[GDD17] Block-Filtered OFDM: A new Promising Waveform for Multi-service Scenarios
Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture :
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017),
May 2017,
5G will have to cope with a high degree of heterogeneity
in terms of services and requirements. Among these latter,
flexible and efficient use of all available non-contiguous spectrums
for different network deployment scenarios is one challenge for
the future 5G. To maximize spectrum efficiency, the 5G air
interface technology will also need to be flexible and capable
of mapping various services to the best suitable combinations of
frequency and radio resources. Such requirements are not satisfied
by legacy CP-OFDM and alternative multicarrier waveforms
such as UFMC and FBMC partially meet them. In this article, we
introduce a new quasi-orthogonal waveform called Block-Filtered
OFDM (BF-OFDM) that combines most of the advantages of
the aforementioned waveforms at the price of slight complexity
increase. Spectral localization and performance in multi-user
scenario will be enhanced w.r.t OFDM and simple equalization
as well as all classical MIMO schemes can be straightforwardly
considered. The proposed waveform offers the same performance
in presence of multipath channel as CP-OFDM and is also
scalable which paves the way for future multi-service scenarios.