
[CJP06] An acyclic days-off scheduling problem

Revue Internationale avec comité de lecture : Journal 4'OR, A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, vol. 4(1), pp. 73-85, 2006
Résumé: This paper studies the days off allocation problem when the demand for staffing fluctuates from day to another and when the number of worked days is fixed in advance for each employee. The scheduling problem is then to allocate rests to employees with different days off policies: (1) two or three consecutive days off for each employee per week and (2) at least three consecutive days off for each employee per month. For each one, we propose a polynomial time algorithm to construct a solution if it exists.

Commentaires: (version preliminaire presentee a ECCO'04, Combinatorial Optimization, Beirut, Liban, 24-26 juin 2004)


@article {
title="{An acyclic days-off scheduling problem}",
author="M.-C. Costa and F. Jarray and C. Picouleau",
journal="4'OR, A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research",
note="{ (version preliminaire presentee a ECCO'04, Combinatorial Optimization, Beirut, Liban, 24-26 juin 2004) }",