
[MLR18] Impact of selective channels on post-OFDM waveforms for 5G Machine Type Communications

Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : IEEE ISWCS 2018, August 2018, pp.1-5, Portugal,
Résumé: This paper proposes a thorough comparison of post-OFDM waveforms with both time and frequency selective channels. The waveforms which are considered are CP-OFDM, f-OFDM, WOLA, WOLA-COQAM, FBMC-OQAM, UF-OFDM, Wavelet-OFDM, FFT-FBMC and BF-OFDM. All these wave- forms are potential candidates to support critical machine type communications (C-MTC) typically between devices. Based on real propagation channels, it first appears that UF-OFDM is more sensitive to delay spread compared to the others waveforms which have all similar performance. For large velocities, WOLA- COQAM, FFT-FBMC and BF-OFDM experience error floors much larger than the other waveforms.


@inproceedings {
title="{Impact of selective channels on post-OFDM waveforms for 5G Machine Type Communications}",
author=" Y. Medjahdi and Y. Loüet and D. Roviras and S. Traverso and R. GERZAGUET and H. Shaiek and R. Zayani and d. demmer and R. Zakaria and J. Doré and m. Ben Mabrouk and D. le Ruyet ",
booktitle="{IEEE ISWCS 2018}",
address=" Portugal",