[Td18a] Relevant Filtering in a Distributed Content-based Publish/Subscribe System
Chapitres de Livre :
Titre du livre: "
NoSQL Data Models - Trends and Challenges",
July 2018,
John Wiley & Sons,
pp. 193--226,
isbn: 978-1-78630-364-6)
Mots clés: Pub/Sub, NoSQL, TDV, Streaming
This chapter focuses on the way to enhance relevance of filtering and to integrate such a process in two different implementations: a centric-based version and a distributed version in a NoSQL environment. Our contributions in this paper are:
– definitions for novelty and diversity in this particular context, along with a pro- posal for a weighting score (Term Discrimination Values - TDV) adapted to the characteristics of items and subscriptions;
– an efficient filtering algorithm for real-time Pub/Sub systems based on novelty and diversity which exploits redundancy between subscriptions’ history. Two optimized implementations are proposed in centralized and distributed contexts;
– a validation which highlights the complementarity of novelty and diversity both in centralized and NoSQL environments;
– enhancement of TDV [WIL 85] computation by proposing incremental versions in a distributed environment.