
[NYa07] Adaptive Narration in Multiplayer Ubiquitous Games

Revue Internationale avec comité de lecture : Journal International Journal Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, vol. 3(2), pp. 61-83, 2007
Résumé: One of the goals of mixed reality and ubiquitous computing technologies is to provide an adaptable and personal content at any time and in any context. As a consequence user-centered design of the corresponding applications is required. The goal of this research is to develop new gameplays in MUG (Multiplayer Ubiquitous Game). We aim to formalize a narrative mechanism to generate events which can stimulate the user's physical actions with the real world, and social communications with other players. In this paper we present a pattern to describe and identify the relationship between the real world and the virtual world. Based on this analysis, a narration adaptive to the user's profile is proposed. The last part of the paper is devoted to an experimental game developed through of the preceding principles.

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@article {
title="{Adaptive Narration in Multiplayer Ubiquitous Games}",
author="S. Natkin and C. Yan",
journal="International Journal Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence",