
[SDC12] Optimal SIMO MLSE Receivers for the detection of linear modulation corrupted by noncircular inrerferences

Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), August 2012, pp.1-4, Ann Arbor , USA,

Mots clés: Single input multiple output, Maximum likelihood sequence estimation, Noncircular interference

Résumé: This paper derives the optimal single input multiple output (SIMO) maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) receiver for the detection of quadrature amplitude modula- tions corrupted by potentially noncircular, stationary white or colored zero-mean Gaussian noise. It is proved that this re- ceiver is composed by a widely linear (WL) filter followed by a modified version of the Viterbi algorithm. This WL lin- ear filter is interpreted for complex-valued signal of interest (SOI) symbols as two WL multidimensional matched filter (WL MMF) that reduce to a single WL MMF for real-valued SOI symbols. The performance’s improvements of this re- ceiver with respect to the standard SIMO MLSE are proved and illustrated



@inproceedings {
title="{Optimal SIMO MLSE Receivers for the detection of linear modulation corrupted by noncircular inrerferences}",
author=" S. Sallem and J. Delmas and P. Chevalier ",
booktitle="{IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP)}",
address="Ann Arbor , USA",