[Zak14] Adaptive equalization and Successive selfâ€Interference Cancellation (SIC) methods
Rapport Scientifique :
Date de dépot: 2014/05/12,
Nb pages 87,
(Tech. Rep.: CEDRIC-14-4308)
Interference reduction for FBMC/OQAM waveforms is addressed in the context of Widely Linear Filtering (WLF) MMSE estimationâ€based perâ€subchannel equalization, by taking the input correlation matrix pertaining to the kindred coâ€channel interference into account. Furthermore, several adaptive multiâ€tap configurations are developed and evaluated for both frequencyâ€selective and timeâ€variant subchannel transfer functions, in particular considering the sparseness of the overall channel impulse response and devoting special attention to the PMR environment in the interference free scenarios. In addition to the channel estimation methods reported in D3.1, this deliverable elaborates a specific form of channel estimation that relies on direct utilization of a pair of (realâ€valued) pilots, as an alternative to using auxiliary pilots for controlling the intrinsic interference. Based on the realâ€domain FBMC/OQAM orthogonality conditions, a realâ€domain successive interference cancellation (SIC) framework is proposed and an attempt is bmade to take advantage of the redundant information contained in the received signal quadrature. Furthermore, due to the fact that the received noise samples at T/2 separation are correlated in the complex domain, the blockâ€wise processing nature of the SIC approach is used to perform a suitable noise prediction and cancellation. This deliverable also contains progress in carrier synchronization incorporated within the FCâ€FB framework, thus supplementing the symbol synchronization and “per subâ€bin†oneâ€tap equalization considered and reported within the deliverable D3.1