
[NAK03a] Problems in Designing Huge Datawarehouse and Datamarts

Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : DSS AMCIS 2003 , Tampa, Floride, USA, 02-07 août 2003, January 2003,

Auteurs: D. Nakache

Résumé: This paper reports on a Datawarehouse application. The French national health department has to face numerous problems: financial, medical, social, accounting, public health and political. Thus, an efficient tool is needed for managing the decision support information system. In this context we have proposed the ERASME / SNIIR-AM Datawarehouse project. To the best of our knowledge, it has been considered as the largest Datawarehouse in the world. The main challenge we had to solve were due to huge volumes. We have chosen to solve it by an ad hoc methodology mainly based on datamart design


@inproceedings {
title="{Problems in Designing Huge Datawarehouse and Datamarts}",
author=" D. Nakache ",
booktitle="{DSS AMCIS 2003 , Tampa, Floride, USA, 02-07 août 2003}",