
[NATb03] Computer games: A Paradigm for the of new Media and Arts in the XXI century

Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : Proceedings of the int Conference on Media Hystory and Civilisation , Game On, January 2003,

Auteurs: S. Natkin

Résumé: To try to foresee the XXI century media evolution, we consider one of the most mature fields, of the interactive media domain: the computer game industry. We first make a short presentation of the current practices in game design mainly focussed on one player games. From our point of view, the game community has defined a new genre of audio visual contents. In the second section we analyze Massively Multiplayer On Line Games and the evolution to persuasive (pro active) games. This will open numerous windows on the media evolution leading both to naïve dreams or psychotic nightmares. In the third section we present a post graduate training on computer games which relies on the principles of cinema high schools. Another question is opened by the conclusion: Is there any chance that computer games and more generally interactive media will lead to a new form of artistic creation?

Commentaires: Yonsei University, Seoul, Corée, Septembre 2003,Game On, Londres, Octobre 2003


@inproceedings {
title="{Computer games: A Paradigm for the of new Media and Arts in the XXI century}",
author=" S. Natkin ",
booktitle="{Proceedings of the int Conference on Media Hystory and Civilisation , Game On}",
note="{Yonsei University, Seoul, Corée, Septembre 2003,Game On, Londres, Octobre 2003}",