We live in the confidence that, unlike our network or business interests of the day, this creed will last forever. And we'll be again reunited. ================================================================================ Fate is against us But I wish for this night to last for a lifetime Cause I've never felt so young before. ================================================================================ One day we'll be again reunited. Even if few and scattered, we'll be a team of a new kind. A team that will never be broken: a unity of steel. Even if we end up in hell, we will still stand united. We won't be able to turn the tide, but we'll be the last men standing. One day you'll understand. Daniel Cosmin Porumbel, 2022-06-24, looking forward to v2 on that great sunny day, that great solstice of 2027-06-24 a) Guess 2024-04-13 Any visible coagulation forbidden on Earth ================================================================================ Many may ask: why go beyond the technical ideas to discuss such philosophical aspects that can not help us on our concrete work ? Answer: too many people never think that their work may have any higher meaning beyond the material utility. How many great researchers do not have enough stamina to remain strong in the long run? How many great people lose faith when they no longer have any promotion in sight (nor other stimulating reward)? A better philosophical understanding may help one defeat such problems by casting light on the more idealistic meanings behind all arts and sciences. Except the very few (scientists) who achieve fame, fortune or any other kind of (pseudo) glory, most people work without realizing that they are also the representatives of a sublime creative force without which the world would become dry and empty. If we completely ignore such things, if we are given a wrong philosophical framework and wrong motivations, then our work is eventually doomed. And this is surely deeply rooted in the "prevailing philosophy" of the age and it was very well described by A. Schopenhauer almost two centuries ago: "Woe to the time when in philosophy impudence and nonsense supplant insight and un- derstanding for the fruits assume the taste of the soil in which they have grown. What is loudly, publicly, and universally praised, is read and is thus the mental pabulum of the generation that is arriving at maturity ; but this has the most decided influence on its lifeblood and subsequently on its creations. Thus the prevailing philosophy of an age determines its spirit, and so if there now prevails a philosophy of absolute nonsense ; if absurdities invented and advanced under bedlamite twaddle pass for great thoughts, then the result of such sowing is the pretty race of men such as we now have before us. They are [...] and devoid of any urge for anything lying beyond material, including political, interests." ============================================================================== The following extracts are from 'On Philosophy at the Universities' by A. Schopenhauer All this is only a scene from the play which we have before us at all times and in all arts and sciences, that is to say, the old conflict between those who live for the cause and those who live out of it. For the first ones, it is the end in view to which their life is the mere means; for the second ones, it is the means and the source of well-being, enjoyment, and domestic happiness in which alone their true earnestness lies, since it is here that nature has drawn the boundary to their sphere of activity. Whoever wishes to see examples of this and become more closely acquainted therewith, should study the history of literature and read the biographies of great masters of every kind and in every art. He will then see that it has been so at all times and will understand that it will always remain so. Everyone recognizes it in the past, hardly anyone in the present. The illustrious pages of the history of literature are at the same time almost invariably the tragic. In all branches of knowledge they show us how, as a rule, merit has had to wait till the fools had stopped fooling, the merry-making had come to an end, and all had gone to bed. It then arose, like a ghost in the dead of night, to occupy the place of honour that was withheld from it, yet ultimately still as a shadow. Here, of course, it is clear that, in order to pay absolute homage to truth and really to philosophize, so many conditions have to be fulfilled, but there is also one that is almost indispensable, namely that we stand on our own feet and recognize no master. All help that is offered to philosophy from outside is, by its nature, suspect. The interest of philosophy is of too lofty a nature for it to he capable of entering into a sincere alliance with the activities of this evilly disposed world. On the contrary, it has its own guiding star that never sets; we should, therefore, give it full play without assistance but also without hindrance. We should not let the serious pilgrim who by nature is endowed and ordained for the elevated temple of truth associate with a fellow who is really concerned only with a meal and a good night's lodging; for it is to be feared that such a man will push an obstacle in the path of the pilgrim in order to be after these amenities himself. ...This is one of the main obstacles to mankind's progress in every sphere. Now in such circumstances how can there be progress in that sphere where not even plenty of brains, diligence, and tenacity of purpose are enough, as in other branches of knowledge, but quite special gifts are required even at the expense of personal happiness ? For assuredly the most disinterested sincerity of purpose, the irresistible urge to solve the riddle of existence, the earnestness of deep thinking that strives to fathom the innermost essence of things, and a genuine enthusiasm for truth—these are the first and indispensable conditions for the hazardous enterprise of stepping up once more to the ancient sphinx with another attempt at solving its eternal riddle, at the risk of falling head-long into the dark abyss of oblivion whither so many have already gone. Further harm that is done in all branches of knowledge by the activities of unauthorized interlopers is that a temple of error is erected, and superior minds and upright characters have to toil and moil at its subsequent demolition, sometimes throughout their lives; and so it is in philosophy, in knowledge that is most general, most important, and most difficult! ...but this is because the investigation of truth does not interest them. On the contrary, what does interest them are their salaries, the guineas they charge, and their tides as privy councillors. It is true that philosophy also interests them in so far as they earn from it their daily bread. They are what Giordano Bruno has already characterized as "sordidi e mercenarii ingegni, che, poco a niente solleciti circa la veritdf si contentano safier, secondo che comunmente e stimato il sapere y amici poco di vera sapienza y bramosi di fama e nputazion di quella, vaghi d'afiparire, poco curiosi d'essere", translated as: Sordid and mercenary fellows who pay little or no heed to truth; they are content with knowledge that is ordinarily regarded as such and have little love for genuine wisdom. They crave for the reputation and prestige that are furnished by wisdom; they desire to appear something and are little concerned at being something. ----- The whole text is on the internet and it explains very well the conflict between a genuine quest for the truth and the business-like pursuit of prosperity popular in academia. You'll find a way to find the full text if that speaks to you.