[DGJ18] Different approaches for the texture classication of a remote sensing image bank
Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture :
Ninth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing,
April 2018,
Vol. 10615(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10615 1061530-1),
Series Series proceedings for ISI2017,
doi: 10.1117/12.2302497)
Mots clés: Expert system, Prolog, Neural network, natural textures
In this paper, we summarize and compare two dierent approaches used by the authors, to classify dierent
natural textures. The rst approach, which is simple and inexpensive in computing time, uses a data bank
image and an expert system able to classify dierent textures from a number of rules established by discipline specialists. The second method uses the same database and a neural networks approach.