
[EL14] Recent advances in solving some optimization problems in graphs by quadratic programming

Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture : Ninth International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization. GO IX, July 2014, pp.1, Italy,
Résumé: We review Quadratic Convex Reformulation (QCR) for quadratic pro- grams with general integer variables. This solution 2-phase approach consist in first reformulating the quadratic program into an equivalent other problem having a convex ob jective function. The second phase relies on MIP solvers that solve the reformulated problem by standard branch-and-b ound. Then, we consider some graph partitioning problems that can be formulated as quadratic programs with binary variables. We show many enhancements of the standard QCR method that efficiently solve graph partitioning problems

Equipe: oc


@inproceedings {
title="{ Recent advances in solving some optimization problems in graphs by quadratic programming}",
author=" S. Elloumi and A. Lambert ",
booktitle="{Ninth International Colloquium on Graphs and Optimization. GO IX}",
address=" Italy",