
[Bou13] Fixed Target Localization Using Time Reversal Acoustics in a Medium containing sound‐hard obstacles

Rapport Scientifique : Date de dépot: 2013/01/08, (Tech. Rep.: CEDRIC-13-3388)
Résumé: Time Reversal experiment is based on the principle of time symmetry of wave propagation in a media. Using receivers located on the structure, we are able to record its state of vibration. If all the signals recorded by the receivers are reversed in time and re-transmitted from the position where they have been recorded, the resulting vibration will converge back to the target point where it was initially emitted. In the basic approach, localization is observed both in time and space. However, our main propose here a simplified pinpoint process based on spatial localization only.


@techreport {
title="{Fixed Target Localization Using Time Reversal Acoustics in a Medium containing sound‐hard obstacles}",
author="B. Bou-Fakhreddine",
institution="{CEDRIC laboratory, CNAM-Paris, France}",