[FRT16] A Digital Score Library Based on MEI
Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture :
(MEC'16) Music Encoding Conference,
May 2016,
Mots clés: Digital Score Library, MusicXML, MEI, Score Model
We maintain a Digital Score Library (DSL in the following) that publishes rare corpora of music. It proposes several representative functionalities expected from such a system: navigation through collections, search (including by content), RESTful services. It also publishes various representations of the score, intended in particular as a support for analytic tasks. Since its first deployment in 2010, the DSL was based on MusicXML encoding. We recently decided to use MEI as our score representation model, and adapted the whole system functionalities to this new setting. The result is one of the first fully MEI-enabled Digital Library. It constitutes an achievement, which, we believe, is of interest to the MEI community.
We introduce the current design, briefly describe some important functionalities, and discuss new pe- spectives brought by adopting MEI. A demonstration can be proposed to the MEC attendees in order to favor discussions around practical examples.