
[Sap16] Predictive versus Generative Modelling: a Challenge for (Social) Sciences

Conférences invitées : DSSR, February 2016, pp.xx, Naples, Italie,

Auteurs: G. Saporta

Mots clés: black-box models, data science, inference, machine learning

Résumé: Classical inference corresponds to the role of statistics as an auxiliary of sciences. However in most sciences, a good model should also provides accurate predictions, which becomes the sole criterium in decision sciences like pattern recognition, customer behaviour, etc. The most efficient predictive models are rather black-box algorithms like random forests or deep learning. The use of black-box models fitted for massive data is probably the main challenge for social sciences due to their lack of interpretability. Getting better predictions, thanks to a better understanding of the real world, needs to combine statistics and machine learning with causal inference.

Commentaires: Data Science & Social Research Conference University of Napoli Federico II , February 17-19, 2016


@inproceedings {
title="{Predictive versus Generative Modelling: a Challenge for (Social) Sciences}",
author=" G. Saporta ",
address="Naples, Italie",
note="{Data Science & Social Research Conference University of Napoli Federico II , February 17-19, 2016}",