
[HDT13] An Intelligent PubSub Filtering System

Atelier, Poster ou Démonstration dans une Conférence Nationale : BDA'13, Base de données Avancées, October 2013, pp.1-5, Nantes, France,

Mots clés: Pub/Sub, Indexing subscriptions, RSS, Diversity & Novelty

Résumé: Content syndication has become a popular mean for timely delivery of frequently updated information on the Web. It essentially enhances traditional pull-oriented searching and browsing of web pages with push-oriented protocols. In such paradigm, publishers deliver brief information summaries on the Web, called news items, while information consumers subscribe to a number of feeds seen as information channels and get informed about the addition of recent items. However, many Web syndication applications imply a tight coupling between feed producers with consumers, and they do not help users nding news items with interesting content. This demonstration shows a prototype which integrates the whole process of this fi ltering steps on numerous RSS feeds in memory, based on keyword-based subscriptions. Our system proposes to notify items related to a set of keywords either by broad-match semantic, partial matching and a diversity/novelty filtering. In this demonstration we discuss how our system integrates the three paradigms through dedicated indexes and a window-based structure for diversity/novelty filtering. We will demonstrate the management of noti fications and global information on our system.

Equipe: isid , vertigo


@inproceedings {
title="{An Intelligent PubSub Filtering System}",
author=" Z. Hmedeh and C. du Mouza and N. Travers ",
booktitle="{BDA'13, Base de données Avancées}",
address="Nantes, France",