[PP06a] Distributed colored Petri net model-checking with Cyclades
Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture :
PDMC'06 Proceedings Parallel and Distributed Methods in verifiCation,
January 2006,
Series LNCS,
The major bottleneck of explicit model-checking tools is the limited amount of available memory.Distributed model-checking is an approach to tackle the combinatorial explosion problem. It consists in taking advantage of the aggregate of memory provided by a network of workstations to increase the amount of memory available for model-checking.
Helena is the model-checker of the Quasar tool suite for concurrent software verification. It is a high-level colored Petri net explicit sequential model-checker that implements several state-space reduction and efficient state representation mechanisms. Helena is currently able to verify safety properties. In this paper we present Cyclades, a distributed version of Helena, that remains compatible with these reduction techniques. Several distribution mechanisms and some preliminary results are also provided.