[SDC12] Optimal SIMO MLSE Receivers for the detection of linear modulation corrupted by noncircular inrerferences
Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture :
IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP),
August 2012,
Ann Arbor ,
Mots clés: Single input multiple output, Maximum likelihood sequence estimation, Noncircular interference
This paper derives the optimal single input multiple output
(SIMO) maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE)
receiver for the detection of quadrature amplitude modula-
tions corrupted by potentially noncircular, stationary white or
colored zero-mean Gaussian noise. It is proved that this re-
ceiver is composed by a widely linear (WL) filter followed
by a modified version of the Viterbi algorithm. This WL lin-
ear filter is interpreted for complex-valued signal of interest
(SOI) symbols as two WL multidimensional matched filter
(WL MMF) that reduce to a single WL MMF for real-valued
SOI symbols. The performance’s improvements of this re-
ceiver with respect to the standard SIMO MLSE are proved
and illustrated