[CAS00] Overviews of Models Defined with Charts of Concepts
Conférence Internationale avec comité de lecture :
IFIP TC8/WG 8.1, "ISCO4", Leiden, Hollande,
January 2000,
Models of analysis and design methods get more and more complex which makes it necessary to create overviews of these models both defined by selections of concepts and macro views of models. It is not easy to create overviews of models defined by texts and ER or OO metamodels. Hence, we propose to define models with charts of concepts which are directed graphs where nodes represent the concepts involved in a model, and arcs illustrate dependencies between definitions of its concepts. As charts of concepts are directed graphs, they easily permit when selecting concepts to see the concepts that must be selected with the chosen concepts and those that are not selected. A macro view of a model is a directed graph where nodes represent charts of concepts, and arcs illustrate macro dependencies between these charts. So, charts of concepts allow defining overviews of concepts of models both defined by selections of concepts and macro views of these models. We present charts of concepts of an overview of the UML.
actes publiés en 2000 par Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 235-256 des actes