
[KLD09] Experimenting with Sound Immersion in an Arts and Crafts Museum

Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : ICEC 09, 8th Int. Conf. on Entertainment Computing,Paris-France, September 2009, pp.173-178, Series LNCS 5709,

Mots clés: museum, museum visit, acoustics, interaction

Résumé: Technical museums are goods targets for experimenting with sound immersion and soundscape authoring. This paper presents an immersive sound system emitting audio content. Experimentations were conducted with a wired, proof-of-concept prototype and two wireless devices. Our system takes into consideration the position of museum visitors as well as their orientation and visual vector. In contrast with other approaches, tracking and rendering are executed locally, in real-time by the visitorÂ’s device.

Equipe: mim


@inproceedings {
title="{Experimenting with Sound Immersion in an Arts and Crafts Museum}",
author=" F. Kaghat and C. le Prado and A. Damala and P. Cubaud ",
booktitle="{ICEC 09, 8th Int. Conf. on Entertainment Computing,Paris-France}",
series="LNCS 5709",